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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.

i gave it like, half a handfull of the bat guano, after dunking her in like a cup of water.

and then added it to the top of my beer cup.

sorry i cant give much more info, im super baked, some brand new hazel nut purple kush!!

hang on, ill get some pics!
your cat look so much like mine, i mean down to the face and legs and feet, that i just HAD to post about it :moon:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey!! I think StealthDragon is right about your plant being seasonal..if you lessened the hours of light(use 2700k) to 12-14 hours, see what happens..its old enough now to be sexed but maybe she needs less light to show sex..not sure on this..
you should google early wonder..
take care


Nice little speaker box homie! You're lookin' good so far. Just listen to what these guys have to say. They know shit. I just germinated a Purple Kush seed. I'm not sure what kind of PK it is, but it's PK regardless. Stoked to get that in soil!

The best way to learn is by doing. Well, that is the best way to learn for me. I write down practically everything that happens to the plants. That way, when I have my second grow, I can look back and see what I had previously done. Yah feel me? :D

Good luck duder!
lolraymond, thanks for the support man! i love purple kush, im so baked right now off my friends pruple hazelkush :p and i do take notes, i have a big note book!

BC, i guess ill have too look into it!

pressures on, thanks man, i love my cat, she is so awesome!

StealthDragon, im actually building a new speaker, that is alot bigger, and i need a good light trap for a PC fan, thats about 3 inches wide, 4 inches high. my supplies are kinda limited too carboard, and it is circular hole i need to cover. its a boston acoustics sub woofer. ill post pictures

well guys, my plant is looking good, and i think she liked the nutes, her leaves are getting much bigger. ill be uploading a few pictures of my new box, its almost 4 times the size! i cant wait to get the lights hooked up, i will have maybe 6 bulbs in there, i have small liight sockets that i think will fit :)

DAMMIT, i was just taking photos and i went to check on my plants, and took them out, and was cleaning the box, and i knocked over my plant :wallbash::mad::no:

i've probubly just killed her, and i believe im screwed. ive put her back into her beer cup, and filled as much soil back in, and patted it down around her roots. :\ :moon:

IM SO SAD GUYS!!!! :(:(:(:(


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Grow like nobody is watching
Not to worry bro, you can only do what you can do. They are quite persistent though, so don't give up all hope.


So, Chris- they still alive ? Thought so !!
You know, it´s such an easy to grow plant, it will grow itself ! Like weed !
That said, the more TLC you put into it, the better it´ll grow !:canabis:
The thing is, don´t love them to death !!:plant grow:
Besides that, love the show !!
tatz, thanks for all the support, but i woke up this morning to find all but two of her leaves crumped and dead, i cut them off, and topped it. since the top most new growth had completely died, ive put her directly under the light, and am going to feed her a tiny bit of water, and see how she is at the end of the day.

another thing is that i put my little baby outside today, under a topped 2L coke bottle, with holes near the top for some ventillation, its windy as hell, but the bottle should take care of that.

here are some pictures of how she is doing, tell me what u think, is she a goner?


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BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
If there is still green, you are okay!! just be careful and baby her for now..scrub's has a thread below which will help...towards the end has louver ideas...
are those just leaves you cut off in the last pic?
let her fill that container then put her in something bigger...short, round or square..look around there are things everywhere!!blynx uses goldfish boxes!! they work great too..
take care buddy..


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Nice bro

Nice bro

Emergency Blanket makes a great cheap mylar wall substitute too good luck bro peace out Headband707:tiphat:
BC: not exactly sure where too look on scrubs thread there :p i believe i already skimmed through that, but not sure what ur trying to help me with, whats a louver??
im glad you think my plat will survive. and yeah, those were the biggest fan leaves, and they shriveled into nothing! and due too the restrictions in size atm, i cant move her to a bigger pot. and when i knocked her over, cause all the dirt fell out, she didnt have very much roots from what i could see, so she has plenty of space to grow, i hope.

headband 707: thanks for the support, i dont even remember where i got the mergency blanket idea, but its so cheap! i just tape it to some carboard, and pop it inside as a wall :p

well guys, i suppose ill update you with some pics and dimensions of my new cab!

dimensions: 10" by 7" base, and 18" tall. there is another 7 inches in the back, but it is only 9.5" tall back there.


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Grow like nobody is watching
here are some pictures of how she is doing, tell me what u think, is she a goner?
She will live to see another day I think! Falling over then getting your head chopped off is very stressful for the plant, so don't worry if no growth happens for a while - recovery takes time. But that looks like it will live to me.
well, today i put my plant outside in a 2 litre with the top cut off, and vent holes near the bottom, and put it upside down on the plant! it was outside for around 6 hours and got plenty of real sunlight!

ScrubNinja: thanks man, i guess i should give her a few weeks to recover. i was planning on topping her anyways, i guess this was the time the gods chose for her :p

Christoph, hoping for the best. maybe my first plant might just become a mother if this isent a true auto flower. :)

BC Chronic: thanks bro, yet another upper :p i totally looked at that thread, cause i was like "he must mean this one!" when i looked at Scrubalubs sig. im takin good care and im hoping that my littler ones day outside in a humidi dome really made her happy. i saw alot more new leaves on her! she is a much deeper color then her sister seedling. very purple stem, picture updates tomorow!

Christoph, hoping for the best. maybe my first plant might just become a mother if this isent a true auto flower. :)
well, ill be stopping by home depot and maybe my local gardening/nursery store, and seeing if i can pick up some fish emulsion, or something close. what do you guys think i should get there? should i just get a nice big bag of nutrient rich organic soil?

hopefully i get an answer sometime soon, ill be getting off soon.



Grow like nobody is watching
That's a good idea as any, I reckon :) Look at the ingredients and look for things you might have seen on here. Keywords like peat, coco coir, perlite, dolomite, etc. Avoid anything with chips of wood or bark in it. Even if it says it has lime or dolomite, you will still need more, most likely.


Yo Christoph, I´m not sure you´ll have to rush... The plant will tell you if it needs more than it´s getting...
I too find it difficult, not to love Mary Jane to death

I think a good (but VERY hard) thing to do is let the soil get dry, really dry, between waterings. I submerge the containers into the nutes, leave it till it bobbles no more, let it run off, and Bob´s your uncle !(DrBudGreengenes´)

For at least the first three weeks of flowering, even in my small cups, I can water every third day, and they look perky !

Don´t loose hope, you´ve got a lot of expert help in this Forum.
Props to ICMag !!!!!:bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
ScrubNinja: ill be looking for all of those delicious goodies in my soil! and ill definitly get a small container of dolomite lime :) i dont have enough for a ph meter tho :(

Tatz: thanks for stopping by! i appreciate the support, and i am currently using the dr greengenes methood of dunk watering actually! but i assume that with the smaller cup, you would scale down the size of two inches too two centimiters of dry soil at the top, then i let them sit for a good 20 minutes in nutrient rich water, or fresh rain water :) they like the rain water more i think.

thanks for all the support everyone, i love ICmag!