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Grow Busts



2) Don't throw anything grow related in your trash to be picked up
I have seperate trash for my grow area that I will either put in the trash can only when I see the trash truck on my street (and watch it go in) or I'll rush out at the last minute like I'm late and throw it in the back of the truck myself.

3) Keep the power bill down to something reasonable for the size house.
Is 1k per bedroom still the rule of thumb? Does that mean 1k per bedroom that can be on 24 hours or 1k per bedroom on 12/12? I'm running 3k in a 3 bedroom home, my bill is ~$250 a month.


natural medicator
I have seperate trash for my grow area that I will either put in the trash can only when I see the trash truck on my street (and watch it go in) or I'll rush out at the last minute like I'm late and throw it in the back of the truck myself. ...............

Careful with this. Cops are known to do controlled pickups and pose as the garbage men (or meet them at the end of the street with your trash separated) and go through your stuff.

Once its on the street, they don't seem to need a warrant to go through any of it.

Can't site the actual article(s), but I know I've read at least one on ICmag about it.

If no one is looking your way, you might be alright, but if you're selling to anyone, possibly have an odor leak, or have an electric bill that's significantly higher than everybody else in your neighborhood with the same size house, then it might not be safe enough to dump that grow trash at the curb.

Guest 18340

Careful with this. Cops are known to do controlled pickups and pose as the garbage men (or meet them at the end of the street with your trash separated) and go through your stuff.

Once its on the street, they don't seem to need a warrant to go through any of it.

Can't site the actual article(s), but I know I've read at least one on ICmag about it.

If no one is looking your way, you might be alright, but if you're selling to anyone, possibly have an odor leak, or have an electric bill that's significantly higher than everybody else in your neighborhood with the same size house, then it might not be safe enough to dump that grow trash at the curb.
Absolutely correct. Cops DO NOT need a warrant to take/go through your trash. Long ago the courts ruled that if you put trash at the curb then it is considered unwanted and anybody, including cops, can take it.


Thus far I've been judging the risk of putting it out myself the way I do as lower than my other means of disposal.

I use to have a friend take it because his job had a large dumpster there that he could throw it in without anybody seeing. Although I trust him to do that, I don't like putting anybody else at risk, and that was unnecessarily putting him at risk so I have since stopped that.

I guess one way to do this safer would be to visually recognize my usual garbage men before putting my trash out. That way if it were somebody different I could just hold off until later or do something else.

I feel like they would probably do a couple trash pulls in the middle of the night or something, and finding nothing, move on to another method of trying to detect a grow-op. That's just my opinion, I can't be sure that's what would happen though.

I don't put anything personally identifiable (other than my fingerprints, which are on record) in the trash, but I guess if they literally saw me put the exact bag in the trash truck myself then it wouldn't really matter.


Honestly, the second the bag hits the truck (or dumpster) you are in the clear unless you have something personal in the bag.

Any decent attorney would have no problem with that one.


Active member
all i can say is its great to be legal.cops already been here and verified. only worries are crooks. and i got that covered bigtime.. i dont really have grow trash other than fert bottles. they go at bottom of trash can . on top goes about 4 gal of dog poo. anyone wants to dig in there is welcome. enjoy the smell. stay safe guys great thread


on top goes about 4 gal of dog poo. anyone wants to dig in there is welcome. enjoy the smell. stay safe guys great thread
I wish that would work for me. We have a lot of semi-homeless people that wander this neighborhood looking for scrap metal in trash bins. They will dig in anything. In another neighborhood I could consider being more lax about putting certain things in the trash. Here I don't do it at all. They will dig to the very bottom and slash open any closed and tied bags.


Active member
i ran off all those folks years aog. they dont mess with my trash any more.lots of wandering homeless here in cali pushing shopping carts.


Active member
Good thread.

But decriminalizing pot also means giving cops and jailers considerably less to do, since more than a tenth of state prisons where pot is still criminalized are filled with pot users or dealers (but mostly users).
Well that pretty much sums up why states are afraid to decriminalize- jobs. How immoral that they would steal freedom for jobs.

Florida is among the states with the more severe anti-pot laws: possessing so much as a gram (or up to 20) of the stuff lands an individual in jail for a year. Possessing more than 20 grams is a felony worth five years in prison. And cultivating the cannabis plant bumps up the penalties: 25 or more plans results in a 15-year sentence. Even possessing marijuana paraphernalia results in a one-year jail sentence.
Ever since moving to Cali I've referred to Florida as "barbaric", and it is.

