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Greetings From Ireland


New member
Hi Folks, Greetings from the not as green as I would like it to be Isle.

Obviously I'm new to this site, and just looking around at the moment. Hopefully I will become more active as the days become weeks and so on.

I've been a pot lover and part time psyconaught for some 20 years and have seen the detrimental effects of prohibition over the years.

I'm interested in hearing from other Irish members, esp those with an interest in activism, which is something I want to get more involved with, but sadly we seem to be very fragmented at the moment.

I'm planning on going out doors for 09, so I'd like to hear from those with experience of growing in climates similar to my own.

Well thats the intro done.




hi stu howzitgoin , were on the same isle , hope u have the gulf stream on ur side , west is best . just ordered myself some early misty by nirvana seeds for the outdoor this year , cheap as M8 esp if u order in sterling :woohoo: got a link 4U https://www.seedboutique.com/store/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=15&products_id=168 i have grown outdoor here before gourilla style , where as i planted them out and let them get on with it , trying not to visit to often , got some whacky ideas , even planted up a tree in a bag taped up ere . come back an give some more info of ur plans an get ur adventure started . best of luck , hope u enjoy the craik here cheers bongo
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New member
High riskofwater and Bongoie. I am waiting on 100 Guerilla Gold seeds, for this years outdoor season. I have been using google earth to scout some good secure spots to grow. "Thank you Google"

It's gonna be a fun year. Gotta get myself to a gym or start working out as the fitness levels ain't great at the moment, and the outdoors ain't no place for the unfit :D

The GG is an early harvest strain, and I hope to plant a seed crop as well and send as many seeds to as many people as possible.

Just thinking about it brings a big smile to my face.


GREETING'S STU' don a few outdoor grows here mixed results.not sure the grow time on them seeds you have but you need an early finisher in Ireland.i fancy acapulco gold my self. good luck with ur project lad's..



go 4 it . u obviously have a good insight into this practice . the earlier the finish the better . left mine out till the first frost @ halloween . had a little mold but nuthin major , an that was an indoor strain {u live an learn } some say an auto flower maybe feminised would serve the outdoor grower well in our climate , planted out early to catch the big free light in the sky @ it's strongest . the summer equinox {12/12} is 27th march , so april/may is good for us . tis great ur goin doin a guerilla , like myself . wishing u all the best , i found it's best to put them out sexed when 6odd nodes or 12 inch high as slugs destroyed a few o mine { slug off round the base sorted that out } also rabbits sheep an deer like a munch . why wouldent they . seen grows on here with chichen wire cages , loads of options against vermin , planting amongst the briar a defo good 1 . get yerself a mountain bike stu , get fit while looking for a plot ,and it's great cover . look for somewhere south facing . maybe @ the roadside with the road running E2W as they like carbon monoxide, but b wary of tree canopy it can cloud ur's . our out on the bog , they like peat . hi MEDI looking forward to seeing results from the outdoor irish grows this year , best of luck to all + remember B safe bongo


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New member
go 4 it . u obviously have a good insight into this practice . the earlier the finish the better . left mine out till the first frost @ halloween . had a little mold but nuthin major , an that was an indoor strain {u live an learn } some say an auto flower maybe feminised would serve the outdoor grower well in our climate , planted out early to catch the big free light in the sky @ it's strongest . the summer equinox {12/12} is 27th march , so april/may is good for us . tis great ur goin doin a guerilla , like myself . wishing u all the best , i found it's best to put them out sexed when 6odd nodes or 12 inch high as slugs destroyed a few o mine { slug off round the base sorted that out } also rabbits sheep an deer like a munch . why wouldent they . seen grows on here with chichen wire cages , loads of options against vermin , planting amongst the briar a defo good 1 . get yerself a mountain bike stu , get fit while looking for a plot ,and it's great cover . look for somewhere south facing . maybe @ the roadside with the road running E2W as they like carbon monoxide, but b wary of tree canopy it can cloud ur's . our out on the bog , they like peat . hi MEDI looking forward to seeing results from the outdoor irish grows this year , best of luck to all + remember B safe bongo

Cheers mate, some great advice there. Going to start them indoors and then move them out doors once sexed. Just praying that the seeds arrive as the first bacth was a no show, which was a shame as that batch contained purple dojo, and EWS. Which are great for out shitty climate, and bread with damp climates in mind. Got some pics from a friend in the sates who grew them on bog land in a very wet climate and the dojo produced a pould per plant. and the EWS produced about 4 oz per plant fininshing off at about 3 feet tall, ideal for stealth.

I think the GG will be similar to the EWS so im gonna plant in groups of 4 or 5, so the eye in the sky wont be able to spot them so easily.

the Shrubber

New member
I had some Guerilla Gold just last year from a friend. Unfortunately, as the outdoor standard, we played a numbers game with nature. The ONE surviving female that I seeded was damn near shredded by a flock of wintering magpies. Such is life. I grabbed what I could and here we grow again! Either way, the smoke was lovely despite everything it had been through.


thanks STU + M.E. and for the info TS sorry to hear that tale , but it's a gamble an u gotta b in it to win it , damm magpies :mad: i woulde'nt hold ma breath hoping for a pound a plant in ireland . topping , supercropping or attempting FIM r other options to reduce height . would like a purple myself but ere's always next year . for stealth plant amoungst ferns , i had 6 in a row roughly a foot apart amoungst ferns , i walked right past them when i was looking for them , but will increse the distance from each other this year . they went to roughly 5 foot in height , with an ounce each ish . not the best result but a good attempt none the less . once u find a plot it's a good idea to turn the ground over adding fert like fish blood and bone powder several months before planting out , to let it break down . i have a stealth ex army spade with a folding blade . it's a handy hardy tool thats only 2 foot long . wishing all the guerilla growers a fruitfull season cheers bongo


france or eire itsaplant ? only messing M8 . it's beautifull senery round where i stay in the west of ireland , and the locals r so friendly , laid back , good craik {prounounced crack , irish for a laugh } do visit as u wont b dissapointed , an the guinness is good . hoping to c u guys on the forums . best of luck to 1 and all . may ur garden's florish . cheers bongo / slainte mhath bongo


france or eire itsaplant ? only messing M8 . it's beautifull senery round where i stay in the west of ireland , and the locals r so friendly , laid back , good craik {prounounced crack , irish for a laugh } do visit as u wont b dissapointed , an the guinness is good . hoping to c u guys on the forums . best of luck to 1 and all . may ur garden's florish . cheers bongo / slainte mhath bongo http://www.faqs.org/faqs/music/marillion-faq/part1/section-33.html to add a little nonesense . fish from marillion was in a club in glasgow = ma friend approached him an sais whot do u call a fish with no eye {answer {{fsh}} fsssh} he said "heard it wea man " as he is tall . dunno why for the life of me some1 would wanna call themselves fish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouXMiHh8lNI
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