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Green in the Pacific Northwest

fool in love

New member
New here, though I've already learned much from the forums. Anyone have a favorite journal or two to recommend? Starting a new project soon and I'd appreciate any interesting, solid reading!

Fool in Love


Welcome to IC. Enjoy your stay. We have lots to read around here. Hope you find what you need.



Kiss My Ring
any style you prefer?
indoor? outdoor?
8x10 color gloss photos with the picture on the front and the paragraphs on the back explainin' about each one?

welcome to ICMag, carry on.

fool in love

New member
Welcome to IC. Enjoy your stay. We have lots to read around here. Hope you find what you need.

Nice to meet ya Vonforne. Been to Prague yet?
I am finding tons of great stuff to read here, thanks for the welcome. Any journals you enjoyed particularly or are they all pretty much worth reading?

any style you prefer?
indoor? outdoor?
8x10 color gloss photos with the picture on the front and the paragraphs on the back explainin' about each one?

welcome to ICMag, carry on.

Hey Trichrider thanks for stopping by. Well I've done it all, indoor/outdoor, tiny plants sea of green all the way up to 1lb+ indoor monstrosities. Never have dabbled in hydro but I'm sure I will one day. I would be interested in reading any and every grow journal/article that I can learn something from, which is probably 90%+ of them. I recently really enjoyed Turbo's 22kw Medical Garden and have also gleaned much excellent info from the site stickies. I'd prefer large, indoor soil journals but anything ya'll suggest as good reading, I'd be interested in taking a look at. Doesn't matter to me if they're old or new as long as you found it informative!

Lots of PNW MEDICAL growers out...welcome to the I.C...

Hi Hempluvr, great to see someone else from the west coast. There are an awful lot of folks from the PNW online huh? The medical scene is really taking off here in Oregon it's slowly but surely becoming mainstream. You got a couple suggestions for journals to read? It'd be cool if they're from our neck of the woods but as long as it's informative I'll read anything. Thanks for the welcome, hope to see ya around

Thanks everyone for the replies, keep em coming. What journals on the site are must reads for a fellow Bud junky?


Yep I have been to Prague many times. I am moving over there for a spell. Come check us out.



Kiss My Ring

fool in love

New member
Ain't that the truth.

You could just start clicking on peoples Sig links to find good threads/journals.

Dude, your quote "Remember what I told you? NO pills, NO powder And If It grows from the ground, it's probably okay" is very, very familiar. The mother of a fellow Provider in my area used to say it to her boy and I all the time growing up, I'm talking 5 years before Knocked Up came out. It's great to see a fellow Oregonian on the site, if you don't mind me asking, do you by chance live on a River? It'd be too much of a coincidence if we're typing down the road from each other, I think my head would explode. I'm sure you're not him but either way thanks for swinging by Green Thumb I appreciate the MindFuck..great suggestion about the Signature Links that and stickies is how I;ve found all my reading so far

fool in love

New member
Yep I have been to Prague many times. I am moving over there for a spell. Come check us out.


My girl visited there last summer, claims that's where she wants to live but I think she loves the Oregon Country Fair too much to ever really leave. Is it true Prague is open to smokers? I'm told it's a similar feel to Amsterdam, as in don't flaunt it and you'll be fine. Awesome that you're taking initiative and moving, I have a lot of respect for someone that can shift cultures for Enjoyment.





here are a few that i've personally found enthralling, informative, and i just plain didn't know. there are many threads i have found through links in the threads themeselves, leading to many more. just no way to keep track of all of them.

good luck and good growin'.

THANK YOU Trichrider this is exactly what I was lookin for! Enthralling is always good but Informative tops all! +rep for 4 great links, about to settle in and READ


Active member
wellcome from washington state

wellcome from washington state

Welcome to the ic. Overtime I'm sure that you will find The underline purpose for the ic, is to learn what you don't know from those that do. And to teach what you know to those who dont. As well is being a safe avenue to share your endeavors, projects, successful accomplishments as well is heart wrenching disappointments. For many of us if not most of us here, cannabis is not merely a hobby but a way of life. And do to the unfortunate social and legal structure That exists it is risky to ask, answer, or share with others that of which you should rightfully be proud of, in the "real" world... this cyber gathering that is IC, is a safe haven and I am glad that you found us.

