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Green Light.


Nil Illegitimus Carburundum
ICMag Donor
Hi Folks,
I know that green light is 'invisible' to plants and doesn't light-stress the plants, if you use it to work in your grow room during the dark period.
I know there are pure green LED's available for this purpose but my question is;
Would a bright white LED with the lens either coated or covered with a green filter be as safe/effective? The light 'looks' green but is it really green? (Maybe the most stupid question I've ever posted but anyway).
An analogy for my thinking I suppose is; You get proper UV filters and protection from a quality pair of sunglasses, which you clearly don't get from the £1 cheap plastic ones. The light is still subdued/shaded but I know all the harmful rays are still getting through.
So if I colour the lens of a white head-torch with green glass paint, am I emitting 'real' green light or is the harmful stuff still getting through?
Your thoughts and opinions will be appreciated,
Stay safe & happy growing :tiphat:


i was looking into this my self i have decided i will buy the green led headlamp thats in hydro shops but only use it now and again as i beleve although its green it will still desturb
during 12/12...sorry i cant help...


I've heard something about shining light through a few layers of Mountain Dew bottle plastic.
I use the green CFL's from Home Depot. but everytime I get a brownout it fries every single CFL I have. I plan on trying the green strip light t5


Active member
Hi Iffy it should be OK as long as no natural light is escaping, should be all green. I have a few night lights with 8 leds in each one, most light store's carry these led night lights in various colo(u)rs, green included. they cost less than $5 each.