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growing question


New member
I want to try and grow my own, however I wanted to know if there's a plant that is good for a first time grower. Also are there any plants that I can just grow with direct sunlight from a window, without having to use special lights.

Thanks, :wave:


Northern Lights is a great beginner strain..You can also go with femaleseeds for it as well..They carry (4) packs, this way you can spend the 25$ and try them out..Bagseed is how I started and got the feel for the hobby..Bagseed is very unpredictable..you could grow some beautiful buds from them..Also, no money wasted while getting the feel for growing..As far as windowsill grows, when I first started out I would get alot of leggy seedlings that eventually fell over as they would stretch for more light and I was constantly rotating the pots..I mean you could try it..Never hurts to experiment but if you're not into buying the larger systems you could always purchase CFL's (Compact fluorescent lighting ) (available at lowe's,Homedepot,etc etc) and maybe do a micro grow while you are learning then once you get the hang of things you'll invest in a mh or hps..It gets addicting..Just my :2cents:

PS-You will find a few threads here that individuals produced amazing buds using CFL's..

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Active member
beatnik said:
Also are there any plants that I can just grow with direct sunlight from a window, without having to use special lights.

Thanks, :wave:
You can use sunlight but you will find adding florescent bulbs to this will do better. Especially on cloudy days and making the day longer so plants don't flower yet. You will have to turn the pots occasionally so both sides of the plant recieves equal light.

sunlight + hps = kickass
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I think you may not be asking all the neccessary questions.

You in essence asked?
Can this be done? Yes but MJ will grow under a lot worse conditions too.

I think you should also ask:
Will this result in bud that is even close to the buds potential? No since you are not giving the plant the optimal amount of what it needs.

But I am not saying don't do it, but you should understand what you will get with a successful grow. It also should be factored into a risk/reward analysis with the risk obviously being what happens is LEO finds your plant.

my .02


New member
Thanks for the feedback guys, I have two very good windows that get great sunlight. One however it full of Greek Oregano. The other faces my the back of my building(would be out of LEO's view).



try lowryder, they're very tolerant to growing in tough conditions, i chose them for my first grow and they're coming along very nicely.


Lifesaver was the easiest plant I ever grew And with fluorescent 150 compact cool lights and reflectors you can supplement the sunlight. The are at any hardware store like home depot or lowes. They are only 10 bucks and produce 2600 lumens my bro is using 15 of them on a board screwed into light fixtures and can raise and lower them to get inside his plants It's very small scale but they do 13 plants that knock my socks off every 2 months.
They tried lifesaver from seed and they look spectacular better than the clone I gave them....very easy to grow I rate it a 10 in ease and in cuttings taking easily and lifesaver dose not require a lot of light to make decent buds either.
You can get tek5 lighting(just came out) I have a 4' toob (56$) of red spectrum and It puts off 5000 lumens and they have them in red or blue for flowering and for veg. I would suggest bagseed for reasons stated above for you're very first... you will learn so much the next time you can use some real goodness =) You can get a metal reflectors (6$) for those 150 watt cool toobs that clamp on to things and the cool thing is the lights are energy star compliant and use only 48 watts. They are good for starting seeds or clones in small box's with mylar(reflective plastic) 98% reflective. White also works with 98% I have polly shield to protect my heat signatures and it's 98% as well.
Planes can see my 1000 watt bulb without it and the DEA could have probable cause to take a signature of my hps ballast radiation and try to bust me ... too bad I am legal!!!!!! =) =)=) but I don't want some agents up in my room so I protect with Polly shield. Was 200 bucks but worth every cent, It also adds a great vapor barrier and reflects the heat back into the room.

But there are so many different ways to grow it's almost too much for a beginner to work out witch way to go.
Just remember marijuana is a weed that grows in a ditch =)

Wish you luck!

Pure Skill

First Lifesaver grow
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