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GRNPS IV - 400/600w Multi Strain ScrOG


Active member
Hey greenops first regarding the pH yes you can use it in soil/coco/hydro. If your like me and don't like paying too much for so little, then you can make your own. I'm currently using sulfuric(battery) acid diluted down with distilled water. Heaps stronger then what I could get from the hydro shop. I just kept an old pH down bottle and put 900ml of distilled water in it and add 100ml of acid making the full litre. Just remember to always add acid>water and not the other way around because they react and can boil over.
Now with your feedings you're doing the right thing by adjusting the pH before application. With soil you want it between 6.0 and 6.5 that's what the charts floating around say but, someone else with more experience in dirt might help a bit more.
Lastly the breaking PE When i scrog and something snaps like that I tape it up with "3M Micropore" tape. It's used for wound dressing to hold the bandages on. The way it is made it still lets the your skin breath and therefore in my eyes is better for the plant. Also if you don't wrap heaps of it on you can leave it there and the stem will continue to thicker and eventually break the tape.


Awesome start! I too am running a scrog. I'll be paying attention to what u have going on. Do u always run from seed?

Cool.. hope you'll learn from my mistakes. for one, dont set the net too close to the cut where you top the plants.
The PE top branch that snapped didn't make it.
And yes I always run seeds, only because i dont have access to clones.

Hey greenops first regarding the pH yes you can use it in soil/coco/hydro. If your like me and don't like paying too much for so little, then you can make your own. I'm currently using sulfuric(battery) acid diluted down with distilled water. Heaps stronger then what I could get from the hydro shop. I just kept an old pH down bottle and put 900ml of distilled water in it and add 100ml of acid making the full litre. Just remember to always add acid>water and not the other way around because they react and can boil over.
Now with your feedings you're doing the right thing by adjusting the pH before application. With soil you want it between 6.0 and 6.5 that's what the charts floating around say but, someone else with more experience in dirt might help a bit more.
Lastly the breaking PE When i scrog and something snaps like that I tape it up with "3M Micropore" tape. It's used for wound dressing to hold the bandages on. The way it is made it still lets the your skin breath and therefore in my eyes is better for the plant. Also if you don't wrap heaps of it on you can leave it there and the stem will continue to thicker and eventually break the tape.

Yay now i can stop worrying if i got the right pH buffer.. and i will keep adjusting the pH every water/feed too.
But as mentioned above.. the PE top branch didn't make it. I taped it right after the snap, but it was just too much.

Anyway its...

Day 40 / Day 1 switch

So it's time to switch this bitch. This light cycle marks the start of the first 12/12 session.

I'm expecting to see some crowns in the next 10-14 days poppin up everywhere. I start counting the flowering time only after the bud sites actually start to flower and not from the day of the switch.

At this point I must say that the plants I grew before with only a 250w HPS were just about the same size as this batch, for which i used a 250w the first 2 weeks then switched to 400/600w after.


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Day 46 - 6 days 12/12

I still notice tiny V shape pistils so they haven't really started to flower yet.
But the growth is still doing fine and the 5 will fill the screen before they stop stretching.

They just had their first weak dose of Cannzyme with water about a week after they got their first feed of Canna Vega. I'm alternating between feed and water, every 5 - 7 days.

Couple holes and tiny yellow spots are bothering me. The symptom is mostly noticeable on the Pineapple Express, but the others got it too. I've never seen any insects.. so could be some deficiency or pH?


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Active member
Your screen is filling in nicely greenops :) Those couple of holes, well I myself couldn't tell you what they are but have had similar experiences in the past. With me they seem to be few and far between when it has happened and never really had too much of an effect on the plant. Same as yourself , I always thought it was insects of some type but never seen any signs of bugs. Just keep doing what your doing and everything should be fine. Peace


thanks dude. But to be honest I was expecting them to grow faster.
At the moment, the plants i got now are about the same size at this particular stage as the previous plants that i grew under a 250w.
But I hope the difference will become evident once the flowering starts.
Yeah man these holes, I always tried to ignore them. But now it really makes me curious..


Note to self:

PK lots of bottom leaves turning yellow.
C99 got couple too.

nov 10 - 2nd feed (Canna Vega). BC, SDG and Pineapple Express approx 45% strength.
C99 and PK approx 60%.

pH in 6.6
runoff pH 6.9 - 7

PK, PE and SDG get immediate runoff.
BC is able to hold a lot of water.

Next watering: pure water 6.3 pH - 6 days.


Day 51 - 12 days 12/12

Aight, all of them responded with a significant stretch after last nights feed.
About 70% of the screen is now covered. The open spaces are separated by just 2 squares. a lot of scrogging ahead, but its gonna be fun.

For some reason the outside temps have been rising and it's enough to affect the temps in the tent. I had to raise the lights 5cm to keep the temps around 26C-29C.

There now about 2-4 pistils everywhere. I could be wrong, but I would still consider this the pre flowering stage and thats why I still feed them Canna Vega.

Before training:

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After training:

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Day 59 from Seed - Day 19 since 12/12 - Day 6 flowering

Flowering Day 1:
Nov 12: PK, PE, C99
Nov 14: SDG
Nov 20: BC

The plants stretched nicely after some good watering 4 days ago. The C99 is covering the largest area. There will be some areas that will be really overcrowded but it looks like a couple squares outside will remain empty.

The Power Kush seems to be the fastest in the group. Only after 6 days of actual flowering, her bud sites already appear quite bushy. The Pineapple Express and C99 aren't far behind.
But the Sweet Deep Grapefruit is at least 2 days behind in actual flowering, while the Blue Cheese is the slowest to start. The Blue Cheese is spitting about 4-6 pistils, so I'd say today is her flowering day 1.

I'm seeing problems ahead come harvesting time. I was planning to use the grow tent as drying tent. But it looks like the Blue Cheese will take 2 weeks longer than the Power Kush, so I gotta figure out how to coordinate that.

I was hoping someone could help me with the Power Kush issue. Unlike the other plants, her lower leaves are fading and turning yellow way too fast.
Is it Nitrogen deficiency?
How do I deal with it? Should I give more of that Canna Veg?
Not sure if it needs more N since we're in flowering mode...


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Day 22 12/12 <> Day 10 bloom

Last night the Power Kush, C99 and Pineapple Express got their first dose of the Bloom Nute, Canna Flores. As the Power Kush and C99 are showing some deficiencies I decided to give them a bit more than half strength, while the PE just got a bit less than half. I will gradually increase in time.
The Blue Cheese and Sweet Deep Grapefruit are still a bit too heavy for another watering. But they will get it tomorrow.

The C99 responded best to the feed from last night. She keeps on stretching, while the PE and PK are slowing down a bit. So I don't plan on training for much longer..


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Day 28 in 12/12 - Day 16 in bloom

So I think the ladies pretty much stopped stretching. I'm still moving couple bud sites but this will be more or less it.
I'm a bit upset that I didn't get to fill the screen as my last 250w grow. I overestimated the stretch tendencies of the Pineapple Express and the Sweet Deep Grapefruit.
The C99 however stretched as expected 3-4 times its size. Thats the reason i placed her on top in the middle. You can see how she almost covers a third of the scrog!

They look a bit tired at the moment. It's been a week for 3 plants and 5 days for the BC and SDG since the last feed.
The PK, C99 and PE will get their next watering tomorrow.

At this point, the aroma of the Sweet Deep Grapefruit is already well defined! Smells like sweet fruity berries! Really delicious.
The Pineapple Express truly reminds me of pineapples, the Blue Cheese however smells just a lil bit skunky.
The Power Kush and C99, although fast in flowering, don't smell much at this point.


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Day 35 in 12/12 - Day 24 in bloom

The stretch is officially over, the plants will now put more energy into bud production!

On the lower left is the Power Kush who develops very fast just as advertised! Her odor has started to come out more... kinda sweet, citrusy and hashy.

Her only problem is that more than 50% of her leaves are yellow, some upper leaves are also affected. Those leaves also come off easily.

Cindy sitting on the top has somewhat slowed down, but she's a very big girl. Still doesn't have much of an odor.

To the right is the SDG whose leaves appear much darker than the rest. Unfortunately she stayed a bit small because she smells hella delicious!

On Cindy's left side is the Pineapple Express. She's missing one top branch due to an accident which i really start to regret! She's the biggest after the Power Kush, smells nice too!

On the lower right is the short but bushy Blue Cheese. Just started to smell stronger recently. Her buds are still small it looks like she's about to explode though.

So in the next couple days they will get another feed with Canna Bio Flores and I will introduce a lil molasses and Plagron's Green Sensation for the first time.


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hey greenops, the grow looks awesome! How long into flower do you train with the SCRoG net? I'm running my first SCRoG now and trained for about 2 weeks into flower but the stretch seemed to last almost 4 weeks so my tops are not perfect.

The top of your canopy looks great, something I am hoping to duplicate in the future. Keep up the good work!


hey greenops, the grow looks awesome! How long into flower do you train with the SCRoG net? I'm running my first SCRoG now and trained for about 2 weeks into flower but the stretch seemed to last almost 4 weeks so my tops are not perfect.

The top of your canopy looks great, something I am hoping to duplicate in the future. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Bud. I train until they stop stretching, just to keep the canopy as even as possible. But I'm a bit disappointed that a lot of buds didn't grow past the screen. I overestimated the stretch.. I see now that I could have fitted another plant in there.


