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Growing MJ as a houseplant?


Anyone ever grow one as a houseplant, say in low to moderate lighting like you would a common houseplant?

And since I'd be using only natural sunlight, I can't control the lights on/off thing.. but at night with the room lighting on, that
should prevent it from flowering?

This is just for kicks. I'd like to keep it as a mom and just let it grow out.. :dance013:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I wouldn't expect results worth having. Worse, your personal safety is now at risk. People get killed over this. Killed as in dead, muerte, food for worms, sleep with the fishes dead.

First rule of fight club is, you don't talk about fight club. Growing openly (with or without a card) is advertising with a neon sign and bullhorn.


New member
flowering would eventually happen. the sun light is so much stronger than house lights the plant would still tell a difference. i've seen it with other plants that follow the same flowering rules as MJ.
however if you where to rig a florescent grow light close to it you could keep enough light on it to keep it a mother plant indefinitely.

if you want to keep it secrete you could put up white plastic on your window.


Active member
no offense, but this seems like an incredibly stupid idea for more than one reason...


A friend of mine has grown MJ like house plants, always a small plant in a small pot on the window sill. The ones I've seen didnt really yield much, maybe an 1/8 if even that.


If you're a hermit, shut-in, complete stoner curmudgeon who lives far away from civilization or the threat of discovery/intrusion...it might be kinda neat, I think. Hey, folks in some parts of the world grow it on their back patio...if that's not advertising, I don't know what is.

I think you have to put the basic golden rules before your pursuits. The only drawback with this venture would be that you would have the same risk as if you were growing for a large yield, but have limited potential for a good harvest in such conditions.

But, who wouldn't enjoy looking over in the corner at a nice looking plant. Maybe you should look into an Autoflowering plant for something like this. If you even kept it under a fluorescent light in


Active member
ICMag Donor
Some of us live in what many would consider the sticks. And many folks just don't have visitors unless they want them. I know folks who have moms growing right in the living room.
Buddy of mine had a very nice colombian sativa that was kept in his living room as a house plant for right up to 15 years or so. Hard telling how many cuts have been taken from her over the years. And no, it never did try to flower out. lol...

He finally got rid of it...and I think it had something to do with one of his kids being killed in an auto accident. But anyway, the thing was just part of his life for that many years right out in front of God and everybody.
It looked more like a huge bonsai than a herb plant, almost like a japanese maple.
I could easily imagine a mom or someone seeing it and thinking it would be a fancy japanese maple hybrid of some sort. Sometimes the obvious aint so obvious.
"Oh, that's nice...where did you get that at?"
Home DePot lady, home dePot.

grow nerd

Sounds like you need some more attention.

But to answer the original question: it can be done but most plants will be very stressed and likely flower in that situation. It will also be very lanky and have a difficult time standing on its own.

If you're gonna do it, pick a very disease / pest resistant, low-light (certain strains do much better under low light; certain strains are so photo-sensitive they'll auto-flower if given "not bright enough" environments) strain.

If you wanna do it right, you'll likely need supplemental lighting.


uehm, i did this :D
but then again i live in holland. So if you live NOT in a place where it is legal to grow for personal use. it isnt very smart.

Your yield will be smaller, but an autoflower is great options if u cant control the light cycle.
Just put it near a window and chose a kind that is very fast seed to harvest. Your plant will need more time to mature/ make buds then normal cuz of the lack of sun intensetie ( atleast this is my expierience.

i would recommand something like lowryder or Green-o-matic, ( cuz of the short amount of time you need to harvest ) Sorry for my bad english!



Had a mom in my living room for 3 years. I never had to worry about getting killed where i live. I would trim her back from time to time. Mine never would go into the budding stage with such low light but stayed alive for 3 years till i planted it outdoors one spring and then she grew up nicely.


FreezerBoy you got my stoned ass all paranoid, what you mean??

Nobody comes here ;( Hehe.. but I make it that way. My only visitor
if any is my so called girlfriend, whom I'm 100% ok with.

BTW, I have a little blue dream here all potted and ready, and she
looks beatiful in the room. There's other plants as well, some palms
and ficus. The blue dreams are so vigourous they look like they'd do
best in shitty conditions.

I'll prob end up just giving up on it anyway


sounds good mmajay, hope mine will last that long too! I'm not worried about getting killed either. I remained perfectly tucked away from all the drama :)

grow nerd

Don't worry Zowie, it's just that FreezerBoy lives in the hood, where he almost lost his life over a bag of Cheeto's.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Actually, I'm in the burbs on the out skirts of the boonies.

As more and more people become more and more open, whether by laziness or med card, home invasions, murders, rapes and robberies of growers has skyrocketed.

Do with that what you will.


I'll step up to the plate.
I've been growing this for about 3 months now...original haze from seedsman. Sit's on the shelf in the kitchen with my basil and African violets and so far I'm good. Not looking to 'grow massive bud' and what not. If she/he flowers....cool. If not, no big deal. This is a HOBBY for me. I don't do it for medication or to make $$$$. I like to toke.....nothing more, nothing less.



St. Elsewhere
My clone flat is under a fluoro on my kitchen counter which is in eye-shot of the front-door.

All it takes is practicing getting in and out your front door quickly, discretely, and without displaying everything you own to the neighborhood.


New member
now i kina wanta see you do it and see if you get killed over it. if you dont have any new posts in a couple of months we will know.


My clone flat is under a fluoro on my kitchen counter which is in eye-shot of the front-door.

All it takes is practicing getting in and out your front door quickly, discretely, and without displaying everything you own to the neighborhood.

thats insane you need to move that asap