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GROW CONTEST WINNER: 30 Sour Bubble Trees, 20 Gallon Smartpots, 10K Sealed!



heres what she looks like at day 40 and 35,,,i hope u enjoy her as much as ido lol,,she tested at 25.5% total at ironlabs incase anyone was curious about her she is very funky hits smooth expands like a bomb in ur chest i love her but i am biased,,lol,,peace


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Third Coast- Thank you, I have my fingers crossed for you I know how much of an endevor such a project can be. I hope your year is full of success as well my friend.

BOG- Thank you for stopping by and for the compliment, coming from you it means alot. Hope all is well you and yours.

Somoz- Yeah this is my first time growing this out but this is IDO's cut and he swears by it. I have smoked it but there is nothing like getting up close and personal and growing her out. IDO has a sick strain collection due to his genetic hoarding issues (lucky me) and he kept this girl so she has to be soemthing special. I can already tell she is holding her own in the room full of elites, super sticky and as of tonight adding some weight for sure I had some leaners. Thanks for the veggie advice once again, it will be fun to experiment with them at not such a high risk of financial devesatation like MJ.

IDO- Each and everyday I am more impressed with her nice selection bro!

Scooter trash- Thanks

Alright so here is day 12 of flower for the Katsu Bubba Kush at lights out. please don't mind the bamboo, believe it or not it needs alot more. Katsu can be a floppy bitch I am shaping the canopy to my liking via bamboo and soon I will lolipop the bottoms of these girls. Really pics serve them no justice they are borderline out of hand lol. AC is running great, like a brand new ride. You can tell the plants really appreciate the dialed in everything.

Tonight I am working on total veg sterlization and cleanout, taking next round clones, and work area total sterlization and cleanout.







Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
ganja_hasi- Thank you that is awesome!

Everyone here this thread is now an offcial nominee for "Grow of the Season" Winter- 2012/2013 thanks to some of you here. The winning thread will have a feature in the Digital ICeMagazine #4, an IC Mag Tshirt, and $100 credit at the bay or boo. I would be honored if you all wouldn't mind stopping by the thread and casting your vote no matter who it is for. There are some great threads, participate and thank everyone for their time keeping such intricate logs. Good luck to everyone else and thank you ICMag, ganja_hasi and anyone else involved in the organzing of the contest. Here is the link where you can cast your vote for grow of the season. Now get out and vote!



The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
You got my vote GL with the contest. I'll be watching the katsu blow up this round!

mack 10

Well-known member
Holla Pk, Katsu looking sick, just snagged her myself, do you have any Veg pic's so i can compare?
good luck on the comp!



Well-known member
I gotta admit,anytime there is an update here I'm looking in to see whats up.I also bought some of your Sour Bubble P.K.Thank you for these...
I guess,I'm a fan:shucks:
Good luck in the contest.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
High life 45- Thank you!

Blazeoneup- Thank you sir, blow up is right it is going to be a sick one.

Mack10- You know that is a good question, I am not sure if I do. I don't take to many veg pics, I would guess no. Perhaps I will do some poking aorund and see if I do. Blaze might be the man for that as well. Thanks for your support!

hayday- Thank you for helping support the 420 Fundraiser, and thanks for the good luck and compliment. I hope you find somehting killer in those seeds, don't hesitate to come back here and share :)

hempluvr- Thank you very much! I appreciate it, FREE seeds are involved!

Once again here is the the link to the Poll for "Grow of the Season" 2012/2013. I encourage everyone to head over there and vote!



plant pimp
Theres other nice setups but NONE as informative as this one. There's more pics in this thread then in a lot of members albums! Ive learned SO much here! Thanks again PK for sharing nothing but PURE KNOWLEDGE!

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Re: 30 Sour Bubble Trees, 20 Gallon Smartpots, 10K Sealed!

Re: 30 Sour Bubble Trees, 20 Gallon Smartpots, 10K Sealed!

Great Job.



Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Hempluvr- Thanks, I do have alot of pics I just realized that while uploading the other night it said I had like 1800 or something crazy. I am glad you found some information here useful, IC is a great place.

Twisted pleasur- Thank you :)

Everyone I really appreciate all the positive feedback I get from everyone here thank you and it means alot. Sometimes you all blow my head up bigger then it needs to be but it is great to have all your support. Speaking of support, my mother is an avid reader, especially since I got her a kindle this Xmas since long trips to the bookstore suck she is a homebody like me.

She is also a green thumb as well as my father and as a kid they were constantly in the yard under the sun smoking one and playing in their flower beds and garden. Little did I know I would somewhat follow in their footsteps and have a love for gardening as well. The apple don't fall far from the tree. I told my mother about this thread and the nomination and suggested she give it a read. It is wonderful to have a supportive family that all support me in the business I am in and also believe it is what I am supposed to be doing, they know it is my passion. Here was my mothers response I recieved today after she visited the thread:

"Hi honey, so wow, I read a lot of your blog, skipping all around of course, and it's pretty awesome. You are very generous to share all your knowledge and all the results of your failures and sucesses. You defineitely have a loyal and stong following, I think they actually love you! I can tell you have a lot of time and thought into your posts. Crazy pics, excellent info and honest straight answers for anyone who needs one, I am so proud of the pride you have in yourself and your product. Keep spreading the love. oxoxoxox"

I love my Mom :) This thread is now PK's Mom APPROVED lol

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Hi PK mom lol.

Even my folks are coming around, and this is after sending me to rehab a few times back in the eighties for smoking gods gift. Thanks Nancy Reagan.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
ThirdCoast- Damn rehab for weed! The 80's sucked lol! Glad to hear they are coming around :)

ubi- Thanks!

Alright IC come on I need everyone to stop over to the "Grow of the Season" thread and vote! Even if you don't vote for me go and support the awesome growers and thread maintainers that makes IC the best!



my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Hi PK mom lol.

Even my folks are coming around, and this is after sending me to rehab a few times back in the eighties for smoking gods gift. Thanks Nancy Reagan.

ThirdCoast- Damn rehab for weed! The 80's sucked lol! Glad to hear they are coming around :)

reading that I imagine this...


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