Day 41 in 12/12 - Day 30 in bloom

The yellowing has increased for the Power Kush and the C99 Next time, instead of only water I will give em a dose of Veg Nute for some N.

Otherwise I'm really impressed how fast the PK develops. Most of her buds are swelling nicely - the first pistils are already turning red. I think she will finish 2 weeks earlier than the rest, which creates a new obstacle:
Where should I dry the PK? I was hoping they would all be ready at the same time so that I can dry them in the grow tent!

The Pinapple Express is filling up too and also gives off some nice sweet n sour aroma.

Cindy has yet to swell however she's quite frosty and starts to smell like candy but its very mild.

The Blue Cheese is starting to put on some weight too and so is the Sweet D. Grapefruit. The BC has some weird smell, I never had cheese before... but it's somehow similar to some cheese smelling feet. I was hoping it would be more sweeter.


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Round 5: Let's get it on...

I will be popping 8 seeds in the next few days. I will start with the strains that stretch less.

So first up are 2 Kandy Kush and 1 Blue Widow.

If my plan should work I will be harvesting this current scrog at 9.5 weeks in bloom. The new batch will be around 5 weeks in veg ready for the switch!


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Day 46 12/12 - Day 35 flowering

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It's the start of week 5. The buds are getting fatter and frostier. Even Cindy has started to slowly put on some weight.
Unfortunately there are several symptoms showing up.

1. The leaves of the Power Kush and Pineapple Express have dark spots and edges.

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- Not sure if this can be triggered by the low humidity the tent is getting at times. Usually it is around 30% but sometimes it's even 0%. I have no idea how this can happen because outside it's 60% and i'm getting the air directly from the window thru ducting into the tent.

2. The top leaves of the buds located in the middle of the scrog are turning yellow.

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- could this be light bleach? I'm under the impression that my light is far enough.

3. Runoff pH is too high. I use to water around 6.1pH to get a runoff of 6.8pH. Yesterday however, the runoff came at 7.0pH. Not sure what's going on in the soil.
Will adjusting the pH to like 5.7pH fix the problem? For some reason I don't like to add so much pH down solution.

Other than that, I've given the Power Kush and Cindy a dose of Plagron Grow Nute to combat the increasing yellow leaves from the bottom up, thinking it's N deficiency. All plants have received some molasses for the first time as well.


Day 53 12/12 - Day 42 blooming

So we're approaching the championship rounds.
I prolly fed them for the last time yesterday. Next water in 7 days will be with molasses and enzyme, 7 days after that comes a light flush.

Power Kush and Pineapple Express are looking to finish earlier. Certain areas of the PK have about 60% milky trichomes, 25%, cloudy, 15 clear.

Even if those two will reach maturity earlier, I'm contemplating to chop all 5 at the same time. That's January 14, which would be in 3 weeks. Hope the PK and PE won't be past their prime then. But the C99 def needs those extra days as she still has to gain some weight! Thick girls is what we want!

By that time, my new batch of vegging plants will be 5 weeks in veg and ready for 12/12 and fill out that Scrog net anew.

It's a bitch to check the C99 for trichomes cuz I cant almost reach her. But from what I saw there are still a decent amount of clear trichs and only a few milky ones.

The Blue Cheese has a weird aroma. It is pungent, but not sweet and fruity like the Blue Cheese I had from their Coffeeshop in Amsterdam. This one smells rather skunky but there's also a smell that reminds me of a dead mouse...

Look out for the new batch: 2x Kandy Kush, Kushberry, 2x NYC Diesel, 2x Sour Diesel, 1 Cheese, 1 Kosher Kush, 1 Blue Widow.

Plus I might get a Sour Star (ECSD x Star Bud) cut from a friend.

^ I will will select the 6 best after 3 weeks veg =D

<<<< Merry Christmas


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Day 61 in 12/12 - Day 50 in bloom

It's been a week since my last update. All strains except the Cinderella 99 are now in the ripening process, as the buds swelling noticeably slowed down.
Based from experienced I should soon expect a 2nd explosion.

The plants that showed some kind of deficiencies received their last feed a couple days ago. Others just got water with cannazym and molasses. Next water will be a mild flush.

I now have to keep an eye for the harvest window. The most matured looking, Power Kush and Pineapple Express, still have about 50-60% white pistils but already good amount of cloudy trichs, around 35%.

The Sweet Deep Grapefruit didn't produce many pistils. Her buds are somewhat small, but looking compact.

Blue Cheese is looking to finish nice as even the smaller nugs are getting some weight and isn't too far behind the PK and PE.

C99 is trying to catch up now. Bigger buds are forming, though kinda fluffy. The smaller buds are also getting bigger by the day.

Just next door I got the new batch waiting. Most of them are in their 16th day of 18/6.

<<<<<<<< Happy blazin new year! >>>>>>>>>>>
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