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Grower solidarity and legalization

Anybody else remember when growing was a real outlaw game? A rebel, tight-knit internet community (yes, such a thing existed) full of people taking the risks together, whilst society scorned?

Obviously legalization is a beautiful thing. But in relaxing in California recently, I noticed it kind of sucks in a way, too. Every douchebag and their brother is a grower, doesn't care at all about plant, the movement, the non-spoken "live and let live" lifestyle that has been loosely associated with cannabis for decades, and so on. In the Bay it seems every half-wit capitalist douchebag who would otherwise be working at a hedge fund is now a "grower" for some easy cash.

Anybody go to a weed "expo" or some other such corporate monstrosity-thing and feel initially happy but..bummed too?

I'm only in my twenties and feel this way, fwiw..


It's still a real outlaw game in most of the world.

I haven't been to a weed expo and felt disappointed, but I've been to a hydro store and felt hella noided out.
It's still a real outlaw game in most of the world.

I haven't been to a weed expo and felt disappointed, but I've been to a hydro store and felt hella noided out.
I remember being a 19 year old kid from an upper middle class "do-gooder" family on vacation in Humboldt. First time I left the state of Ohio. Met some crazy-ass hippies somewhere near Eureka. It was like something out of a movie man. We talked about a sativa strain I had brought (and produced) for hours. They ended up asking me (indeed, forcing me) to sleep in their home, and introduced me to their hippie chick daughter, with more than a few hints that I would be "good for her." hehe. What a week....

That, to me, is what it's all about. That vacation changed my life.

Now I see suits with corporate sponsorship giving me a walk-through tour of their garden design in some fancy warehouse in San Fran and don't know what to think...


posers :badday:

Shitty growers put out shitty weed, make your mark by always putting out the best product possible. The others will go by the wayside eventually. I dont think the shitty economy is really helping the situation, everyone is just desperate to make a buck.


Originally posted by thingshappening...
Anybody else remember when growing was a real outlaw game? A rebel, tight-knit internet community (yes, such a thing existed) full of people taking the risks together, whilst society scorned?
Actually I remember things from way before the internet. Try the 60's and before...

If everyone grows their own where would the demand be? It is the flower of love not your ticket to making $$$...
Plus, they would have to bust everybody.

Think about it ...
its still an outlaw game no mistake about it

I feel you on california, every jack off thinks they are a grower now...
had an icmag friend stop by on his travels, 1st time being in california, coming from europe, and the first thing he commented was how balls out people are down here not using carbon scrubbers and be all out in the open with their shit. trying to gain perspective though it really has grown and normalized in california a lot with in a really short period of time.

Even being here with in the last few years it has changed dramatically. prices have dropped and supplies have increased..more people are medically licensed. the street dealers of only a few years ago have either moved up in the bizz or gotten out.

im not here to play mr bad ass or outlaw but I do see your point. there is a certain mystery of a community never showing their identity but sharing information for a greater cause. You can still see this being true in the majority of the world. i sometimes get annoyed with all the new tokers but really its not as bad as everyone being squares. in the end i hope its a good thing for it to be out in the open. if it was really accepted it would be no different than eating garlic or parsley. sure if you grow garlic or parsley you may socialize with others who like growing it too but just because you like garlic and parsley on your pasta doesn't mean we are going to have much else in common.

dont let yourself get a big head with cannabis.. she tries to deflate that if you let her..

let it live do the best that you can and keep that spirit alive..if you have deep connection with the plant keep that real and share it with others cause believe me there are others like you!