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Growing from Start to Finish in my Window Sill.. Questions?


Active member
So with my outdoor season taking off, I had an idea to start a few plants in a month or so to finish in my window sill!! :joint:
....A few seasons back in about early August, I took a clone from a plant outdoors that had JUST begun flowering, and soon placed inside in the same window sill, where it began flowering. In the end, it stayed small because it started budding right away (with the hours so short), and I got a little over an eighth :D

My window is in a great stealthy spot, that get's a lot of direct sunlight from sun-rise until the late afternoon. The window is facing east, so it get's the best sunlight from as soon as the sun comes up til about mid-afternoon, but it get's pretty much direct sunlight all day!!

I know things could be a bit different using seeds instead of a clone, but I plan to start 5-8 seeds (unfeminized), veg them very shortly, kill off the males, and finish the females in my window sill!! :dance013:
..... I can't veg them long because if they get too big they won't be getting sufficient light from window, but I can get them to about a foot or so before flowering. My window definately has enough light because I start my plants here to go outside, and I have a few that have been there for almost 2 months and are almost 2 feet tall and very healthy!!

I don't plan on a big yield, if I get anything over a quarter ounce or so I'd be happy, which is definately attainable!! But I had a few questions:

- When should I start my seeds?? My plants outside usually begin budding in early August, so I'm thinking I should start my seeds for my window grow in about a month at the start of July, maybe end of June??
- That gives them about a month to veg before they SHOULD start budding, should be enough time.. right??

- Should I start my young plants under CFL's, and under what light cycle??
- I'm thinking YES, and 24/0 for about 2 weeks or so, than to the window? I want to make sure they start budding in August, hehe

Please feal free to share any advice, tips, tricks, ideas, or any kind of feedback!! It is greatly appreciated, thanks!! :D


Active member
Pertaining to my 2nd question:
.. On second thought, maybe it would be a better idea to start my plant's on a 12/12 cycle from seed?? That is, germinate the seeds, and than throw the plants under CFL's for 2-3 weeks on a 12/12 light cycle?? That way I could throw them in my windowsill and have a few small females..

What do you guys think? :)


dude was thinking about the same thing... i'm just about to try it out with a landrace sativa, GDP, Skunk #1 and a redrock... all from seed. i'll be doing 12/12/ from seed, then total darkness for 36 hours once its just the right size, then the window... i'll try posting a grow report or a diary...

hope we both have abundant harvests! ;)
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Active member
Sounds like a great idea Areebok!! Thanks for the input :D

I've read the "12/12 from Seed" thread numerous times.. I've been sticking mainly to the outdoor forum for the past few months/years. This is the first time I've posted in the "Grower's Forum" in quite awhile, and I saw and was reminded the 12/12 thread jsut after I posted this thread. Seams like it might be a good idea for what I'm trying to do, start my seedlings under 12/12 for a few weeks to a month than throw the females in my window.
.. Or should I start my seedlings at 24/0 or 18/6 under CFL's, or scrap the CFL idea together and just use my window sill from start to finish?? :eek:

So many ideas flying around my head!!

The seed's I'll be PROBABLY using will be mostly indica-leaning breeds.. I have about 2 or 3 seeds left, of both BOG's "Blush" aka BlueKush (SourBubble X BMR) and BOG's SourStrawberryDiesel (SourBubble X StrawberryDiesel). I'm deciding whether I want to use these last 5 or 6 seeds of these 2 precious strains on my window grow, or save them and try to clone later on. I'd be lucky to get a female from each strain.

I'll most likely be using what I'm using outdoors this season:
..... Last season, I grew BOG's SourBubble, BlueKush (Blush), and SourStrawberryDiesel outside.. I lost track of which plants were which, and accidentally crossed these 3 BOG strains in unknown order.. I have about 10 seeds of these left, and I'll most likely be using this cross I made!! :joint:



Active member
I grew a plant in my windowsill, it was a clone though. A 6" NYCD came out about 1'8" (Very Sativa) I'd say start them second or third week of July (one week seedling, two weeks veg, ya never know with those short/slow growing indi's though), Two weeks of veg growth can produce quite the plant after flower, from seed. If you're looking for a 2 footer, I'd start them under 24/0 and plan on them flowering 3 weeks later. This will ensure they bud quickly, too. Remember to keep any evening light away from them, too. Your plan sounds on track! Good luck! Please update!


Active member
Thanks amannamedtruth!! I'm going to start about 8-15 seeds beacause I want at least 4 females in the end, 5-7 females would be excellent :D
.... I plan on covering them with a cardboard box when needed for the dark cycle.

I'm still stuck between deciding if I should start them on 12/12 from seed and than throwing them in the window, or starting them on 24/0 or 18/6, vegging them for a few weeks, and than putting them in the window to flower?? And when would be the perfect time to put them in my window? When should I start??

Ahh so many ideas and questions! Please HELP!! haha :rasta:


if you were gonna do the cfls still... id suggest do 18/6 first if you want it to grow faster i guess.. then slowly do 12/12 then go 36 hours darkness then the windowsill, or go 36 hours darkness then the window sill straight ahead... ;) please tell me about how your's goes!

peace and respect!


Active member
I might just do window sill from start to finish like I originally planned!! Or CFL's for 1 week/2 weeks maximum from germination, on 24/0 or 18/6.. What do you guys think?
Veg 24/0 or 18/6 for a couple weeks is always beneficial

1. You'll have a bigger plant
2. You'll have a plant that's adapted to 18+hrs of light so, moving her to the window sill will instantly set her into flower because of the light difference

Same applies to seeds. They grow better and faster under 18 hours of T5 light.