Years ago, after about a 10 year hiatus from cannabis I discovered its medicinal value. As a teenager I used weed basically to have "fun" and enjoy myself, then being in business I just basically stopped, or slowed down. Eventually I developed depression etc and it's the type of ailment that happens slowly, for whatever reasons, and over time your brain/body just isn't producing the right chemical balance. At any rate, after discovering how much benefit I could now get out of cannabis I started to grow outdoor, few plants at a time. Got ripped off once, almost ran into the thieves at my grow site(heard them coming), and another time stepped on a younger, larger sounding homeless guy(was night) sleeping near a different site- could have gotten real ugly.

All that just to produce medicine I could use and function with. During that time three doctors tried to get me on anti depressants, drugs that one primary physician likely knew little about. The side effects and problems caused by these legal drugs doctors try to build their practices with aren't worth going into. These drugs are often not useful and in many cases cause patients to feel abnormal in other ways. It's really hard to figure out why the powers try to control it. Maybe it really is just about power, prejudice, jobs, and money.


Active member
florida is ruthless. we used to watch buy busts go down . lots of folks lost their ride and freedom. florida likes to take your ride for drugs or hookers. even a dimebag of weed!!!!!!!!!. i am so glad i got out of there before being jailed. 33 misd3eamenors tho ha ha ha. only part of florida i like is miami south. need to get back there next year for some fishin


Why don't you Cali kids start a service to pick up the fiber parts and making something from it. There is enough stalks being just thrown away that a good industry for hemp fiber products could be started and growers could stop putting that shit in the trash...maybe locked dumpsters around and buy access with a key by the month or some drop off place...hemp clothes or something...sell the cloth to prisons to make pig/guard/inmate uniforms out of...lol


Active member
I dump any trash from my grow in a large dumpster @ my work the night before trash pick up so it's never in there too long.


Active member
y'all have landfills in your area(s)? Wait until the compactor is empty and throw it in the bottom. Use a different style/color bag for yer illegal garbage. Sort your recycling, throw it in the bins, make sure some regular joes toss more bags on top of yours, and ya good to go.

If the fuzz is staking out the local landfill, then I guess you're fucked.

I used to throw my grow trash in gas station garbage cans, but that was when I was rocking a 600 watter.

Hope this helps.




I guess one way to do this safer would be to visually recognize my usual garbage men before putting my trash out. That way if it were somebody different I could just hold off until later or do something else.

Nope. They sent the normal garbage folks on a separate run to get my trash. I did notice it was picked up late that day, but that's not unusual enough to warrant attention.


gets some
You have to use discretion in answering the door, there's isn't a hard and fast rule to NEVER answer it.

Just this morning I had a knock on the door as I'm in the grow room. I look out the window and its a city truck. After thinking whether I should answer it, I do and step outside pulling the door shut behind me. Its also one of the electronic combination locks on the door that locks it automatically after 30 seconds.

There's two city workers, and one wants to come in to check for the "water leak" because my usage went from 7 units to 21 units, so there must be a leak. So I say (truthfully) that I just filled a 6000 gallon pool in the back yard, and that would account for the spike in usage, DIDN'T tell him I aslo installed an RO system and filled a 55 gallon barrel which I KNOW isn't doing the advertised 3 to 1 ratio, its more like 10 to 1 or more.

Anyway, the pool was in plain view, and they were statisfied there was no plumbing leak and left. Had I not answered the door, I'm sure the cops would be my next visitor.

Don't answer the door for city workers, cable workers or any other random employee that shows at your door! Yes there is a hard and fast rule to not answer the door for anybody, and particularly no body wearing a uniform. Fuck em! Did you have a water leak? You would know. Pay the bill and ignore that shit. Nothing good comes from answering the door for anyone you don't know if you're growing. NOTHING

I hope new growers completely ignore the quoted post. It's bullshit. If that's a cop wearing a utility uniform then he's looking for anything to advance his investigation and you opening the door may be enough.


New member
I know what happened here

I know what happened here

Message me and I can give you all the details on this bust ... Sometimes people get caught because they are greedy and turn into snitches