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Green_Thumb's Terrarium Project



It looks like it's doing great dude. lots of progress since i last checked here...unreliable internet right now so i'm not on here every day, can't wait to see the progress though. very curious to see how it goes.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Im curious aswell TG, good to have you back sorry bout the net problems,i have those too sometimes cuz i pirate mine via wifi hehehe. but yeah,this bitch is bloomin pretty good ill say.


we are definitely running the same cut of trainwreck. identical in every aspect, yours is just a lot bigger !!

lookin great :laughing:


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Thanks irie4i. its growin very fast but lately im havin 40% humidity and temps of over 100, im stressin hard, i dont wana lose all my hard work to mold.

If anyone has some tips for gettin both down please help.


i was having the same problem bro.. with the temps outside creeping up my grow room got out of control. all you have is that oscilating fan right? I ended up building a box for my plants indoor with a nice exhaust fan and filter. If you can't do that, you could look into portable a/c units, or even construct a cooltube.

search ebay for bake-a-round. 20 shipped and i'm pretty sure itll fit your 600 no problem. put the light inside the tube hook an exhaust fan up to one end and route it out of the terrarium and viola


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
heres my set up

theres a 350+ cfm fan in between the two 6" to 4" reducers

goin right out side

with a 16lb 12" round 14" long carbon filter inside going to the fan

I had a cooltube wired to my 400 lumatek that i wired to my 1000w

Im going to use one of those reducers on the cooltube that will go to the filter, then the other end of the cooltube will go 6" ducting to the fan then 6" ducting to the exhaust vent. I hope that helps til i can afford a little A/C just for the terrarium.


Your humidity is fine at 40% in fact the optimal RH is between 40% and 60%. Mine's around 40-45 most days.

I'm gonna suggest hooking up a duct and fan to your lights. From what I've been reading it's more effective at keeping things cool than an AC cause it sucks all the heat from the lamp away.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
I have a 12" fan blowing in the door and the terrarium is in my garage that has no intake, so I think thats another problem Im going to have to fix cuz the temps in there are the same as the terrarium. its cool though i gets paid tomorrow so im going to get the supplies to duct in the cool tube and a proper intake for my garage in hopes of some cooler temps, I am running a ghetto Co2 generator so I think Its not stressing her too much.


Active member
Hey green thumb, I was just reading a long in your posts, and you mentioned how you planned on hooking up your cool tube. Wouldn't it work better to do it like this-air drawn in through cool tube, through the fan, then pushed out the filter on the other side? I was just thinking that you would lose a lot of pressure by having your fan try to pull through the filter and tube. Also, for your intake you could cut another hole in the top and hook up a piece of dryer duct to it that is long enough to reach your screen(you could even hook a fan to that and have even more fresh air coming in.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Hmmmm something to stew on toastfighter2,thanks for the input. I think also is problematic are the reducers but Im not sure on something 6" that will look as non shelaunt as a 4" dryer vent ya know? and on the filter on the outside, there would be no way to duct it outside and would the amount of flow differ whether the filter is on either flow direction?

And im happy to see people are enjoying my first diary


well i drew up a quickie diagram. just the general idea. can you cut a hole in the terrarium possibly? if you set it up like this the temps should only be like 2 degrees over ambient. whats the temp outside the terrarium?



Active member
I thought it out and had a whole post ready to be sent, then it came to me, built a plenum(like the box on top of a furnace that holds the A coil for an a/c) for the carbon filter to set in. Vent the cool tube through the top of your terrarium, into a sealed box(one that is bigger than the filter). Then mount up the carbon filter inside of it(it would still be sucking through it), with the fan on the outside. That way you could still vent to outside with no smell. I am terrible with ms paint so I drew a picture and took a picture of it(still not awesome by an means) to illustrate what I am talking about


the filter should take care of the smell... i've got a cheapie filter and trainwreck has been the least of my problems :2cents: