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Grow Busts

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Great story but I am confused about one thing.

"An officer followed the man inside, but lost him when
he went upstairs to a second floor and disappeared.
Police surrounded the home and asked the SWAT team to
come out, thinking the man was hiding."

A tunnel from the second floor? This guy is freakin' Houdini.

"Police found ladders in the closets leading to
the second floor ..."

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
That's actually pretty sharp. If you run upstairs, they probably think that you've got no where to go but out the window or back down the stairs. So they'll sit tight and wait for you, rather than chasing you up the stairs. Pretty slick. Tunnels at sea level is seriously ambitious. Way to go! I always wondered if they ever caught this guy. Never did find out.


Active member
The trap door that led police to an underground marijuana operation worth $400,000

The trap door that led police to an underground marijuana operation worth $400,000

A trap door in a Florida backyard has led police to an underground nursery of marijuana plants worth a total of nearly $400,000.

It was in the cement floor of a backyard shed that police in Naples, Florida found the trap door emptying into a steal container housing the plants.

With a SWAT team surrounding the house on Wednesday, officers entered the 416-square-ft room to find over 133 plants growing with others hanging to dry in the above-ground home.
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Discovery: A trap door in the floor of a storage shed has led police to the discovery of a hidden room containing nearly $400,000 worth of marijuana plants

Hiding: This is the steel-walled room found containing the illegal plants after neighbours reported a smell coming from the home, leading to its discovery

Collier County sheriff's Captain Chris Roberts described the room and drug operation as 'pretty sophisticated,' according to Naples Daily News.

'They're obviously a little bit out of the ordinary when you find these underground, especially with the high water table we have in south Florida,' he said.

The home's owner, 54-year-old Jesus Manuel Jaime, who has yet to be found,
had been arrested 10 years prior at the same house for growing marijuana.

In that 2002 arrest, police found plants growing in two rooms inside the house with the help of a custom-made irrigation and lighting system.

Operation: The 416-square-ft room was found growing over 133 plants, some seen hanging to dry here inside the above-ground home

Backyard: The storage shed, pictured, was placed behind the home and shielded from roadside view, hiding the trap door and its contents

Owner: Jesus Manuel Jaime, 54, who owns the home, has yet to be found while 10 years' prior he was arrested for growing marijuana at the same site

Police confiscated 177 plants and growing materials in that raid.

According to NBC2, it was a distinct smell that led police to obtain a search warrant for the home on Wednesday.
Neighbours of Jaime were calling the find 'freaky,' according to NBC2.

'Yeah because I was all up in the shed and never even noticed anything. Nothing,' one woman whose name was not given said. 'They have dirt and everything all over the bottom. Couldn't even tell.'

A husband and father, according to one neighbour, Jaime tended to keep to himself while believed to have been living alone since his wife and daughter moved to Miami about three years ago.

Following his arrest in 2002, Jaime pleaded no-contest to three felony charges, according to Naples News, and received two years of probation.

They are currently looking for him for questioning on the current operation found.

Credit DailyMail


natural medicator
Run Jesus RUN!

Definitely a cool hiding place.

looks/reads like they smelled his drying plants.

nice post 1ManGrow


That guy was setup for sure, plants just got harvested, now they can let them hang and charge him with intent to sale, distribution, possession, cultivating, all kinds more shit. Someone talked or they had an informant. Just the right time or a hell of a coincidence.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
According to NBC2, it was a distinct smell that led police to obtain a search warrant for the home on Wednesday.
Neighbours of Jaime were calling the find 'freaky,' according to NBC2.

'Yeah because I was all up in the shed and never even noticed anything. Nothing,' one woman whose name was not given said. 'They have dirt and everything all over the bottom. Couldn't even tell.'

His freakin neighbor was playing junior narc and snooping around about the guys property.


"Police teargassed the property but the man didn't come out." Bwahaha lololol
Bayer "Growercide"- now available at your local LEOstore. Apply liberally, one canister per Growop!


Well I don't want to link any articles or anything but I will share some details on a recent bust:

House: Small one-story house, two bedroom house that was in town, but with no close neighbors.

Op: 4k in the flower room, 1600w veg. Three wall unit AC's. Vent fans were used at night with no filtration. (since there were no neighbors) There were four 4x8 flood tables filled with plants.

Info on the bust:
The house was in full use for many years. About two years PRIOR to the bust, leo received a anonymous tip of "suspicious activity" which did not lead to anything.
- Then they received another tip, a few years later, this time with specific information on a grow op. The information came from an acquaintance of the grower.
- They then checked power records to find the small two bedroom ranch having power bills over $900 during a few months of the summer.
- Then a trash pull where they found a few root balls and empty bottles of nutes.

That's all it took to get a warrant, some machine guns, and go bustin' through the door.

So ultimately, it was someone who knew about the grow, calling the fuzz which led to the bust.

Lessons learned from this story:
1) Don't tell anyone about the grow
2) Don't throw anything grow related in your trash to be picked up
3) Keep the power bill down to something reasonable for the size house.



Active member

Grower sets up in closet of one unit. Punches hole through to crawlspace to draw in cold air. Totally and completely forgets the furnace fan causing back pressure. When furnace is on, grow air is pushed into crawlspace and up through cracks/flooring into second unit.

Bonehead, eh?

Neighbors complain of 'unknown'/'wierd' smell before moving, second tenant ends up moving in 3 days. Couldn't get the smell of cannabis out of their clothes and people at work were complaining.

Not saying I was involved... but it was my idea originally to punch the hole. Can't believe I never though about back pressure and scrubbing the intake as well. *sigh*

All in all, not a bad happening. Dire consequences if something like that should happen to a non-patient or in a non-medical state. Keep on your toes, think everything through completely... several times. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


The most useful information is found in search warrant affidavits.

You'll find everything/all evidence leading up to the bust.

And if they're knocking at your door they're there for a fucking reason, not because your house is on the way home from the Donut shop and they wanted to drop in to say hi. A knock/talk should be a wake up call, not a "man, I just thwarted the cops because I didn't answer the door."


New member
Very good indoor grow here. The plants are indoor and are quite healthy enough to give the good results. The information here is very much helpful to the beginners like me on how to save themselves fro the cops and the others.


the problem is no matter how careful you are, there is always the coincidence factors. that shit is the one aspect you have no way to control. all you can do is keep your shit tight and follow your own rules. trash is a give away, but to me smell is the biggest. you need to not just think about scrubbing the air in the flowering room, you need to have the drying area scrubbed too, as well as the veg area. really careful folks have 1 smoking room with a scrubber in it too.


Active member
alot of folks scrub their rooms but toke in the living room and around the house. i dont have to worry about it. but something i noticed

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