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growing in cellar


Active member
High there

I am an occasional indoor grower. I have my homebox in a cellar. Now in the winter it freezes in that cellar sometimes(depends on winter)

So my question is , would a heating mat under the plants protect them from dying??? Temps will sure be low :( but as long as they stay alive i am okay)

Mostly during the day it won't freeze and at night from 6 to 6 the lamps are on so there will be no danger then. the danger will be from 6 in the morning till six in the evening




As long as the roots are protected in soil it should be ok you may get some nice purple colouration if its cold, on the other hand if its an unheated NFT table then it would be a problem. What are you growing in? Also how low can the temps get down there? as long as its not literally frozen then should be ok as long as the roots are kept at reasonable temperature.


If in soil i doubt you would need a heating mat unless your germinating seeds or rooting cuttings down there aswell.


Active member
well it januari it can freeze there but mostly during the night when the lights are on, but on some freak day it could freeze during the day , but i could use an eletric heather and set the thermostat on 5