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hey there, :wave:

me and my girl is driving to holland this friday, visiting The city of Groningen. I can see there is several coffeshops in the city, but I would like to hear if there is any that you guys would recommend??

its always best to get first hand experience ;)

I know this is coming a little late, but in case anyone else chooses Groningen as their holiday destination (or passes through it), here's the 411 on coffeeshops in Groningen.

There are 14, almost all of which are in the city center.

All of the weed and hash is pre-bagged; most shops stock two bag sizes, 5€ and 12€ (almost everyone has the 5, the larger bag size varies from shop to shop). Depending on the shop, the budtender and your manners, you may either be given a selection of 2-4 bags to choose from of the strain you asked for, or just be given the single bag.

Almost all coffeeshops in Groningen permit smoking in the premises (to my knowledge, only Da Raggamuffin lacks a smoking license), and in most you can even smoke tobacco freely - ask the budtender.

If you only have time to visit one coffeeshop, make it Taverne Oasis (found on the Meeuwerderweg to the South). It's a little ways from the city center, but easily within walking distance, and has easily the best herb in Groningen. It's not open on Sundays (and only 12-19 on other days) but on Fridays and Saturdays there's a special deal of 3x5€ = 12,5€ (you save 2,5€ - this also works with bigger bags, take a 12,5€ and a 5€ and it'll set you back 15€). If you go on any other day, it's the most expensive in Groningen, but it's still probably the best value for money.

Other coffeeshops worth checking out are Drie Master (same owner and thus same weed as De Dees downtown, but I always found the latter to be busy and lacking in good customer service), where all the weed is found in a folder which you can peruse to get a look at all the buds; The Clown, which sells by the gram, unlike most in Groningen; and Reykjavik which is a little on the expensive side but is good value. Metamorphose is a good chill spot and occasionally they'll have some nice selections that you won't come across elsewhere in Groningen - special import hashes, isolator hash or rare strains of bud - but beware, since much of that is offset by the fact that their regular fare may not be so potent, and definitely not worth the 10€/gram they charge these days. If you see a killer strain on their menu, it will probably be just that; if you don't recognize the strain name or it's something fairly standard, my advice is not to risk it.

Avoid the shops on the Gedempte Zuiderdiep (large road going West-to-East in the South of the city center) - most of the shops are concentrated there, and they cater to tourists. You may find decent weed there but never as good as in the aforementioned shops, and usually at a higher price.

Weed usually goes for 8-9€ per gram. Many strains have Dutch names (eg. Sneeuwwitje = Snow White) and about half of the strains in all the shops will be the same, although from different growers - you will usually find at least Jack Herer, Snow White, White Widow, and Power Plant in half of the coffeeshops at any given time. Hazes, Cheeses, Kushes and the like are harder to come across, so snatch 'em when you see 'em!

I hope this information is of use to someone, and I didn't waste all my time writing this.

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