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Growing in apartments?


New member
Hello all, first time grower here.
I live in an apartment, and was wondering if it would be particulary unsafe to have a few plants (2 or 3) going in a closet in there? Would smell/electricity be an issue?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, be kind to a new grower!


Hi leninstomb,

There are no dumb questions! Not asking would be dumb, thanks for asking.

Growing in an apartment is risky, but can be done. For just a few plants (2 or 3) have you thought about building a cab? Check out this link http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=21879&highlight=mills+pride

If you are in an apartment, there is more security risk to tame; but its possible. Staying as stealth as possible is key, as well as building a locked structure. Just popping a few plants in the closet can be done, but having a separate locked structure will keep them legally out. The apartment maintenance or office workers can enter your apartment under many circumstances, and if you aren't home could stumble upon your closet.

You can put a cab inside a closet, or inside a room! Keep it stealth enough and nobody is the wiser. Its just a wardrobe closet for crying out loud! haha

They can enter your apartment, but they can't break open your cab! Keep it stealth.

Hope this helps. If you would like to know more just ask!


"The apartment maintenance or office workers can enter your apartment under many circumstances"

That needs to be changed to "any" circumstances. You signed it in your lease. Believe me, the property owners, can do whatever they like. They can even not rent to you based on race, if they rent out less than 8 units.

Really not a good idea to grow in a apt, I've done it before, but do not recommend. Best thing to do is see how pro-active your management staff is. Do they spray for bugs, regular smoke alarm checks, upgrades, etc.

Renting a house from an individual is better, because they do not want to be bothered ....in most cases. Some will come over all the time.


CTSV said:
"The apartment maintenance or office workers can enter your apartment under many circumstances"

That needs to be changed to "any" circumstances. You signed it in your lease. Believe me, the property owners, can do whatever they like. They can even not rent to you based on race, if they rent out less than 8 units.

Really not a good idea to grow in a apt, I've done it before, but do not recommend. Best thing to do is see how pro-active your management staff is. Do they spray for bugs, regular smoke alarm checks, upgrades, etc.

Renting a house from an individual is better, because they do not want to be bothered ....in most cases. Some will come over all the time.

Oh so true CTSV....about some will come over all the time. A friend of mine is currently renting a house and was planning a grow, he wanted to wait a few months and see how the owners would normaly act. They own two houses on the same block, friend is renting one. When I pulled up in my new ride the owner came over becasue "I havent seen that car before" he/she actually knocked on the door and all. Needless to say my friend is looking for a new spot. (I have never rented and I couldnt belive this owners actions)

Anyhow not to get off the subject. I think you would be fine with a couple plants Iam not sure who does it but they have bonsi moms and just grow a few in a cab (very cool) Check out the DIY section for some great ideas on a micro cab


First of all there are tenant landlord rights

most states require there be notice if its not an emergency

but nonetheless it doesnt give them free reign to explore the house

grow in a closet lock the closet door

wtf does anyone need to be in your closet for?

use a lock like these that cant be picked, the landlord or theiving super (most likely case) wont break down a door to get inside.




TIP make sure the hinges are on the inside or by hinge guards


I am doing it right now, get odor control, make things as quiet as possible, dont throw parties, dont have any traffic at all. Dont tell anyone, be a nice but quick with neighbors and dont invite them in. Address the high bills if your growing with 1000 watters. Change the locks on the front doors, get a lock for the grow room door. It is possible, be carefull and stay safe...


Just a quick note.. i'd check your rental agreement before changing the front door locks. I've had leases where it wasn't allowed... could be an issue if the landlord drops by and can't get in.. technically you just violated the lease.

So i'd check.. especially if you have an active landlord who's on the property from time to time.


Best thing to do, was mentioned already. Take a few months, to observe activity.


ninfan77 said:
Just a quick note.. i'd check your rental agreement before changing the front door locks. I've had leases where it wasn't allowed... could be an issue if the landlord drops by and can't get in.. technically you just violated the lease.

So i'd check.. especially if you have an active landlord who's on the property from time to time.

I totally agree, you need a half ass landlord. for sure be safe man, legally in my state they have to give you three days notice before they do an inspection. Hope it works out for ya bro!


