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Grow room with no co2 question


Active member
"My Enviorment"
Im runing veg/flowering room in an outside buildign no rooms to pull fresh air from jsut the room to grow in . the outside air is like 20 degrees below 0 freezing .
"My Room"
Im gogin to divide my space which is currently 6' x 12' into 2 rooms a 6x4 (veg) and a 6x8 area ( flowering)
Flowering room

flowering room will have 7 plant and two 1k hps lamps it also has a carbon filter and 8inch inline fan ( inline fan is in the flower room pulling air (passive intake via 8" light traped hole ) from the veg room and then is circulated in the flowering room and then placed back into the veg room to repeat the circle .This keeps my temps @ about 70-80 degrees in both rooms which the plants seem to love .

Veg room
the veg room is only going to house 2 mothers under a 400 mh with a parobolic shade . the light cycle is gogin to be 20/4 .

And finally onto my question :

with having basically a closed enviorment with no in or out vents Could i still hit 0.5grams per watt ? or will the lack of co2 bring my yeilds way down .


1 cubic meter of air at 20 degrees contains 0,69g CO2, that is only 0,19g carbon. Most of your plants dry weight is carbon.
If the room is completely closed, it will effect the yield.


Active member
2- 1k are gonna throw some heat,Can you use a fan on a thermostat and draw in fresh cool air as needed.I dont know much about them but what about 1 of those CO2 buckets.
Either way I would think .5 a watt would be feesible,depending on style and experiance


Active member
1 cubic meter of air at 20 degrees contains 0,69g CO2, that is only 0,19g carbon. Most of your plants dry weight is carbon.
If the room is completely closed, it will effect the yield.
How much you belive its going to effect the over all ?
whatt about if i just set up a propane bbq and ran in a few mins ever few hrs during the on light cycle would this work ... i mean i would go out tomorrow and buy a burner and regulator if i had a grand to spend but my cash is limited for a few months.


Big effect.
I work as a greenhouse gardener. If the CO2 supply fails in one of our greenhouses at full light, the level drops from 800ppm(You have around 350ppm CO2 in regular air.) to 200-150 within a few hours. Below 150ppm the growth stops.
And that is small flowers, and around 6 meters to the roof...

How about using reverse cooltubes, mounted so the two bulbs heat up your intake air? With two vents and two regulators you should be able to set the flow on the intake, and thereby the temperature of the air, and the use the second set for the exhaust, it needs to run a little faster for negative pressure if you use filter.


Active member
superpedro thanks alot for stopping by thats what i needed someone with some experence
im gogin to look into it a little more in depth when i wake up tomorrow i hope you stick around i may have some questions . .

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