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green mold/algi looking stuff on the surface of my coco


hey guys, ive got this green mold/algi looking stuff on the surface of my coco in nearly all of my pots.

its not noticeable atm, you can only see small patches around the surface, the plants dont look any different though...

my room is usually 55-75% humility so i assume this would have contributed?

is it bad for my plants? if so how can i get rid of it?

any help would be greatly appreciated!


Same happened to me when i had them in a tub under floros in seedling stage. After I got more air to them, and a warmer light, haven't seen it since.

I didn't notice any problems associated with it.



i have good air circulation/ventalation

under 600w mh

they're like 2 weeks old

was watering every day but now every second day now

also lst

if that helps

thanks mate



looks similar to this, except its a darker green and its not as bad


Active member
Mine died off as soon as I let the top of the coco dry out a bit, the other thing you can do is cover the pots to keep light out.


I have the same thing. I don't think its doing anything but all in veg stage and probably for me low air flow. Just saying <3


ok so i haven't watered my plants in 5 days and the tops of the soil is still pretty damp

should i just scoop out the green stuff? or let it dry out more?

also, does anyone know for sure that it wont harm the plants?


It won't hurt the plants directly, but it is food for fungus gnats and is an indication that you are over watering, especially if they've gone 5 days and they are still wet. Scrape the algae back and fling it, what's left will die back quicker. Algae can withstand a little dry cycle, so it make take a couple times to really knock it back. As the plant gets bigger and shades the pot more, you probably won't see it again, if you don't continue to over water.


Active member
if you cover it and kill it make sure you scrape off the dead stuff, as it rots it draws fungus gnats etc
i cant believe nobody has recommended a H202 solution sprayed onto the surface....WOW

heres what u do....get a spray bottle...put a teaspoon hydro peroxide....fill the rest with water....spray the pot surfaces.....next day....ALL GONE!!


Active member
Green algae ah, It only grows in the light, thats why its there, if you want rid of it, cover your pots! G'Luck, oxy+ or h2o2 has all sorts of benefits, but just watch, it destroys organic substances, Coco is organic so just be carefull how you use & how often you use this stuff.


Green algae ah, It only grows in the light, thats why its there, if you want rid of it, cover your pots! G'Luck, oxy+ or h2o2 has all sorts of benefits, but just watch, it destroys organic substances, Coco is organic so just be carefull how you use & how often you use this stuff.

cheers man

just say i use it once, will the algi come back? if so after how long? just say it came back after a month, would it be ok to use hydro peroxide it once a month?

i cant really block the light as im lst


Let me also jump in here....
i cant believe nobody has recommended a H202 solution sprayed onto the surface....WOW

heres what u do....get a spray bottle...put a teaspoon hydro peroxide....fill the rest with water....spray the pot surfaces.....next day....ALL GONE!!

per bottle.
But what size of bottle?

Does the H2O2 need to be fresh?
Cause I give 0.5 - 0.7ml per litre of tap water for hand feeding a coco mix, but usually 24hrs before using....and I got the mean green also.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
you could also use physan 20, but like the h2o2 it will affect any other biologicals in your coco. if you're just running straight chem feed, though, it's no worries!


Active member
LOL Physan 20 for a bit of harmless green algae, no-no, thats way harse shit man, a little H2O2 would be more than enough, dilution rates for h2o2 are 3-5 mls per 10litres, thats starting with a 17.5% strength solution of H2O2 like OXY+ is. Its only there because light has been shineing directly on that bit of Coco, its pretty harmless shit & nothing to worrie about anyway, certainly does'nt warrent using such a fierce product as physan 20. just scrape it off with a blade(carefully) and cover the pot, it wont come back! or shouldent, especially if you apply the H2O2. just dab a little of your mixed' h202 solution on top where its affected & it will be gone! G'luck buddy!
just cut some mylar or b&W plastic or something like that if you wanna block the light getting to the top of your Coco, just make sure you leave a good gap around the base of the stem or you may get damping off(fungus) & you dont want that shit! h2O2 will cure that (Damping Off-Fungus)too.


Your soil is alive and supporting algae and microbes. That is what you want. If you are using natural nutrients then the algae and microbes break down the nutrients and turn them into sugars and good stuff that your plants love. H2O2 will kill it but why would you want to do that?
If you have damp soil you will get gnats with the alga or not. I sprinkle tobacco on top of my pots at first sign of gnats. Gnats gone and my soils biology kicking ass.

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