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Growing in Coco


New member
Hey, I just joined the site. Not new to growing however I am changing from hydro to coco. If there is anybody that has a nute and water schedule please let me know, still trying to get this right. Also if anybody knows what the ppm for this growing medium I would also appreciate that as well. Looking forward to sharing notes and etc.:biggrin:


Active member
See these two threads.


Everything you need to know, especially good for beginners for it's simplicity and the fact that it's foolproof. It doesn't get any easier. Most important thing: start with Canna, bagged coco if available in your area. It is ready to go right out of the bag, no rinsing or preparation necessary. If for some reason you cannot get Canna, read this thread:
Also, in the K.I.S.S. thread, don't worry about the first page, where the poster gets kind of anal about the measurements. A teaspoon is fine. You don't have to weigh it. A little more or less doesn't matter. In addition, Maxibloom comes with the measuring spoon right in the package, so impossible to mess it up.
Remember that coco is a hydro medium, and Hempy buckets are a passive hydro system (no pumps or hoses), so it is a perfect match.
Also, as the K.I.S.S. thread demonstrates, you DON'T need expensive "coco nutes", which tend to be two part, and are more of a pain in the ass to use, but mostly are way over priced, although they do work. Maxibloom throughout works as good or better than any coco"specific nutes". Also, get a good PH pen, and keep your PH @ 5.8, give or take a little. KISS method explains all about PPM, and everything else you need to know (800PPMs). Hempy buckets (cheap) of 2 or 3 gallons will outperform any other kind of pot by a wide margin, and a 2 gallon Hempy bucket will grow trees if you want, depending on veg time and strain. That is all you really need to know to get started. Read the threads linked.


New member
Thank you for your response I will be reading these threads and this has been a very big help. Thanks. I will let you know how it goes since we are starting anew.


Active member
I forgot one thing: use TAP water. No need to add cal/mag, as you would with RO water, which is a waste of money.