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growing in the shade


cant find any good spots around my area to do an outdoor grow i know its to late this year now and i dont fancy doing autos but for next year i found a place in the woods that no one is likely to find only trouble is the plants are not going to get any direct sun light due to the shading of the big trees i am only looking for 1 oz a plant anyway and intend leaving the plants out for a full 6 months do you think i will get 1 oz off each plant or maybe more thanks in advance for any replys. :1help:


Active member
you need sun, if you truly mean shade it won't work out very well, if its filtered light then it can but not if its full on shade no.


ive grown killer with an hour or 2 of direct sun a day then all shade, id say ya need a little sun but not much


thanks for the replys fellas mr stinky i live in a city centre so i got to travel a few miles to get to this spot. benefit the forest where i want to grow is from the bronze age so you can guess the size of the trees i got no chance they are so close together the size they have grown antimatetter and bagseed77 also thank you for the replys

Mr. Stinky

i promise there is a good spot out there for you. dont waste your efforts in the woods. if they do grow, they will never finish. if there is a miracle and they gain a little bud weight, it will rot away thanks to the humidity and lack of airflow/sun. dont worry. just take some sunday drives and go for hikes. you will find a hundred good spots between now and next year. start by lookin on mapquest. click on the "aerial" button up in the right corner and "fly" around a bit. u can also use google earth. then u can even get a cheap gps and punch in the lon/lat and go off to the deep woods with confidence you can get back.

dont give up so easy. keep at it. read julians MASSIVE OUTDOOR thread. you may be surprised how many excellent spots are right around the block :smoke:


Active member
Hey niceguy44, Why not consider a stealth indoor microgrow? you have more control of the environment, and you'll be happy with the yields of 1 or 2 girls. I get on average 1.5 oz. per girl in my cabinet.

Just a thought. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Active member
Or you can do a "tree grow" since you travel so far, it will help keep it from being ripped so ez too. Build a platform or nestle a container in a fork of branches with Sun availible. Tie it there. Pull up soils etc. Add a line going up, add a battery RV pump and voila!!


well I dont know where your at but I think planting in the shade now wouldnt help things much as opposed to another more sunlit spot perhaps.

However, ive grown some big plants in the shade, granted they were planted earlier so got veg time.


thanks for the advice guys i got untill next year now so i will take my time and have a look around glad i did ask on here first thanks again niceguy.


all praises are due to the Most High
indicas with little sun catch mold and fungus rather quick though...

cannabis needs sun, if all you got is shaded spots, grow something else. or you will waste your time... no sun, no growth, that is it.

peace and good luck finding a sunny spot man


Pleasantly dissociated
good call paz, yea they need morning sun or they will mold bigtime, i say get a nice hybrid, another good idea is get a stealth micro cab


keep searching for that full sunny spot!

I grew around 20 clones in a very shady river's edge my first season some time ago and while I still harvested around 2.5lbs from them, the bud was very loose and airy because they didn't get full sun. There was the odd arm-sized bud but for the most part I was trimming popcorn for WEEKS.

It was enough for me to smoke for the season and to sell a bit to friends to recoup the cost of the soil and my time, but I consider it a learning curve.

Several years later I'm still learning and making mistakes, but one I don't make any more is planting in the shade!!
cant find any good spots around my area to do an outdoor grow i know its to late this year now and i dont fancy doing autos but for next year i found a place in the woods that no one is likely to find only trouble is the plants are not going to get any direct sun light due to the shading of the big trees i am only looking for 1 oz a plant anyway and intend leaving the plants out for a full 6 months do you think i will get 1 oz off each plant or maybe more thanks in advance for any replys. :1help:

dude i had a bunch of plants in the trees and they never got over a couple feet and started flowering early. had a bunch in a clearing about 100 feet away and they all got to 4-5-6 ft and they were planted later

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