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grow gone 2 .... pot


New member
i hav started my first indoor tent grow, 2mtr sq tent, with a dedicated air intake fan, a carbon filter extract fan, a ocialatin fan, 2 600 hps lights with bran new heat sheilds forgot the name.

clones where givin to me with a good root system on the mjority if not aler nutin was the prob, so i started to flush hopein to start the feed cycle again giv the plants a chance. i staryted agin l. i repotted to 10 ltr pots wen i though the time was right. i soon started to notice what seemed to me like plant burn and they soon started to lose there natural healthy green and went to a horrible yellow. as i was feedin them every second day i presumed it wasnt lack off food so presumed nute burn. i started with a flush for 4 days and then stared to feed at quarter dose. the problem persisted and algae started to grow on the surface off the soil.nightmare.

i scrapped it of oand put a fresh layer of soil on top, now thinkin heat was a prob i knocked off one off the lights which left them veggin under a 600 hps rather than 1200.

with all the advice all wrong im fuckn this grow up but want to try salvage somethin.
my plan is to let my soil dry completly out b4 i feed again with r with out nutes prob without.

i am goin to try an idea on a couple, i have completly covered the soil so no light is penetartin to the soil, tomorrow im gonna cover a few with stone same princible.
and the others im gonna presume root rot and let them dry and try aquire some root juice/boost.
anyway input on this would be appreciated as its a shame to let them dy.


Hey red, hard to know for sure without a few more details. I would guess you are drowning the girls though. Before you water them pick them up and make sure they actually need watering. Also it would be nice to know the temps around the canopy level of your girls. Unless it is waaaay up there, say high 90s or higher, watering every 2 days sounds excessive. Seems like when I was growing in soil (not too long ago) when they were young clones, they didn't need a whole lot of water. I would guess in a 2.5g pot with clones only a week or two old could go for a good week between waterings. But to make sure, again, try lifting the pots after you water and the runoff is gone and compare it a couple of days later. You may want to even fill the same size pot with soil (no water added) just to get an idea of dry soil weight. Just my 2cents....good luck


I agree with sneaky. Hard to say what's causing this but you, almost certainly, are watering them too much.

I don't know how much nutes are in your soil to begin with. My soil is very rich in nutes so I don't have too feed them until they've used up the nutes in the soil. Only water first week or 2 for me.

Good luck


New member
well the temp does be in the 20-30 degree range and humidy 30/40 percent kinda depends on the day as its takin fresh air from an external source. i kinda reckond i was overwaterin.
should i stop feeds untill soil is not sahara desert dry but dry so they need water not just keep besein it on the feed cycle im goin on as the soil is rarely dry at this rwate and in order to crear so much algae its gotta take some amount off dampness or wotever conditions algae thrives on.so dry it out kill off the algae switch my feed cycle to say 4/5 days r when wen they r completly dried out?also can i salvage this if i take action now as i dont wanna waste my time n money on somethin i want to turn out proper as im a smoker not a dealer so i want quality.so kill it now r let it dry see wot happens? opions?:)


New member
i put in 5 white russian clones 2 weeks ago. they where healthy babys long roots lovely n green.couple off days after repottin in my tent they started to deteriate, now they r indistinguishible from the rest ofrf the grow.


If your not sure about watering, they sell a probe that you can stick into and it will tell you if they need watering. I know at first it is difficult (not really, you will see after a little xp) to know when to water. You can also go by the "dig a couple of inches down in the soil and if it is dry, then water" method. But like Dodsknark, they really don't need much water the first couple of weeks, and depending on the soil you are using, not much nutes. I personally wouldn't add nutes till maybe I saw some signs of nute deficiency on the leaves.

As far as what to do next, it's really up to you. You gotta think if it is worth it or not. If they are drowning, you may want to repot and only lightly water the new soil without any nutes. When they are that small you want to be extra careful adding nutes.

Oh yeah, if you are using miracle grow soil that could be part of your problem too. My very first trial plant I used m.g. and when the girl was about a foot tall and in a 2L soda bottle I added nutes at full strength and murdered her....it was a sad day to have to bury her.


New member
If your not sure about watering, they sell a probe that you can stick into and it will tell you if they need watering. I know at first it is difficult (not really, you will see after a little xp) to know when to water. You can also go by the "dig a couple of inches down in the soil and if it is dry, then water" method. But like Dodsknark, they really don't need much water the first couple of weeks, and depending on the soil you are using, not much nutes. I personally wouldn't add nutes till maybe I saw some signs of nute deficiency on the leaves.

As far as what to do next, it's really up to you. You gotta think if it is worth it or not. If they are drowning, you may want to repot and only lightly water the new soil without any nutes. When they are that small you want to be extra careful adding nutes.

Oh yeah, if you are using miracle grow soil that could be part of your problem too. My very first trial plant I used m.g. and when the girl was about a foot tall and in a 2L soda bottle I added nutes at full strength and murdered her....it was a sad day to have to bury her.

thanks for the input, im usin biobiz soil pretty good mix dunno the specifics threw all the bags out lol. but the overwaterin has to my prob ill let them starve for a few days and dig in a few inch make sure the soil is completly dry and go from there its all i can do at the mo.


New member
on this grow theres been too many chefs, each with there own ideas, all conflictin lol ph at 5.6 nah 6.2 spray every day dont spray every day.
my first grow i germinated myself potted repotted and got some wopper 4/5 feet bitchs lovely koalas nice buds.this was in a damp shed goin on my own assumptions off wot i thought was right, my piont is im listnin 2 too many peeps all tryn t help but they aint
the conditions this time r perfect right temps nice air flow,so only thing is the feed gonna cut bak on everythin salvage wot i can and see wot happens :)


burnt out og'er
i agree with sneaky101's advice only..don't stick your fingers in the dirt...
click the link below instead


New member
ta man very handy link think its the right idea iv left them dry a few days n there lookin a lot healthyer so with a bit of luck i should b able 2 salvage sum fingers cropssed