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Greetings from TN


New member
Hello all!
For the last year or so, I've bounced back and forth between forums, and it finally seems that I've found one worth posting in! Just through browsing the threads (particularly the twister thread by "humboltlocal") I can tell that not only are the members here as passionate about cannabis as I am, but they actually know what they're talking about!

Enough of that though, let me introduce myself. I'm a Mississippi native who, sadly, didn't discover cannabis nearly as early as I wouldve liked. But, ever since we've been introduced, we have gotten thoroughly aquainted. Recently though, unfortunate events have lead me back to living with my super-conservative, closed minded parents. And, sadly, my smoking has come to a halt. It is by choice though, until I can get back out on my own.

About two years back, I realized that I'd never be happy working a 9-5 behind a desk, and discovered that my true passion in life is marijuana. And, honestly, it wasn't until I started clicking through your threads that I came to see that my fantasy of making this passion into a livelyhood, may not be as unachievable as I've always thought. So, recently, I decided to make this my lifetime goal. By whatever means possible, I am determined to succeed. All I need is the means to a beginning.

Well, that's me. I look forward to an educated, experienced forum.


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