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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.

Hey everyone, ide just like too throw this in here, i was orriginally intending to grow in a fairly large sized box, but have converted to a VERY micro speaker box grow, im having some problems, and slowly working them out, one step at a time. learn as u grow!

anyways, a little background for you.

this is my first time growing, and ive screwed up alot, but im currently germinating another seed of big bud, and am going to be putting that in a small pill container.(pics too come)

first off, i germinated a seed inbetween 8 layers of very moist paper towel, and left them in a place where it was a constant 25 Celsius and it germed perfectly, but unfortunatly, i didnt check on it for a week, and it had grown a tremendous amount, in the paper towel. so i took it out carefully, and potted it in some coco i had lying around for my tarantula temperarily. i fed it straight water, and it grew some leaves, but they started to die, so i went out and got some real soil with nutrients in it, and transplanted it to that soil. it is not sitting but an inch from my 26 watt CFL and is starting to grow, after all this recovery.

pic one is my box, as you can see, very small, and pic two is of the plant currently, i will be updating every few days with pictures and questons that might come up. if you want previous pictures i can post them.

my plant is at the day 11 from when i trasnfered it too soil, i dont know if i should count it from the day i germinated it, which would put my plant at day 22...

the temperature is at a constant 25 inside my box, and althought the humidity is VERY high, peaking at 80%, im working on reducing it.

i have kept a very well documented grow diary, and write in it every few days.

questions or comments are VERY apreciated!

cant wait too hear from you guys, Christoph.


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BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Welcome christoph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try zeolite for humidity..a small bag will fit in there no problem..
Glad to have first row seats bro!!!
keep asking questions though..
take care
hey everyone, lots of new leaves have sprouted and are growing steadily, albeit slowly, i am very encouraged to keep up the effort. also, i looked into home hardware, found a zeolite thingy BC, it says all purpose, should i get that one? or what would u recommend?
update time

update time

hey guys, well its time for an update. im currently on day 14 from transfer too soil after the long germination, still need that question answered.

anywho, she is chuggin along fine, and seems to be growin stronger and stronger every day, she has sprouted about 6-8 new leaves and they are well on their way to becomin big, and her second node has grown about a cm in height, i dunno if there is something wrong with her, but her stem is VERY short, it might just be the strain tho :p

anyways, photos for you guys! next time i update ill perhaps put up some pictures of my retardedly small cab. if you ask nice

both pictures are of her currently.


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BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
I knew she'd pop back!! Great job!!
Hey! yes get that stuff..it doesn't matter as long as its zeolite..how big a hole do you have for intake? Ventilation? those will help also...
stems are short in auto's ..early wonder included..don't worry, as long as she is green and growing, you are on the right track..
Take care
im just throwing this out there, i dunno if its a serious problem, but there is no ventillation, except the hour a day i have the box open.

and no im not serious, i know thats a major problem XD, i've been having problems figuring out how to trap the light without completely sealing it all off, im going to try to build a small light trap tomorow, and see how that goes. if i had ventillation working, it would be very easy to maintain this box, as it only has one bulb, and i have a fan hooked up inside, but it has no where to move air OUT of the box. it just circulates, that has helped a tiny bit with humidity, but increased the overall temperatures.

hopefully i can get the light trap working, and i wont be so stressed out her temps and humidity, but i will still get the zeolite if i can find it!

going to bed for now, peace.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
This first thread is on ventilation which is VERY important my dear friend!!Your plant needs fresh air all the time..

This next thread is about fans and towards the end, Scrub came up with a great idea for light traps...please check them both out christoph..

You are on the right track bro so don't worry...I am impressed at such a micro grow!!
Let me know what you think of the threads..
take care

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
You can find pc server cases everywhere in Van and for free or dirt cheap..idea for your next grow..
alright, i skimmed over those threads, redgreenry's thread has way to complex stuff for me to change my knowledge of air movement, since i already learned some on my own, in the simplified way XD. but they were useful nonetheless.

ive actually installed light traps, and i have two holes in the box now, one passive intake, and one outtake, with a 80mm pc case fan right behind it, sucking the hot air from right next too the bulb.

and ive got a picture update! plus my baby seed just sprouted its root, and is now in the dirt, in a pill container :p


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im kinda wishing i had more dirt in my plastic cup pot. but, oh well, im not gunna transplant her for a fourth time, screw that, just thought ide post pictures of the inside and the new outside with light traps.

post ur suggestions on what i could do to improve my box.


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BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
yeah its a confusing thread but I learned alot..really happy to see ventilation..you will be amazed at the difference..great job!!
I don't think it would be a good idea to move her again for awhile..she looks happy!!!
you could paint it flat white..cheapest and most effective...you do have to let it dry completely before putting her back in though...I mean the inside not the outside..outside looks great:)
take care bro..

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
with seeds they grow a taproot before anything else so she will need enough room to grow downward..just a thought...
thanks for all the help man, seems like ur the only one around, i wish scrub was in here, he seems like he could be usefull. XD

i did think about painting it, but it would not be good because i have no where eles to put my plant while it dries, and i think i would have too do a couple of coats, so it would take a couple of days! for now i have mylar lined cardboard, and it seems to be reflecting the light enough around inside, i wish though, that i had the mylar padding, which would work SO much better. havent found it in any stores so far, let me know if u know which store around here has it.

i havent had time to go up to home depot for the zeolite, but ill be getting to it soon.

i planted a second seed in that pill container, i germed it using the paper towel methood, and it sprouted the tap root, so i planted it, root down, about twice as deep as the seed and root, and loosly patted dirt down on top of her.

i think i did things right, we'll see in a day or two!

yeah, i think she is happy right now, and is growing slowly, and i dont wanna screw with her again, im thinking i should trim her dead leaves away, or should i leave them on and hope they feed her some kinda nutrients?

i also noticed that the edges of her lowest leaves, that werent already dying, seem to be turning a bit yellowish, any idea what this could be from? im assuming its a nutrient defficiency, most likely because my dirt is from outside.

this is what my cab looks like when its in stealth mode :)


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BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey!! your cab looks great bro!!
dirt from outside is full of bacteria..some good, lots bad...depending where you get it of course..
potato chip bags, when turned inside out, are mylar! helps keep food fresh and does'nt let sun in..
remeber tap roots need a place to go so your pot has to get deeper one day soon..its hard to feed seedlings so ph'd water? That will help but you need a tester..
don't worry christoph, you are doing great, just watch the plant and let her tell you what she needs, yellowing could be lack of nitrogen which seedlings and vegging plants need to make chlorophyl...which feeds the plant in turn..the greener the better..my buddy owns a hydro store and has been growing for 26 years so I get lots of help from him too..
there are many,many wonderful people here to help, you have to make yourself shown by visting their threads and asking questions there too..thats what I had to do..
one thing, you have to edit your thread because early wonder is spelled wrong...just off by a Y...
keep asking questions, visit threads and see what others do and you are already well on your way bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care christoph and we'll talk soon..
fixed fixed aaand fixed, but what im seeing in my plant, well, one of my plants ;)

yes that means that my second seed has sprouted and has a Completely purple stem, its very beautifull.

but what i was seeing was the bottom foiliage start to "burn" on the outer edges, and slowly turn a darker green on the inside. im not sure what kinda deficiency this is, but ill try and figure it out.

im glad you like my box so much, and i believe that emergency blankets are made of the same thing as chip bags :p

and the dirt i got was from outside, but hadent been out there for too long, it apeared to be potting soil, so i scooped some up, and my seedling seems to be loving it.

anyways, im out for now to go check out others threads!



Grow like nobody is watching
Hey whattup Cristoph, I came! :bis: Rejoice! lol for Scrub is here! :heavenly organ music: :angelshug:

I think you are doing just fine for a first grow.

post ur suggestions on what i could do to improve my box.

Your box seems pretty cool to me although I admit I skimmed a bit. I would focus (next time) on just getting a good basic grow medium happening from the start. Hydro nutes & coco is without doubt what I recommend to anyone. But soil, coco, whatever you use, follow someone who is doing it successfully - Random bits of dirt and pet's coco usually ain't gonna cut it. It's such a small volume of medium, it's no problem in my opinion to lash out and get the very best. A lot of mediums you can re-use too.

I use jiffy pots to start them and they're awesome. Once you get it down, you can just keep it pumping all the way and it never slows. If you mess up at the start, it can take a long time to get on track.

Anything more direct I can help with, let me know the details. :tiphat:
thanks for the comments on my box, and yeah, i tried hard to make the box the nicest environment i could.

and yeah i knew it wasent good, but i wanted to test if the plants would actually grow, i dont mind if it flourishes, its my first grow :p

anyways, what would u suggest that i get for soil and nutrients, i dont have a place where i can look for like commercial nutes and soil, all i have is my home depot, canadian tire, and what not. ill post pictures later of my new plant, and my other plant.

i trimmed of the dead leaves, which just fell off, so im assuming that was okay, i hope, and its all green now, pretty much.


Grow like nobody is watching
i trimmed of the dead leaves, which just fell off, so im assuming that was okay, i hope, and its all green now, pretty much.

That's fine bro, as long as there's no living green left on them.

what would u suggest that i get for soil and nutrients, i dont have a place where i can look for like commercial nutes and soil, all i have is my home depot, canadian tire, and what not.

Well, I'm overseas so not dead certain what they sell but I have an idea. How I attempted my soil grow via hardware stores was I used liquid kelp (mainly K), liquid guano (mainly P), and fish emulsion (mainly N).

That covers your main elements and lets you give more N in veg, and more P in flower. I also ammended the soil with lots of different products. I've been gardening for years and it confused the crap out of me, so good luck trying to balance all that. This link is about the best I can give you. There is a lot of reading involved if you want to pull this off.

My honest advice is to forget all that and make a trip to your hydro store. If you don't have one nearby, catch the bus. Get soil and nutes like everyone here uses (with success) and it's like I said above - it's like rollin' down a hill on a bike. Cut corners or introduce unknowns, and you can have a very depressing grow. I look at my last soil attempt (using hardware store stuff) as a failed grow. Best advice I can give. Good luck.

(again, I can't name products as I don't grow that way and they don't sell them here, but any brand that anyone here is using with success. Pure blend Pro, FFOF, whatever...)
thanks dude, ill write those three things down, all i knew was bat guano, so thats what i was going to get. how hard would it be to go hydro?

ive gotten a MUCH bigger speaker and now im going to try that the first box is just a veg box.

anyways, im to tired to explaine this all right now, what should i get if i go hydro, or your style. with coco.



Grow like nobody is watching
Hydro is dead easy, man. A few basics to learn but I found it a million times easier than growing in soil (not everyone will agree). Technically coco isn't quite hydro, but it's very close.

Only downside is the initial setup costs. In australian $$: 60 litres of coco brick is about $20 or 30 I think (re-useable). About $50 or 60 bucks for a set of veg & flower nutes (4 litres total) that will last a few grows I'd say. Then you need ph up and down, both for about $10 and last for ages.

That's all you need to do a decent grow, apart from a few extra options. A good ph meter is highly recommended - I'd allow about $150 for that with some bottles you need once in a while to keep it accurate. You can also buy ph kits from aquariums for cheap, like 5 bucks. People seem to grow fine with them but I couldn't live without a meter, it's so quick and easy.

The last optional thing is an EC or PPM type of meter to tell you how strong your mix is, exactly. I love mine to death but it's not strictly necessary to grow weed. If you have the cash, get one for sure, they can help a lot. (probably same cost as the ph meter)

You don't need like, pumps and plumbing and all that stuff - it's just a pot like normal and handwatered like normal, but you end up with hydro quality buds! And now you have all the equipment, you can even toss the coco and do any kind of hydro grow - DWC, etc. In other words, the meters and whatever else, are an investment. I got theoretically paid on my investment many many times more than I invested :) I know it's a big outlay though.

And since I typed all that out, do we get any new pics? :D

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