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growing regretts got any?

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Worse thing about growing?...is the Clark Kent Syndrome. You can't tell anybody...anything...:smoke:


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i regret not using coco/canna from the get go.
was under the impression rockwool & triflex were gonna be the way... HAHAHA!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I did it my way.......

I did it my way.......

Regrets, Ive had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.......

Rollin Face

The only growing regrets I have is how limiting it puts friends, and basically any social life...then i remember i dont give a shit about friends, and somehow its all worth it, oh yeah cant bring girls home either, with out them asking what the orange light is in the computer room, lol.


no wuckin furries!
not ripping my dream grow when i was told "im gona dob ya into the cops" knock knock knock....BUSTED!!!!....yup dream grow with the most ive ever grown( LOTS..gulp!)...half males to make seeds to give away for the freebie scene..just lucky the judge belived my ass it wasnt for sale...and well im still here...HH. =]-~
The only time i feel regret ,is when i get really really really high,too high actually.And go in my grow room ,and think WTF am i doing .Thoughts of the neighbors,of smells,of making too much noise.

Then i snap down a notch into reality ,and realize i was just tooOo high.And that this hobby makes me happier than anything i can think of,..ive got the fever and the only prescription is more growing..

Dude, this same shit happens to me! After I smoke a few keif laden bowls I start to think about the endless ways of getting caught... and then an hour or so later I realize I was just being high and take more clones


cant stop wont stop
not growing Herijuana.

ohhh and one time had a 1000watt MH explode and melt my carpet.. not really much of a regrett but it still pisses me the hell off


Active member
My growing regret is that i was too lazy this year to cover my greenhouse from the streetlights which caused everything to flower a month longer.

So everything after november 10th , is winterweed , thus potency was less and there was more trimming to do

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
paying for all them hotel bills so id have a place to take a lady to dance the horizantal shuffle....


Registered Med User
Bein sketchy bout the internet for hella years, so it took me a minute to find this site. Also I regret switching back from coco to dirt after the first coco run(witch was a success...) because I was lazy, but Im back ta coco again! Regret waiting 4 years before getting my girl to get a script for her medicine. Regret not knowing the laws when I got busted in 05, they dropped everything and I only spent a night in custody but now I know I coulda been re-imbursed, and with I know now they probably wouldnt of tooken me in the first place.
1. Not starting sooner! :canabis:

2. Being lax on odor control. :yoinks:

3. Not saving the viable seeds out of all the great bud I smoked in the late 70's-early 80's. :bashhead:


I'll occasionally make brownies with the popcorn bud & trim and then vacuum seal and freeze them....wish I had made a LOT more as they were quite popular...

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