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Growing Equipment Purchasing Advice Needed...

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Hello Fellow Growers,

I am about to make a sizable purchase in grow equipment...at least for me. I'll be spending somewhere around $1100 or a bit more, getting a tent, ballast, reflector, bulb etc etc. The ballast, reflector, and bulb have already been discounted nicely, being sold as a package.

I am wondering if I should ask the store if they will give me a discount for the entire amount, say around 10% or so. I don't know if this amount of money being spent is something that they would consider a big enough order to give a discount on, or if they will laugh at me for asking.

Don't know if this will help, but I will probably be purchasing this from G r e n e r s . c o m, they seem to have good prices and a nicely run site.

I was initially thinking about purchasing this equipment from a local hydro store as long as they could come somewhat close to what G reners was asking, I would love to support a local business. But, then I got thinking...how likely is is that this local business is still open 6 months or a year down the road? There are ton of these businesses opening and the competition is likely pretty fierce. And the local business probably won't be able to come close to G reners prices anyways.

Anybody got some thoughts about asking for a discount?


I saved a shit load of money buying some of my stuff online. Locally my 1k lumatek would have cost like $400, I found it online for $270.

I dont really like going to the hydro store, if I do it's just to buy fertilizers and soil, equipment is usually always cheaper online.


My local shop gives me a 10% cash discount.
My local shoppe only takes cash, gives no receipts, and always gives me a deal - but I've been shopping there for years, always take time to speak w/ the owner, his kids, and the rest of the staff.

John always has his buddies there, having a beer in the "warehouse" section of the biz, and by the looks of the volume of hydroton and ProMix he moves, must supply all the large growers in my city (estimated by leo a few years ago to contain over 500 illegal grows, so it's gotta be twice that now).

If you know that the owners dog died last year, and ask how he's doin' because of it, you are a good customer...

I also buy his house brand generic nutes, all my airstones, rockwool cubes and flats, peat pellets, and net pots from him.

I always remind them of what a ghetto grower I am, cheap and simple, and they respect that. I may only drop $25 to $50 a visit, but I spend it there, and they remember...


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
If you walk in with the cash and tell them what's up you will easily get your 10%. ( I am guessing you are in Cali.. )

rick shaw

Depending on where you live,CL can't be beat. There is used equipment dirt cheap sometimes free and small business hydro shops.


Active member
My local shop will match any online price and then discount it by 10 %, after all is said and done, the disccount gets mostly eaten up by the state sales tax.

On the plus side, I don't pay shipping so it is slughtly cheaper than buying online and I have a brick-and-morter location to go back to if something turns out to be defective.

btw, the fact that there are so many grow shops popping up is a sign of changing attitudes and it is good for us as consumers, the more competion the better.

That being said mostly I do like Classy@home and deal with the same guys who opened the first shop in the area, and mostly because one of the 2 partners is a young veteran who lost an arm AND a leg from an IED.

lol, I HAVE shopped at a couple of the newer stores and they ALL offer to match and discount, not just the place i've developed relationships with.

Peace, SOG


I would visit the grow shops in your area, and talk with them. I would go with the shop that you get the best vibe in! I am sure they would beat the on-line price!


Crotchety Cabaholic
Some things are better purchased away from the grow shop. The store that gives me a 10% discount sells Promix BX for $40/bale. The feed and seed 3 minutes from my house sells it for $27.


Ask for the discount on any order, the worst that can happen is they say no and you pay full price (or tell them to shove it and look elsewhere.) Was advised to ask for a discount when I purchased my LED, I asked and they complied, quite nice discount too, somewhere around 20%.


Active member
when i guy alot of gear at once i like to go locally.....mainly so i can see what im gettin.....

i usually keep an eye out for coupons in the local music rag (the westword here)

...u can usually find deals that will save 20% or more...plus most shops match online deals :tiphat:


weed fiend
If you decide to go local, don't hesitate to inquire about the discount (like you assume there is a discount.)

A few years back I got a 40% discount on a guitar amp. A chick right behind me bought a PA for list. The only difference was I asked what their discount was and the chick asked if they had a discount.

Worst case, they'll prolly just explain their list is the sell price. I doubt they'll try to make you feel funny for asking.

If you already bought something with a discount, they may not offer the same for the tent. If they play the surprised attitude, just remind em they wheeled and dealed the first purchase. Best wishes on the price.


One of the grow shops that I go to (not very often), I always have to ask for the discount. But I get every time!


www.froogle.com is google's product search engine, this is the best way to find the lowest prices both online and locally. just put in what you're looking for and it will do the rest, you can also read reviews of the online retailers to be sure its not a scam. I've saved a fortune using frooogle for all sorts of shit, I just bought a new digital camera I ended up finding it online for $275, the lowest price I could find locally was $340, this is also how I found the lowest prices on my new ballasts.
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