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Growing in Spain (english)


I've been living in Holland for awhile. But would like to live in the land of sunny weather.

What is the growing scene like in Spain? do police work with electric companies to find people growing indoors? are landlords crazy and want to check the flat/house all the time?


New member
Hi dude.

I'm a french guy living in Spain for 10 years. The cannabis scene isn't really easy to explain. Like in Holland, we have growshop where you can buy seeds and everything you need to grow. You can even buy shroom kits and stuff like that. The law is clear: You can't grow any of those plants. But the fact is a lot of people do. I've seen police's helicopters flying on top of my garden and I guess I got busted. But that was more than a month ago and they didn't tell me shit. I just have 7 plants and I guess I wouldn't go to jail for that so they don't even bother in going for me. Here in Spain, you have the right to use any kind of drug at your home. That means on a trial, my lawyer could just say that those 7 big plants I have in my garden are for personal use during all the year. As for if the cops work with the electric companies. I'm sure they do but as I told you before, they're loking for the fat cats and not the small growers. So if you don't plan on using 3000 w lamps you should get away with it. And as for the weather is concerned, there's just one word: GREAT. Sunny, very few rain exept April or May which is perfect. I hope I've answered you question and will be happy to tell you more if you need to.


well i was kind of hoping to run maybe 6 or 8 x 600w, (I grow for myself and med users) which is really not that much split up over 12/12

Anybody with experience of whether grows around that size are okay?
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There find as along as you do not get caught.

Things to remember in Spain as long as you can say it for your own personal use then you have a good chance. If scales, money and etc. are added then your chances are very slim.

Another thing to remember is Spanish electrical is done like everything else, The Spanish Way!!! You will have to invest in this first thing, also you will need AC for most of the year.



wow.. one got to be carrefull..

the spanish police are more than used to by now to take foreigners coming down and doing bigger ops..

but anyone taking it easy and NOT selling is safe for along time.

what more can i say? viva españa!

every single night i hear helicopters near my house and sometimes i see how they focus the light in houses roofs, i dont know what they search but i suppose the are looking for weed gardens.. but is still feel safe with my 8 plants garden.


I stopped growing outside last summer after the helicopter flew over our village. One person had 70 plants in his garden. It took him and his family half an hour to get rid of them all, and then there was a knock, knock on the door. He was very lucky. I might still have one or to on my terrace this summer, but under clearish plastic to protect from the prying eyes from above,,,:nanana::nanana:

Grow safe.



i didnt realize the hellicopter survailance is going this far here...

to cover the plants is a good idea :D



5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I hear stories of helicopters in the costa blanca [benidorm, alicante, area] that really are looking for it, and they do find it, in quantity. Up here in windy rainy catalunya they do not seem to bother. plenty of kids got caught with cars full at harvest time by random roadblocks, a bit of a fucking about and they all got quickly let out.

Foreigners are known to be worth looking at for weed, but the cops are not really looking for it indoors, yet....By far your biggest risk is rippers, almost all guerilla growing is pointless here due to the locals, gypsies, english, eastern europeans, latinos, goats, africans, moroccans etc all liking to steal what they could grow.

Cops cannot and will not raid you on spec, they have to know you are dealing, [..so, dont..] but comsuming at home is not a crime, they are not your enemy, unless you deal......i have twice been given a smoke by cops here socially, freaky as fuck.... also...lots & lots of them also do coke, bigtime.


Active member
Maybe one day I'll go vacation in Spain, and not come back.

As an American how hard would it be to move to Spain? I am fluent in Spanish, and am of Spanish descent; I can trace my ancestry directly back to Spain on both sides of my family.

Just curious.

el gordo

Active member
with some money and basic spanish you should have no problems anywhere you go, maybe in some stores try to charge a bit more, if they notice you're a foreigner, especially in tourist places and for sure in hash-weed business, but definately souldn't have any problems usin a bit of common sense, just like anywhere else.


Im from Ireland and im emigrating to Catalunya in less than 2months.It has been planned for a long time and i cant wait to get over there.I will be doing a bit of indoor but not sure yet and definately a guerilla grow in the mountains.I'd love to see the rippers get to the spot i have found muahahaha


i love guardamar such a goregusss chilled place the locals are so nice cant get bud coz the locals keep for them self but can get good hash from the parks after 7in the evening was there for a month love to move there forever


Active member
my car has never been searched down here. i just put on the norwegian traveler look hehe.
love spain. but most of the weed to buy here is shit

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