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Grow New Mexico, Legalize Marijuana


ICMag Donor

The Drug Policy Alliance is launching a campaign to build out base in support of marijuana. Our campaign is called Grow New Mexico, Legalize Marijuana; to kick things off we are hitting the road for a series of town hall meetings this October. We’ll be holding weeknight town hall meetings across the state in 6 towns: Roswell, Las Cruces, Deming, Farmington, Gallup, and Albuquerque.
Legalizing marijuana will enrich our state's economy, fund early childhood education, and keep kids safe.
Join Drug Policy Alliance staff and guest speakers (TBA) this October for a discussion about statewide marijuana legalization.
RSVP for one of six (free) events in Las Cruces, Deming, Roswell, Gallup, Farmington, and Albuquerque. (if you are unable to attend, use the RSVP form to sign-up for the Grow New Mexico, Legalize Marijuana email list to hear about future campaign activities)
What: Learn about marijuana legalization and the ways New Mexico benefit from regulating marijuana for adult use and hemp.
Who should attend: People who are interested in becoming volunteers are encouraged to attend an event in their region to connect with campaign staff.
Additional conversations and trainings will be offered to those who sign-up as a supporter of the Grow New Mexico, Legalize Marijuana campaign.
What: Grow New Mexico, Legalize Marijuana Town Hall.
Roswell: The Unity Center, Wed. Oct. 5th 5-7pm
Las Cruces: Dona Ana College, Tues. Oct.12th 5-7pm
Deming: Mimbres Event Center, Wed. Oct. 13th 5-7pm
Farmington: San Juan College, Tues. Oct. 18th 5-7pm
Gallup: Community Service Center, Wed. Oct. 19th 5-7pm
Albuquerque: South Valley Senior Center, Tues. Oct. 25th 5-7pm
Who should attend: People who want to learn more about marijuana policy.
Additional conversations and training will be offered to those who sign-up as a campaign supporters.
Free snacks and Legalize Marijuana T-shirt raffle! Free and Open to the Public!

Things will start happening once another governor is elected. Just 2 more years....cough.


ICMag Donor
When the time comes to start writing the legislation I hope New Mexico follows in Colorados footsteps & passes an Amendment to the States Constitution.

Any other form of legislation would prove arbitrary since the States lawmaker would have the ability to change it a section at a time, over time.

INDIVIDUAL HOME GROWING should be fundamental in this and all future legislation.

Keep in mind too that the Constitution is the place for individual protections while regulations & statutes are the place for restricting businesses.


New member
They just had a special legislative session where they introduced several cannabis bills. Rec being one, industrial hemp research and no limit medical production being the other. HB 11 looks pretty interesting. They allow for patients to sell to growers/distributors which I think is a key to preserving the little man. That's the thing with NM, this is only being done because the special interests are already there and the politicians are able to get their cut. The governors husband is one of the largest Med producers in the state. Just goes to show what they're about there. I'm hopeful, but I know how that state runs all to well. My hats already in the ring so I guess I can't talk too much crap lol.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
at least the corruption here is pretty much what we expect and therefore almost quaint,like its in the family so to speak...both literally and figuratively in this case...

patient sales would be great though,i have only smoked a couple of samples that were even what i would consider even worth trying,everything else ive seen here has been absolute garbage...

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I wish you luck in all your endeavors with this one. Even though I'm in CO, New Mexico has a special place in my heart. I've said that if shit ever hits the fan I'll just buy some cheap ass desert land and just become a weird desert person.

Subbed :good:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've contemplated moving back to Las Cruces many times...and it's still on the list of last destinations...

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
I lived in Clovis for a few years. What a crap hole. Literally, a crap hole. There are so many cattle yards there. You could see the methane gas floating above the stock yards. The smell was the worst. They would haul cow shit out in 18 wheelers. Hated getting behind one of those trucks. I had some good times in NM. I'd move back there if they had laws that were conducive to smoking and growing weed. I might even start riding motorcycles again if I lived there.


ICMag Donor
The governors husband is one of the largest Med producers in the state.
Chuck Franco? I think you have been dazed and confused. He being an under sheriff....doubtful. What proof of producing? Curious.

