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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.

ill attempt to find the infirmary forums. my other plant is doing okay, so ive atleast got one good plant, its only about an inch high, and in about 4 weeks or so. i think it should have shown sex by now, or it might still be in veg, who knows, apparently this isent a true auto flower? :\

anyways, ive drilled a decent sized hole in the back of my box, and have attached a PVC pipe too it, to stop the light, and put a false room in the back, with a hole that has air sucked into the main chamber, right next too the bulb, it seems to have improved my temperature, too around 28-32, i hope this improvment will make my sick baby happy, i might send her into rehab, with my box that has constant 25 deg and one 26 watt veg bulb...

any suggestions? ill post pictures of whats going on with my other plant tomorow sometime possibly, depends how baked i get.

and im looking for a nice pk strain to grow for when i get better, any ideas on what one? or if anyone has any spares?
pondering on just cutting some of these completely yellow leaves, like two fan leaves at most. they arent in the sun anyways, would this be binificial? or should i leave it alone.

ive also ordered a feminized purple haze seed from attitude, anyone tried this strain from attitude before?

cant wait to get it. should be fun to try a normal photoperiad plant.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey christoph!! I have had nothing but great seeds from attitude so whatever you get, will be great...haze strains do take much longer...just so you know..
Can't wait for some more pics buddy..
can you pm me about fans etc?
im actually kinda looking forward to a longer budding period, it should be fun, cause ill get too try some nice coco hydro :) im planning on picking up an air pump from the aquarium store this week, what kind should i get? and i believe i need the biggest air stones...?

the plants are looking good, the first little one now has 5 bud sites after topping her twice. and is looking beautifull. my other gal has a nice thick stem, and some nice upper fan leaves, but apears to have stopped growth, im rather concerned. her bottom leaves have all died off, but they were as big as my palm at one point!

tips/suggestions for rep :)



Got any pics? But with just the little info I have to go on, I would say they are HUNGRY.

Your primary concerns when it comes to growing MJ IMO are

1) PH PH PH PH gotta have it right or it will cause all kinds of problems
2) Ventilation! - The more times your turn over the air in your cab the more CO2 available to the plant and lower temps
3) Lighting - Proper spectrum for stage of growth and adequate intensity to keep the plants from stretching.

If you've got all those taken care of it growing is a breeze. It makes it simple to diagnose problems then.

But from the sounds of things your plants just need to be fed. They use up the nutrients in the bottom leaves first to feed the newer growth if they arent getting the nutes from the soil/nutrient solution.

I didnt read through the thread enough to see what you are feeding, but I would bump up the strength.

Cheers, -V420
thanks for the great advice virago420 rep too you, i am feeding them half strength nutes still, i guess ill make a new batch, and ramp it up too full strength.

i have a question for you guys, what is N,P, and K, used for by the plant? i.e is n for growing the leaves? ive herd stuff, but ive forgotten. :)



pic one is my first plant, that fell, and ive had to top it, and decided to top it again, its got 4 bud sites now i believe :)


pic two, top view of my second child, good lookin new leaf growth, and showing the purple tinge traight in the lower leaves. (is this a deficiency?)


side view, you can see where all the lower leaves have had to be removed :(
well, the defeciency went away, unfortunately... one of the people i live with found my box and told me to get rid of it. hmm... what should i do.


Grow like nobody is watching
Ah that's terrible bro. I would get rid of it. Start planning the ultimate stealth box for when you can find a new living arrangement. Maybe you could put the plants outside somewhere? You'll always be under suspicion with this person I'm sorry to say. Stay positive.
well, he only found one of my boxes, and unfortunately the bigger one, and i can only fit on plant into my smaller box. im thinking of making myself a pc tower box, because it will be less suspicious with the fan noise, im thinking of telling him my friend asked me too host his computer in my room. would it be suspicious with a power cord comming out? hmm. anyways, im going to leave it be, and not move anything, and hopefully, he will just forget about it, and i can go on my merry way.

anyways, plants are looking good, and i think ive come up with a soil/hydro bubble system out of a wendies cup:p ill see how this goes. any other suggestions if i try to go hydro? im already planning on going to grab 60L of coco brick from the nersury, and some dolomite lime.

another thing im thinking of doing, is attaching my fan at the back of my cab, in the utility area, pulling air in throught both front air traps, and blowing air out the back through a PVC elbow, do you think this would decrease heat, and increase air flow efficency scrubbs?

anyways, depressing day nonetheless, ill be back later.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey christoph!! Crappy news bro..don't think he will forget though...UNLESS you smoke an O of PK with him!! He will agree to anything!! lol..just kidding...
you just need 1 fan (good fan) sucking air out with double the size of intake..thats it...
now that I have an address, you should try finding a server case and plan a really, good, stealth box
take care bro..it will get better
im definitly already planning a new case except i think i already have a perfect spot, again!!

its got a footprint of 14" square, and has 28" hieght, this space has WAY better stealth capabilities, the only problem i see is ventillation, should i put a fan right at the back? and drill holes in the bottom? i think its got an inch under the cabinet, u'll see in the picture riiight below!!


as you can see, it looks like a decent space, and it has shelving built in, that is VERY sturdy, and can be screwed in about ever half inch all the way up and down!

what do you guys think? i have a three light fixture left from my first attempt at a grow box, which im sure some people know about. :wink:

anyways, im gunna go get some good veg and bloom bulbs, maybe i might get an hps or cmh, im thinking i might have room, even a led panel, that i can get for like 20 bucks, hopefully it would work. it has 50 red leds, and 30 blue i think, high quality leds. apparently.

well, comments and ideas are much appreciated! christoph.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey bro!! check this thread out below and try to apply it to your size box..look at how he has intakes at the bottom and the fan up top exhausting air out through a scrubber..you don't have to read the whole thread because everything you need to know is on the first page..I am basing my next box on his idea...
that is an EXCELLENT choice for a box christoph!!

