What's new

GrindHouse is expanding, regardless of our recent turn of events ......



Evening folks,
this has been one rough fuggin week fer tha GrindHouse family. Though I don't wanna git into too many details, we are, among many other thangs, expanding once more. This will be tha final move to tha new location, placing tha company in a more secure location and more able to REALLY git down with our work. This is tha FINAL resting place .....

Though it's too early just yet, I'm anticipating a re-schedule of several projects we're workin' on. Most notably tha DMT and Sonja may possibly be moved back to early '10 instead of late '09. This isn't solid, as it is still too early in tha game to write to stone but ......

This will affect my online presence, however I'm hoping to at least check in weekly to answer any questions, concerns and just bullshit with y'all. My plate is just too overwhelming to be able to be on every day, without somethang else gittin' shifted .....

My good friend OG Bub (though on-line in a limited fashion as well) will be droppin' by intermittently, checkin on thangs and relaying any other pressing info to myself. As I stated to Bub, "yer as solid as steel" and feel very fortunate to have you as a good friend, many thanks brutha ......


Y'all be easy,
Stay safe an' healthy,
And I'll catch ya on tha flip side,


natural medicator
Good luck Steele.
Be safe out there.
Hope all in the Grindhouse family are safe and healthy

be well

OG bub

ICMag Donor
right on steele brother.
as promised, Ill swing thru daily to make shure things are smooth.

if anyone has anything that is a "cant wait", lemme know via PM, or if ya must, post, and Ill make shure SS gets the mssg.

show steele some luv, mans got more than his share on his plate right now, and he is maintaining at a level that few could even hope to.

peace folks, bub.


So sorry to hear of your troubles steel. Take care of yourself, and yours first bro.



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Hope things are turning for the better for ya Steele...We will be here rooting for ya homie! Patiently waiting....lol
good vibes brother


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
U can threaten all you want - I'll just wait paitently for you to realease some interesting projects.


Active member
Like the universe, regardless of the dire times Grindhouse will be overgrowing the city near you in 2009 baby!!!

I like Steels attitude, hit a ruff patch....plow right threw it like nothing happened!

Hes got the right attitude to make it!


Thanks fer tha kind words fellas, no work is being shirked off nor is GrindHouse goin AWOL (LOL), in fact we're waiting on ripening beans and hope to have 'em in, in a month er two. Not full lots, but enough to git ya'll goin' .

Bub, thanks fer yer help and an ear fer listening.....

LLCool, that's EXACTLY how I operate. One of tha hardest workin mutha fuckas, with a strong drive ..... We scratch hard and bite down harder .....

We recently took down testers of our Chem D x Ancient Afghans , fuggin' sick ass bug spray aroma and other Chem characteristics . Architecture of plants is a 50/50 split and really excited bout tha BX1 gen.

Be well folks,
Till next time,
many thanks for you contribution to the community.
i absolutely love your genetic make ups. pre 98 FTW.
haha the DMT sounds very very interesting :p Dimethyltryptamine :D that stuff is some really intense shit lol. what is the genetic make up of tha dmt?

Care Free 1

Active member
Well Steele, sorry to hear about the delays in the next gen of Sour Bubble. I had some major shit going down myself several months ago that made me give my GH Sour Bub's to a tester friend of mine. He did a good job with them, but did not save any cut's. :wallbash:

I still have some seeds, and a few new babies coming up right now, so we will see what happens with the rest.

Also I am very impressed with the Blue Sonja & Ultra Sonja babbies I have coming up. They are very aggressive little suckers, and I expect big things from them.

Nice lineup you have on the bay/boo right now, and as soon as I clear out some room, that new stuff will be on the agenda for this winter for sure.

Graet job, and I look forward to the Sour Bubble DMT release!!! :joint: