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Grind or Not

Grind or Not

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 77.0%
  • No

    Votes: 23 23.0%

  • Total voters


Back in the old days (60's) I never heard of using a grinder though considering how many twigs we had with our weed, I could have used one.

I started using a grinder recently and it really seems like a good idea. The weed ends up in a uniform size, easy to roll or vaporize. My younger nephews seem to feel it's a waste of time.

Just wonder what the general consensus is.


Active member
Grind, always. I picked out a small space case 2 piece grinder with my first bowl, and I still have it to this day. So worth it...

Whenever I see people breaking up bud with their hands I just shake my head... it's so much more efficient/easier to use a grinder. I've never heard a good argument for not using a grinder. Scissors work too... fingers can work, but even if you can get it as uniform as a grinder, you'll lose more trichs than if you were to use a grinder, particularly one with a screen inside.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
when i was a young(er) punk who thought he knew everything about herb already i also eschewed the use of grinders. i like the feel inbetween my fingers and the sticky smell afterward. now i like uniformity and a lack of stems busting through my papers.


May your race always be in your favor
I just got a grinder a couple of months ago. My better half loves it for rolling and its just neater as in less mess.:party:


cant stop wont stop
i have one sittin around somewhere..:confused:
i dont know if its laziness or forgetfulness but i hardly ever use it.. i usually smoke bowls tho. if i rolled more i'd most definitely start using it more often

Lord Humungus

i think grinding buds changes the flavor & smokability when it comes to bong hits... it makes smooth tasting easy to smoke buds, well, IMO, harsh pot (ie i start coughing).

I can see and appreciate grinders for use in rolling or vaping, but grinding and bonging just doesnt go well with me. to each their own....


Active member
i think grinding buds changes the flavor & smokability when it comes to bong hits... it makes smooth tasting easy to smoke buds, well, IMO, harsh pot (ie i start coughing).

I can see and appreciate grinders for use in rolling or vaping, but grinding and bonging just doesnt go well with me. to each their own....

Really? :chin:

I've never heard anything like that before, but I'll do just about anything for a smoother bong hit... So what do you do, just pinch apart and break it up by hand? Do you remove stems both when breaking up by hand and when using a grinder?


Active member
This is my grinder. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My grinder is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my grinder is useless. Without my grinder, I am useless.


cant stop wont stop
This is my grinder. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My grinder is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my grinder is useless. Without my grinder, I am useless.

Lord Humungus

Really? :chin:

I've never heard anything like that before, but I'll do just about anything for a smoother bong hit... So what do you do, just pinch apart and break it up by hand? Do you remove stems both when breaking up by hand and when using a grinder?

aloha GMG!
I dont even really break it apart... I'll take a pinch off of a bud (enough for 2-3 rips max) and maybe give it a lil roll between the fingers to ball it up, drop it into the bowl and apply the bic.

i find it burns way smoother thus making it taste better and making the process of getting high way more enjoyable.

when i load up my volcano or roll a J (super duper rare i love bong rips!) i kind of use the same methodology... except i dont ball the bud up - ill break the bud off the load the sweatleaf and twist & dump

i do have 'main stem' left overs I wont even think about loading that crap in....

does that make sense?

give it a try let me know what you think...
everybody likes to get high differently


Active member
So when you're finished with your bong rip, using the technique you just described, is there any solid left in the bowl, or is it all fine powdered ashes? I've always found that when I don't grind or chop up real fine, I just burn the outside of the chunks of herb, leaving a piece of bud charred on the outside that's still a bit solid in the middle. I'm out of smoke right now... but next time I get some I will definitely be trying this out. I love bong rips as well, it's definitely my main method of smoking at the moment... how can it not be when I just got this new PH(x)? :biggrin:


Active member
It does take the problems and work out of rolling, increased production time equals faster sparking time. :smoke:


YES: I use a grinder for vaping, or for cooking, or making qwiso
NO: I do not use a grinder for bong rips, or pipe loads

I can't smoke joints or blunts, but if I did, I would grind for those as well

I like the grinders that have a keif screen in em, so you get ground weed, AND keif as a by product

note: if you grind the weed for a bong rip, it usually does one of two things: a) clogs the bowl instantly,.......b), burns quickly, loses it's "structure", and zips down the bong stem, partially unburned.

if you get those "fireproof nugs", I just burn it once,..then take a poker and break it up, then hit it again, break it up, and one more hit and it's toast.

FTR: I have a very small "one-hit" bong bowl that takes a chunk roughly the size of a pea,...I hate those friggin 2.5 gram giant ass bong bowls,........total waste of medicine.


Active member
i think grinding buds changes the flavor & smokability when it comes to bong hits... it makes smooth tasting easy to smoke buds, well, IMO, harsh pot (ie i start coughing).

I can see and appreciate grinders for use in rolling or vaping, but grinding and bonging just doesnt go well with me. to each their own....

I have had the exact opposite experience. Grinding the bud releases the aromas and flavors.

Grinding also gives me a nice consistant material to work with, I knnow without thinking how it is going to burn, how much I need to pack to get that just right hit:dance013:

I just try to grind only what I think I will smoke, but any left over goes in a small glass jar and I'm ready to go that much faster on the next hit.

To each his own:bongsmi:

Lord Humungus

So when you're finished with your bong rip, using the technique you just described, is there any solid left in the bowl, or is it all fine powdered ashes? I've always found that when I don't grind or chop up real fine, I just burn the outside of the chunks of herb, leaving a piece of bud charred on the outside that's still a bit solid in the middle. I'm out of smoke right now... but next time I get some I will definitely be trying this out. I love bong rips as well, it's definitely my main method of smoking at the moment... how can it not be when I just got this new PH(x)? :biggrin:

man you need some fucking bud in that thing man! so bummed for you.....

about the 'leftovers'... i have found if you pack the bowl big theres gonna be some blackhits left. you gotta find the right size pinch. I think a bud w circumference of 1/4"-3/8" is perfect for me to get 2 nice green hits (a left side & a right side!) and finish the bowl completely....

nice binger man


Sounds about right to me. I do pretty much the same - pinch off a bit of bud for 2 or 3 hits worth and load it in the bowl. Hit off to the side to burn a bit at a time, leaving the remainder fresh for the next hit.

Never had a grinder, but I think about it sometimes. Rarely roll joints anymore, so not much need.


I guess I'm old school when I started smoking. Bongs were a single hit device and I still use it that way. I just pinch off a small piece, load it, and try to take it in one hit.
When I got my vaporizer I also got a grinder that I now use to grind for both the vaporizer and my proto-pipe.
Except when I use the bong then it's pinch and load.