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growing auto flowering plants outside...


Has anyone been growing auto flowering plants outside this year? I started some lr2’s but due to temps, and mofo birds only one survived…you guessed it its a a boy..arg!

I have 10 of Lowlifes mix pack in a glass of water germing (no LL flaming if you please). In 24hr 1 has popped, I expect the others to follow shortly. I guess some netting is in order when they do go outside. I can’t keep them inside as gests are coming to say next week. Sigh, any outdoor AF picks to keep my spirits up? Desperate need of some good vibes!


Active member
may as well use normal strains now as the light is going to start declining slowly and use cages and slug pellets!!


I'm going to do a bit of a seed run for next year+I know they will finish+...ugh...because..I want to!

sorry a bit twisted at the moment...


i have some lr mix going now. the males showed 4 days ago and about to blow some serious pollen soon at the looks of it, which will be painted on some local bagseed, and some lr mixes, and I got 3 maybe 4 females. Good to know Ill have some decent bud next month.

a bunch of bagseed is gonna be planed also end of this month, pretty much autoflower. good even more extra treats at the end of the season. I have been experimenting this year quite a bit.
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Yah, I had some local bagseed flower a couple weeks ago so I collected some pollen and will cross it with one of my easy sativas. congrats on the early bud!


yeah . Will be good to have some bud for the last bit of summer. Then I wont be so damn anxious waiting til oct.