Although Darren White has switched tunes since leaving law enforcement and joining the dispensary business.


Didn't see him in the data base.

He's part of the Weed & Seed advocacy through DOJ.The office oversees the Weed and Seed program, which works to reduce drug abuse, violent crime and gang activity in high-risk neighborhoods. There are over 300 Weed and Seed locations across the country.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I've contemplated moving back to Las Cruces many times...and it's still on the list of last destinations...
its probably changed a lot depending on how long its been since you've been here...its bigger and yet still sort of the same small town...its a good place to live i think,its cheap to live here anyway,weather is good,food is great!
and with the genetics you have access to it would blow people away here!


New member
I mean that all sounds good but aren't you the same Ultra Health that is headed buy Duke Rodriguez who was Bernalillo County Sheriff 4/8 years who put people away that I knew in federal prison for growing cannabis who now uses for-profit business 2 syphon funds out of the medical New Mexico cannabis program? Aren't you in cahoots with the governor Susana Martinez and her family including Chuck Franco who has invested 1 million dollars into cannabis while his wife keeps it illegal in our state you talk about it being able to keep a economical Monopoly from happening but you are the cause of that said Monopoly or part of if you don't realize who you're working for or maybe you should check it out


New member
if I recall correctly Duke Rodriguez was quoted saying that the medical non-profit model was quickly becoming window dressing for a for-profit business further proof that the politicians who have been elected or appointed are using their power to Rob the medical cannabis program and its patients of funds and funding the New Mexico cannabis program is a medical program that was set up that way so is that the money generated would be put back into the medical program to help it grow and stabilize which if I recall correctly Rodriguez once again was quoted stating that it was somewhere in the tune of 48 million dollars a year that they are making and siphoning out right in front of everyone's eyes they also have currently Fallout more medical licensing and are looking to buy out more throughout the state now that is what you call Monopoly and I would also go as far as saying illegal immoral and just outright fucked off


New member
Passion and compassion?? Is that what you and your peeps are about??? Or money and power??? If you have a passion for compassion where were you when everyone was hurting last where were you when there was no money to be had in the way that it is now when the risk was going to jail or prison for 5 to 10 years where were you then if you care so much putting other people away in prison probably setting yourself up to gain control of the whole market up in Albuquerque by taking out everyone on the East mountains all the rosters all the individual Growers all the people who are making it happen for years just somehow got her ass and pushed out mysterious me before all this happened it went down huh that's kind of funny isn't it


New member
Sounds about right they won't give terminally ill patients or patients with severe trauma an extended plant count but they will give it to businesses huh I guess it's a little easier when they're your old cabinet Buddies


ICMag Donor
Duke Rodriguez, Ultra Health was a former chief financial officer for Lovelace Medical Center, who helped transition the hospital from a nonprofit facility to a for-profit organization and who also served as Human Services Department cabinet secretary under then-Gov. Gary Johnson. - See more at: http://www.sfreporter.com/santafe/article-11802-growing-pains.html#sthash.kaUP2lid.dpuf

NO police....you got it wrong, man.

And it takes capital ($$$$$) to start up as with any cannabis producer or dispensary owner.


ICMag Donor
The New Mexico Marijuana Legalization Amendment did not appear on the Nov. 8, 2016 ballot in New Mexico as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment. The measure would have legalized the possession and personal use of marijuana by persons twenty-one years of age or older. The New Mexico Legislature would have provided by statute for the production, processing, transportation, sale, taxation and acceptable quantities and places of marijuana and hemp use. The amendment was proposed by Se, Ortiz y Pino. (D-12) as Senate Joint Resolution 2.

May happen in 4 yrs. depending on political climate.

Meanwhile certain cities striving to decriminalize.

While New Mexico's marijuana laws are less draconian than those of most states, the state still criminalizes its residents for using a substance that is safer than alcohol. Possession of one ounce or less of marijuana for non-medical purposes is punishable by a $50-100 fine and up to 15 days in jail. A second offense, or a conviction for possession of more than an ounce, can lead to a fine of up to $1,000 and a prison term of up to one year.
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