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Growers Angst: The Stress of Growing Illegally


High Grade Specialist
yeah man fucking paranoia can get to you. i have 2 close friends of me who know and sometimes i wish i could erase their memory or just kill them LOL.

it can really get to you. i wont go to jail if i should get busted but my fam will freak the fuck out they are very contra-mj and i will also get a druggie-stamp in my files and it will harder to get a job. wish this shit would be legal!

but then again i refuse to suck the governments dick and go back to buying overpriced shitty quality weed so its no choice for me anway. if i ever should get busted ill move to another country where its easier and grow even more.


in the thick of it
I imagine that a bunch of growers are the same in the fact that marijuana is in our blood. Not just literally, but kind of spiritually too. If you’re worried about what may happen, then you need to check your process out and see if it is as tight as it should be. I am okay with not having as many friends as I once did, because quite frankly, most people will steal from you or lie to you just to get ahead. Weed has never done me like that and so it’s easy for us to remove ourselves from others and give most all the time for cultivation.


Patient Grower
I must admit that growing in a medical jurisdiction is so much better on the brain. I think everyone should give it a try.


i keep a very low profile during the winter months. no one knows for sure that i grow...except my husband of course. but honestly, i can't say there aren't a few close friends who may wonder...you can't control what goes on in someone elses head. i know i've met a few other folks that i suspect grow....but that's just my own suspicion.
i only grow for personal use, but yeah when you think about it, i'm sure the pigs would have a field day...saying its a sophisticated setup, omfg, a scale!, she must deal!!! jars stored...no one smokes that much pot! well, actually i kinda do...cause when you cook with it, you use alot. i figure, growing it myself saves me about $4k a year. plus its killer! lol


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
When I stroke at 40 at least some will understand...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes and I understand the potential psychosis of growing under HUGE stress very well.....have lived with it for years and know the beast well...

That is why a site such as ICM is so vital to many of you, it gives you a chance to vent your angst and share it with those that really do understand....and grow and show what you are proud of....

Please keep your own security as sound as you can and remember not to divulge any of your personal details to online entities if you don't want to increase the paranoia...

Stay safe, stay free.....and Grow On!

Hopefully one day it will all be over and there will be no legal constraints involved with growing this plant in your own home.........the future is bright......wear sunglasses..

....Most important of all is to keep a positive mental attitude and TELL NO ONE!
As Cakefarts mentioned , it's a different life . A life of a chamelion and illusionist . We have to blend in with our surroundings . One slip and we'll be swallowed by the predator . In America where everything is standardized and stereotyped ; a constant illusion has to be maintained to appear to the scrutinizing eyes that we live within their rigid framework . One slip and our illusion will be on display to the masses for ridicule .

This life choice is not to be taken lightly . The consequences can be related to a matter of life and death . Incarceration might not be a physical death ; but it will be a financial , and for many , a social death . Should we happen to survive an encounter with the other type of low life predators , incarceration will most likely follow in the aftermath .

As growers , we have every right to be discontent because life should just not be this way for someone who just grows a flower .

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
just remember not to get cocky when things are going good. always watch your ass. always be friendly, yet private.


I'm not even growing yet, and I'm very paranoid. Smoking indica makes me even more paranoid. I will only be growing for myself, but god damn! I don't want to risk my job, my future, my relationships, etc.

Hearing some stories and experiences here would be helpful to my peace of mind.


Active member
My limit is one plant in 15 seconds to eat and rid of evidence.

Less stress :artist:

On the other hand There are some nice rules to follow even legal too.

1.Smell...Carbon filter
2.Don't tell no one.
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm not even growing yet, and I'm very paranoid. Smoking indica makes me even more paranoid. I will only be growing for myself, but god damn! I don't want to risk my job, my future, my relationships, etc.

Hearing some stories and experiences here would be helpful to my peace of mind.

I'm trying to crap all over you psyche bud, but for the illegal growers, we are still very much in the midst of this war. War stories probably wouldn't help ease your mind much. ;)

If you are growing illegally, you are automatically pushing All In on your job, future, and relationships. High risk, high reward.


Active member
I told one person stupidly and despite swearing not to tell a soul he told at least 2-3
I had given him a little bud one day and he tells me later his girlfriend sends her compliments to the farmer, it was all I could do to keep from smashing his teeth down his throat on the spot, but then I remembered who the real dumbass was, me and my big f'ing mouth. Never again.


All I can say is make sure you have a good attorney on retainer.. Don't commit any violent felonys and don't put yourself at the top of a conspiracy.. The key is to make bail.. After you make bail you can do whatever you want in theory.. Also I see no benefit in smoking.. Especially if your doing this for a living.. It's just an added risk in my opinion.. The main thing is to not plan on doing this forever.. Having an exit plan and a means to an end is key.. Get in make what you can and then get out.. Hopefully you can pass on the nice car and the Flatscreen foe awile.. Growing should never be a profession... It should just be a means to an end.. Get that money into other ventures and diversify..


gets some
I imagine we'll all have some things in common based on this:

Many of your comments are familiar to me, not because we are growers, but because we have similar personality types, which tend to make us gravitate toward things like growing. Take the test and see what you are. It may help you to understand yourself better and by extension, understand your fears and why you are who you are. Stress and how you handle it is just one part of the equation for being successful and free.
I am going through the same stress right now. it is pretty lonely sometimes.

I had to lose a lot of friends. Most of them believe I live in another state.

Also the situation with girls is hard too. I dont even really get to talk to that many. I just started all this and I havn't had much time to really get out much. but I think it will all pay off eventually.

I moved out away from everything and have been saving for about a year now. so its been a lonely year. at least, it has passed by quickly enough.

but i really enjoy this :) it doesn't feel wrong to me.

it beats working restaurants all your life for sure. also you can invest in things that will help you in the future.. like starting your own business or something like that.