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Growing Paranoia vs reality



Good luck SY. I grew TN for years. The paranoia is real. Even if you follow all the great advice you've been given. I still found myself peeping thru the blinds, and turning around if I saw a cop turn on to my street, all that. But that's me, Im paranoid. It pisses my partner off(business partner).
Once a transformer in our front yard, my wife freaked and almost made me chop everything. They're were 3 cop cars in our driveway for two hours.

that smell

I agree flower farmer, they can get you many different ways. I just have visions of lazy cops getting tips from camera set up to catch tag numbers and then running those against previous arrests, all the sudden you have a knock and talk or they do check out your place for a bit for "activity". I also think that if they are to the point of pulling credit card info or talking with delivery drivers then the gig is up anyway, its just another nail in your coffin

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
NORML Tennessee page


As for whether they would take your house? If forfeiture is a big worry to you then don't have anything worth anything in your name. If you own a nice SUV in the clear, then sell it and lease another. If your house is almost paid off then take out a big second mortgage and hide the money for if you need a lawyer. Cops want your stuff but they don't want to make payments on it.

Some grow shops do a good job of stealth shipping in plain unsuspicious boxes without having "Hydroponics" in big letters on the return label. Better Grow Hydro is good about this. But then you order something and your favorite stealthy shop has it drop shipped from the supplier who uses a big box labeled Sunlight Supply or some such.

If you're going to use your old room mate's name for seeds then mail a test letter to your home first to see if it'll still go through. Though your own name is the most ordinary unsuspicious delivery.

And where will you grow? If it's in an out building then you can have visitors in your home without sweating bullets. But then your neighbors will wonder why you're always going out to the out building at odd hours. Hopefully you have a basement. Having a grow and having friends and family over to visit in your home aren't that compatible.

Take up container gardening as a hobby and grow stuff outside using the same supplies you'll use for your grow. If you grow in your house then get an aquarium or two that will live close to where your hydroponics and ventilation fan noise is the loudest. Get air pumps and power heads for the aquariums that make a lot of humming motor and gurgly water noises to provide cover for your grow. This will also help explain why you have pumps and tubing and big plastic containers.


Well-known member
I agree flower farmer, they can get you many different ways. I just have visions of lazy cops getting tips from camera set up to catch tag numbers and then running those against previous arrests, all the sudden you have a knock and talk or they do check out your place for a bit for "activity". I also think that if they are to the point of pulling credit card info or talking with delivery drivers then the gig is up anyway, its just another nail in your coffin


One always has to assume that the local shop is being watched.. at least occasionally...even if just to isolate those idiots that are blatantly obvious and easy pickins'

Regardless of how one acquires supplies it is imperative that you don't give them their "confirmation" as all methods can potentially put you under the microscope.. (things like odor leaks, dirty trash, etc..things that seal the deal).

Of course I do know of a local guy whom claims he was busted due to visiting a hydro shop... pigs claimed they found seeds, sticks and stems in his trash and that he sold to an undercover.. he claims that is absolutely false and impossible. Guy was also a self employed landscaper so you'd think he'd be the least likely to get picked out of a bunch of grow store shoppers.

Who knows.. really depends on the local and how much they try to go after growers vs. just busting the ones that land in their lap. Unfortunately with the current financial state of our governments.. they know where the easy money is at and they want it.

Stay safe yall...if ya keep it simple there is very little stuff you need from a hydro shop anyways.

I havnt fucked with seeds since pre-911 and was one of the 1st recipients that got a yellow customs sticker and no seeds.. my very 1st order. Paid with a money order.. used a fictitious name to my own address.. Nothing ever comes of it.. They just throw your couple 10pks away. Shipping practices have changed greatly for the better.


New member
thanks a lot everyone!

From all your posts and all I've read on forums I take that people just ship to their house in their real name and address and some just use their real name but friend's/relative address. I guess it is a tie for these 2 methods.

I think I have an idea of how I will do it.
Will set up a new ebay and amazon account in my old roommate's name with a prepaid card and just have things shipped to MY name and address when it is UPS (amazon) and his name when it is USPS (ebay). USPS still delivers the occasional letter in his name, but the UPS guys would wonder and probably ask me if I had a roommate or whatnot. And will be just growing a couple of plants so I can have an indica and sativa strain.

Wish me luck.. and thanks again

by the way, I don't have the "edit" button on my posts. Do I need a certain number of posts in order to edit?


I think you're going to be OK. Like someone said above, it's smell, tell, or sell, that's where you get screwed.

Watch that policing for profit/TN series, that's need to know.

Post a diary when you get set up!


New member
dude..just watched the policing for profit.. these are scumbags... and to think that many of those seizures of cash could have been prevented by stating you don't consent to searches it just kills me. The only thing though is that these cops are corrupt and like cooper says they could bring a dog out if you refuse to a search and they can make the dog signal and then they still will search your vehicle. The good thing though is that you can use that in court, that you did not consent and that the search was illegal because you didn't really have drugs that would have set the dog. This is a screwed up system we live in.
Wanted to share this though. I was pulled over after meeting a guy for a craigslist deal. I always carry my handgun with me for local deals and have a permit. I was pulled over because I forgot my plate was expired for just over a month. I showed the officer the license and permit and immediately stated I had a handgun on me and wanted him to know. He said it was fine , to wait a minute. I didn't even have my insurance card with me, but it was up to date so he could verify that. He came back 3 minutes later and told me he was not going to give me a ticket because he liked that I told him I had a gun and worried about him knowing right away. He stated he was pro carrying for civilians and that it was my right. He said I didn't "have" to tell him, that the law in TN didn't require it, but he was happy I did. I was happy I didn't get a ticket or tased like you see on hundreds of vids on youtube.. lol... so anyways, some cops are not scum. Those interdiction officer most definitely!


dude..just watched the policing for profit.. these are scumbags... and to think that many of those seizures of cash could have been prevented by stating you don't consent to searches it just kills me.

