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greenhouse stealth?


New member
We recently built a pvc hoop house 6x9ft for vege's and other stuff, but I was thinking out putting a plant out. I need to keep things stealth so i had a few questions. I'm only thinking of moving one or 2 plants out, keeping them in a container 5g or less to keep small.
what do you do about the smell in a green house?

I am using 6mil plastic to cover my green house, so its not too transparent, but you can still see in sort of, so i had an idea. I was thinking of getting a garbage can, painting the inside white and keeping the plant in there. Then I would force flower by putting on the lid and all that would be visible from the outside would be the can.
Does this seem plausible?

I have 2 clone strains that I'm growing, one is a 13+week finisher, strong sativa and an 8-9 week strawberry smelling indica. what would be better for a GH grow wether force flower or natural?

thankyou for any input, just throwin around some ideas in my head. appreciate it

edit: not sure if it matters or not but I'm at 47*L


Damn. That was a let down. I was expecting a really great thread about how to camouflage a greenhouse. LOL :)

AFAIK, many/most strains of cannabis don't really smell too much before they go into flower. Instead of trying to rig up an AC filter and exhaust fan for your greenhouse, you might consider using Ona Pro Gel in their 1 gallon bucket, along with their (Ona) fan. If it was hooked up to a timer that was easy to adjust, a single gallon of Ona Pro might handle your girls in flower right up to harvest. Total cost ~ $100.

It sounds like your idea about the garbage can is as much about forcing flowering as it is about keeping the plant(s) invisible from the outside of the greenhouse. That trash can might be too big for the plant to begin with, limiting its access to direct sunlight. Removable cinder blocks under the pot pot to elevate it until it gets bigger might be advisable. At some point, your plant may well grow too large for the garbage can, and make your subterfuge pointless. What about buying black plastic and creating a hanging "darkroom tent" inside your greenhouse for forcing flowering, with the top cover removable for your girls time in the sun?

Growing outdoors, whether out in nature or in a greenhouse, will limit your crops to at best twice a year, dependent upon your latitude north or south from the equator. I would let both strains veg and flower naturally, but that's only me. YMMV. :)



If you are trying this in a city or similar I'm just going to tell you straight up it's a bad idea. On the other hand if your neighbours aren't too close I wouldn't worry about it at all. People in my hometown all have greenhouses and put 1-2 plants down at the end and let them explode into big bushes without any smell problems. Out in the open (the ends of your pvc hoop are left open, yes?) the air movement is going to be way better than anything you'll get inside a room with I don't care how many fans. The smell doesn't really have a time to build up and smash people in the face when they walk by. Just my :2cents:


New member
thanks for the replies,

david- I'll check out that ona stuff, and thats a great idea about using cinder blocks to lift the plant inside the can. that loss of direct light is something i did have in the back of my mind. Wasnt sure if maybe painting the inside white would help reflect some back to the inside.
sorry bout the let down, wish I could have had some great idea all done up lol
edit: just re-read your post, Yeah, using the garbage can was kinda dual purpose. I figured if i wanted to keep a plant small, i couldnt grow it all summer, so force flowering would be a must and it would keep onlookers from seeing leaves pressed up against the plastic. I know i could wait to put a plant out till the end of the season and let it flower small, but I wanted to try and give it a go sooner rather then later.

hippydan- i live out a ways. my closest neighbor is bout 1-2 acres away, not sure if that would give enough distance. And no, the ends are covered. Its comes more to a peak then a hoop, used 45* bends for the top.

I did have another idea I have been kicking around in my head. I have one of those wire cage organizers that you build one wall at a time, for like dorms. I could make pretty much another green house, that would be 3ft high x 1 1/2wide and 1 1/2 deep. And then put that in the green house, cuase you cant see through 2 layers of this stuff. Use quite a bit smaller pot and do a lot of training. When it starts to get stinky later, I could hook up a little carbon scrubber from a pc fan. Would be easy to make a black cover to fit over the little GH.
Only thing I was worried about is if it would get too hot and too moist being inside 2 GH's.

I'm not looking to pull off some big amount, just more of wanted to give one a try for fun. I have my micro grow that fulfills my basic needs.

thanks for the suggestions


In your shoes, I personally wouldn't be worried about smell at all unless you've got people visiting frequently that may recognize a quick whiff of the stuff and wouldn't approve of you growing. In my experience you aren't going to smell 1 small plant unless you've got your nose sticking in the greenhouse and the winds blowing your way. I had a 6x6x6 bush behind my barn, 30-40ft from my house and couldn't smell a thing. Happy growing!


New member
well thanks, thats great news to me. I figured that being out in the open would be better then being contained. Like where I have my micro grow, when the fan is on(have the carbon filter off) the whole room reeks and those plants are in sobe bottles. trying to convince my wife.
I only really have that one family member that loves plants as much as I do and doesn't know what I do. So I'd have to keep it from him, I dont know if he'd understand. but everyone else could care less bout my garden and veggies.
I really like that ona stuff, It looks like it would be just an additional bonus to ensure it never gets too strong.
thankyou for the info, I'm going to take some clones and move this mother to the GH.


New member
people who dont smoke smell it 100x more.

when i had to quit for a month i could smell peoples grows from down the block.
i even could identify one of them as sour diesel lol.
but thats me.


How about build a greenhouse that doesn't look like a greenhouse? My carport greenhouse looks like a carport sitting in my driveway, no one would even look inside for a plant.

P.S. Smell?.....Well good luck. I can smell mine on the next block!


Active member
woven poly covering. plants cant be identified unless the leaves press against the material. putting a plant in an unvented barrel might cause some problems like mold so keep a watch. consider growing some fragrant plants to help with odor . when i had dwarf fruit trees when they bloomed they reaked up the whole greenhouse. orange was my favorite

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