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Greenhouse Seeds Thai


Active member
No grow reports yet. They say it finishes in December and it's a laos x thai. Anyone start it, have pics or know anything about it?


well by judging from its discription its supposed to be the same as ghs thai-tanic which has a growreport on youtube. but cant tell for sure


I was interested in this one as well, It does sound like a beefed up TT but that's not really a bad thing.

Mr. Fantastic

I had one going when I threw it into flower it just kept spitting stigmas loosely. It did not even resemble cannabis at all. It never formed flowers just lanky stems that fell over. I suppose had I had the patience to let it take up the space inside she may have been decent smoke at 20+ weeks.


Active member
I found a mutant that sexed 3 weeks sooner than and more densely than the others from the same pack. I wonder if it is anything special. Maybe I'll through her outside and see what she does. The others could very well take 20+ weeks.


Brand new oldschool
I wouldn't expect anything stable or really worthy from GHS, those southern asian cultivars are prone to throw bananas, its in their genes, so nice selection and breeding work is a must! If you want a real dope Thai and true F1s, go for GreenHazeXThai, VienamBlackXThai, Golden Tiger or Double Thai from ACE seeds. None of them less than 16 weeks though. Even Destroyer from the reputed seedbank Cannabiogen has a lot of thai on them and its not that hardcore for an indoor. You could get also a supposed Chocolate Thai landrace , the Mama Thai. It could be great for some crosses too! Let the pictures talk by themselves:

Cool MamaThai by an UK grower at *****:


Brilliant DoubleThai by the amazing spanish grower Pebble:


Poisonous GreenHazeThai by another great spanish grower (I forgot the name):


At least you are contributing with your money to someone else than these birdseed merchants!



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