Right. I just thought that was need to know, like if you're thinking that because you're a decent person with only a few plants they're going to go easy on you. They're not out to go easy on you, by no means. They're out to take as much of your shit as possible, like that smell said. Busters keepers losers weepers, they give no fucks.

You may not be able to do anything about the really shady shit like with the dog. But you know, forearmed is forewarned. At least you have a good idea what game is being played and how you can lose. And you can fight your way down the road if you don't consent, like you said.

About the cop and the gun thing, he happened to personally be on the same side as you on that position. If you were black, or had a political sticker that he didn't like on your car, or some other thing he was personally against, that whole thing would've slanted in the other direction. Just saying. Don't get confused.

<3 Tesla


Active member
Don't over complicate this. Rule #1. NO exceptions, no but, but. But nothing. Let DoT's paranoia about that crazy seed women be a lesson. The world is full of idiots.

Use USPS for one small seed delivery. You'll be fine. You have history with delivery of packages? Cool. Your favor. Order your other grow supplies online. Sometimes you can request unmarked packages if you want. Vendors know what's up and they want repeat business. You are using our head, that's more than some right there.

I think you'll be fine, but observe Rule #1. Tell No ONE! Ever. NO Exceptions. About anything about it. I can't stress that enough. There's a reason THAT'S rule #1.


Active member
Yep, Rule #1 is the rule!
My own brother doesn't even know I grow. Why?... Because he would probably tell his best friend. He can trust his best friend, right? Then my brothers bests friend would probably tell his brother. His brother is a meth-head. So I figure I am a few words away from a meth-head and all his tweeker friends from knowing about my grow... Hell No! You gain nothing by telling people about what you do.

Fly by Night

Like a Wing
Have the seeds sent to your parents house.



A wee follow up:

I was talking on the phone to the lady who ran her mouth in public without giving it a second thought. (I didn't mention my response to that incident, but I basically said as loud as she did that I would never do something like that, it's just too risky. Then I emphasized all the risks and why I wouldn't take them.)

So we're talking on the phone yesterday, not even about weed. For no apparent reason she starts telling me about the grower that she buys from. (And let me tell you, that is some fucking FIRE, wish I knew what strain it was.)

I stopped her short -- hey, do you realize that they no longer need to even pretend to have a warrant to tap phone calls? Under NDAA they can listen to every phone call and read every email with no probable cause at all?

She said "Yeah, they've been telling us that since the 70s, that they're spying on us all. I don't care, I have nothing to hide. Let them come over."

Incidentally, her logic in saying no to helping me get seeds was "I won't grow until it's legal to do so, it's just too risky."

The part that probably seems obvious to you and me is that SHE has nothing to hide, but the GROWER's life will go straight down the toilet. Even though the grower is someone she thinks of as family, that she's known and loved for decades, someone who probably believes they can trust her implicitly because she truly does love them to pieces, somehow she can't connect the dots.

If her running her mouth got that grower busted, she would be devastated, as she should be. That person has done nothing but hook her the fuck up. And this is the thanks they will get. Not out of meanness, not the 'get out of jail free' card, just duh fucking hey.

Moral of the story: Don't fucking tell anybody if you can avoid it.

that smell

tesla, some people may be great people but dumb as dirt and it would probably devistate her as she was sitting in her cozy home. People dont get that the cops have no problem breaking the law to catch a "criminal", and when job security and money is involved they will work their asses off to get that little grower. Loose lips sinks ships has never been more true.


Scholastic Warrior
Agreed on the not over worrying part and keeping it simple. Get seeds from a reputable place and you won't even realize which envelope or package it is till you open it when you get your mail. Same with the equipment, not something I've ever really worried about when done from a good place and has never hurt me or anyone I know. No clue about hydro shops, but I will say I stay away from them. Their prices will always be beat online and who's to say something fishy may never go down there? Maybe people that frequent the store talk to much or a cocky store manager does other things.

The largest rule anyone can tell is you to never tell a soul. Not even someone you'd trust with your life. It's no insult to them but that's the worst thing anyone can do, and why give anyone leverage over yourself or your life? If no one knows and you offer no odd behavior or anything out of the ordinary you'll find a secureness and minimal paranoid feelings.

Disposing of shady trash and/or plant remains must always be done with the upmost care. Never in your own cans, never with anything that ties it to you, I enjoy burning old plant stalks in the fireplace. The same notations of care should be made when transporting or unloading anything, anywhere, anytime.

And finally smell, if you can smell it in your house, so can anyone else that pops by. Everyone that has told you to make that a strong point is correct. Because in reality, if you appear are normal, don't engage in shady/illegal activities, out of site, out of mind, ya know?

I've grown in so many places throughout my time, including not so good choices like apartments. But I can tell you giving no clues raises no questions. I've walked into an apartment with all kinds of equipment and supplies in sports bags with other sporting equipment and given friendly hello's to all my neighbors as I drag the shit. Perception can easily become reality. Common sense will never be replaced by a stronger ideal when it comes to all this.

Stay safe, grow on, and welcome.


Active member
I don't plan on growing indoors anymore, hard to use plausible denialbility when the plants are in the house. I grow all sorts of veggies and fruits so ordering ferts on a debit card is no big deal, ordered seeds on the card too and no biggie there either.

Outdooors is safest if you have a good location, no power bill and you can deny that you had anything to do with them.

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