Be careful of cheap LED's christoph..check things out carefully BEFORE you buy so you'll know what you need before you go to the store...I made that mistake!!! I had all this stuff that I can't use...thats why I'm sending you the extra goodies!!
Just make sure you do alot of reasearch before hand..it will be worth it in the long run..in no way am I trying to discourage you, just saving you a headache!!!check out the Growroom and design DYI thread...everything you need to know!!!
Take care
yes, that you very much on the free goodies brother! much respect.

i think this is a perfect space, but maybe not for the two sides thing, but just one.

the only problem that i see when it comes to hooking this up. i have NO idea where to get light fixtures and bulbs that will fit in my 14" by 14" foot print...?

im definitly thinking i wanna do pl-l's but i CANNOT find balasts for these things, or fixtures (i dont even know how to hook these up!), ive found some bulbs online, but, thats about it!

hope scrubs will check back and help out D: master scrubalub, where aret thou!

tomorow im going to stop at walmart, and go too my local gardening store, and pick up a few things, definitly getting a 2 or 3gal bucket so i can make a dwc, with a 40.... something, pump! haha ill figure it out when i get there. in the mean time, my taller plant has shown the deficiencies again, the lightening of upper fan leaves on the sides?

ill give her a dose of 20-20-20 too make sure she has atleast every kinda nute in some form to use!

much love to ICmagers, christoph.
i believe this will fit into my planned cuboard, what do you guys think? scrubs? BC? ive surfed the pl-l club, and found this site, decent shipping rates i say.



  • pl-lonline.jpg
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aanyways, juust a little update for you guys. ive set to mind and built something faaabulous. i've made myself a DWC!!:jump::jump:

im very proud of myself, for getting off my ass and trying this out, here are some details!:dance013:

my little tubs came in a set of three (note: im not using these yet, because i had a previous tub to put it in, as its a little taller!)


i first cut the top off of a regular pot, and cut a hole in the middle of the lid for the tub, when i cut off the top, i found that it fit perfectly to give me an extra half inch of space for roots!


then, i proceeded too cut about 8 inches off of tube, that came in a 9ft' at wal-mart (oh yeah, everything is from walmart!)


last image here is it in action, just a plain starter aquarium pump from wall mart, and some like tube air stones at the bottom, my plants seem to love it so far!


ayways! thats all for now!:wave:

well, i got some seeds today in the mail, and im quite excited, kinda dissapointed on how poor quality the white widow seed was, but the church looks pretty killer!



Grow like nobody is watching
Christoph, I'm guessing that's the right ballast if it's on the same page with them but I have no experience with workhorse ballasts so I can't say - most pll users here use them, so hit pll club if there's issues. If you look at the bottom of your pic though, there is a link "for help choosing the right ballast, click here". Click it :)

The bulbs should fit nicely with bases and some headroom to remove the bulb. Were you just going to use 2? Get 4 if you can. More watts will mean less stealth though. Good luck with the seeds, I assume you have a new living arrangement planned?

edit: lol that's the order page you showed...I'm baked. I have no idea if it's the right ballast so click that thing.
i did click it and, unfortunately, due to my bakedness, i dont get the chart, it confuses me, but form what i can tell, it works with those pl-l's but only two per ballast. and i think two might be the maximum for me.

here is the link to what that led me too:


im going to use two 24 watt bulbs. and im assuming the twin option as my lamp type. where do i get sockets for these? or do i just tie them up, and attach wires to leads? im a bit confused on how these things are wired.

my plants are looking pretty good, and my topped plant is growing alot atm, and im very happy.

i unfortunately dont have new living arrangements planned, because here housing is expensive. and i DEFINITLY cant afford it. so im going to try to make another stealth, and this has to be even more stealth, because of the suspicion.

anyways, being hopefull, and cheery,


what do you think about my dwc scrubs? also any thoughts on the seeds?


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Christoph, I'm sorry I didn't check out your thread before now man. This is an interesting grow the way your doing it, in a speaker a I mean. I fully understand about living arrangements. I also have to be careful about what I'm doing, and I'm using two pc cases to grow in. How are your little friends doing at the moment? Are you using PLL's or CFL's, that's I use. Home Depot has PLL stuff. If you need a Y adaptor for CFL's they are at Walmart. I my cases I use power strips glued in with super glue and plug in adaptors for my 23w,26w,and 27w CFL's. They make it easy to do lighting set ups. That's a nice mini DWC you made too. Just hang in there the housing will work it's self out. And good luck with new seeds I hope they turn out good for you. Till next time "Go in a good way"

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