New member
Growing in an apartment is very risky. I wouldn't recomend anyone to use an apt. to produce herb. Too many folks living way too close. Pot smells and its difficult to constantly contain it if the plants reek bad in flower. Have any luck at gambling?


ICMag Donor
Like the poster above says .The plants can reek.I would choose my strains wisely,and pick some potent ,non stinkys .Just in case of a accidental filter shutdown


Active member
I am about to start a 2k grow in a one bedroom apartment very limited of risk because I know the owner of the building. :jump: :jump: :jump:


Personally I would advise against that ^. Two K's in a one bedroom... what in the closet? That smell will go straight through the wall I can promise you that unless you plan on having 50+ pounds of carbon. You may know the owner but does your owner mind risking park of his neck as well...getting caught by the owner is rare...its more of a maintenance man or neighbor...is your buddy going to stand up for your illegal grow when there are poeple confronting him about your actions?

Most likely not. Also for anyone who rents as a business knows that a grow op would mean bad for business regardless of how they morally felt about the situation. All I am saying is guy don't trust to easy and set up a small perpetual...some say you can't grow in an apt, now of course a house is better more secure to grow in, but I say it is easily doable as long as your SMART about it and don't be greedy.

I wrote a long thing about precautions and finding the right apartment. There are two most important things in apartment growing. Even more important than no smell or no trash...those should be a no brainer. 1. The level of activeness apartment personal 2. the placement of your apartment in terms of the building itself

I will post what I wrote if I can find it soon...
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Active member
Yeah, I wouldn't say it would work for everybody but in my case it does. Won't get into it now but all the details are worked out. Thanks for your concern though.


I've done it before but it isn't for the faint of heart . Thankfully it was in the attic and away from plain view but there were incidents with the landlord coming by at the wrong time that made me shit a couple bricks.

Lord Doobie

I think, by law, they have to change the smoke detector batteries twice a year in most states at which time the heater/ac filters are usually changed, too. Take into account broken appliances like dishwashers, windows, stoves, etc, that sometimes need to be serviced. Like kirlkand mentioned, a good spot is an attic if you're on the top floor. However, these can be occasionally accessed, too.

A good place I've found is the furnace/hot water heater closet. Here, you have access to vents, electricity, and even a drain. Put a lock on your cab and set a toolbox on top of it. Make it look like it's all supposed to be there. Or you could make a false wall in there... :chin: ...lots to do actually if you don't mind a little remodeling. Find accesses most of us don't even think about...heh heh...Do you have a balcony? Make a cab and throw a tablecloth over it. How about a kitchen cabinet? One of the lower ones with a false back...Who's going to look in there? You're only limited by your imagination. :smoke:

Most apts warn you when they're about to come around...
However, one whiff and you're a goner.
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follow your heart
ICMag Donor
as someone stated, my advice is to grow in a closet, get the bedroom door to change the lock, then lock the closet door, then lock the cab,

that will get throwing out in any court if you have a really good lawyer to combat there twisted words

but yeah, growing in an apartment I would say is 70% more risky as you have everyone around you..........


Emergencies Happen

Emergencies Happen

Another regular occurrence in apartments is flooding. It could happen next door or above you, or in your own apt. Your apartment will be turned upside down basically as the carpet will be removed and thrown away. The whole process will be done to protect the structure from water damage, and it won't matter if you're home or not.
This happens OFTEN. If you've ever seen a van with big hoses coming out of it that are stretching out to an apt, that's what they're there for.

I absolutely recommend a cabinet with locks on it. Maybe one that won't fall apart if it has to be moved because of flooding. If that happens there's no room for a "breaking and entering" type of defense.


New member
I know I'll be notified of their entry, I'd be doing it in a locked cabinet built by myself, not attached in any way to the apartment, my only concern is odor. Also, it'll only be about 2 or 3 plants. Any advice on odor control? Is odor even an issue with this small of a grow?


Just buck up from the beginning and spend the money on a 4" inline fan, speed controller and a matching carbon filter. The noise from the air movement from the fan can be explained away by a fish tank near by or a fan running and placed by the cab. Smell cannot be explained away period, especially with many neighbors close by.


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