All of the fourm categories and threads are packed with loads of information, I personally happened to be a DJ Short ( fanatic) enthusiast. And would encourage you to stop in and check out the dj short fourm in the vendor category. And once again welcome aboard...

Grow for all the right reasons, Peace. GF

fool in love

New member
Welcome to the ic. Overtime I'm sure that you will find The underline purpose for the ic, is to learn what you don't know from those that do. And to teach what you know to those who dont. As well is being a safe avenue to share your endeavors, projects, successful accomplishments as well is heart wrenching disappointments. For many of us if not most of us here, cannabis is not merely a hobby but a way of life. And do to the unfortunate social and legal structure That exists it is risky to ask, answer, or share with others that of which you should rightfully be proud of, in the "real" world... this cyber gathering that is IC, is a safe haven and I am glad that you found us.

All of the fourm categories and threads are packed with loads of information, I personally happened to be a DJ Short ( fanatic) enthusiast. And would encourage you to stop in and check out the dj short fourm in the vendor category. And once again welcome aboard...

Grow for all the right reasons, Peace. GF

Well written GF, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have been a member with different names on just about every worthwhile forum on the net, but have never been on a site with so much raw information already layed out in a clear format. This site and its members are an absolute wealth of Knowledge and I appreciate the efforts it takes to keep it such. It is a way of life for me, the thought of not growing even if simply for my own enjoyment and the beauty of the plants is unthinkable. Very pleased I found this site as well, it has replaced my other memberships in a few short days.

I have had the fortune to grow 2 DJ short strains, the Blueberry and Kushberry. Not even close between the 2 for me blueberry was leaps and bounds better IMO. Just read this article by DJ Short, really really enjoyed it


Diggin the quote grow for the right reasons, I think everyone has their own but there's certainly alot of overlap! Again nice to meet ya and I will be seeing you around the neighborhood

Fool in Love


Active member
interesting you suggest that article.

interesting you suggest that article.

That DJ short article, for me, was my beginning. I read it in cannabis culture magazine in late '99 or early 2000. It was the first of a half dozen or more articles and informative " guest author" columns he had published in cannabis culture magazine Over the span of a year or so. I've been growing for several years that point. And had reached a noteworthy skill level. However after reading that article my mind was opened his philosophy regarding cannabis. I eagerly anticipated each upcoming Article there after. The foundation of my techniques and gardening persona, that earned me the name The Gentlemanfarmer ( bestowed upon me by my peers,) essentially what defines me has its start in that very article. It likely goes without saying, I to am a fan of that article.

Grow for all the right reasons, Peace. GF


plant pimp
Dude, your quote "Remember what I told you? NO pills, NO powder And If It grows from the ground, it's probably okay" is very, very familiar. The mother of a fellow Provider in my area used to say it to her boy and I all the time growing up, I'm talking 5 years before Knocked Up came out. It's great to see a fellow Oregonian on the site, if you don't mind me asking, do you by chance live on a River? It'd be too much of a coincidence if we're typing down the road from each other, I think my head would explode. I'm sure you're not him but either way thanks for swinging by Green Thumb I appreciate the MindFuck..great suggestion about the Signature Links that and stickies is how I;ve found all my reading so far

It`s funny u say "typing down the road from each other"
there are 2 members from here that live up the street from me.
Talk about small world


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Dude, your quote "Remember what I told you? NO pills, NO powder And If It grows from the ground, it's probably okay" is very, very familiar. The mother of a fellow Provider in my area used to say it to her boy and I all the time growing up, I'm talking 5 years before Knocked Up came out. It's great to see a fellow Oregonian on the site, if you don't mind me asking, do you by chance live on a River? It'd be too much of a coincidence if we're typing down the road from each other, I think my head would explode. I'm sure you're not him but either way thanks for swinging by Green Thumb I appreciate the MindFuck..great suggestion about the Signature Links that and stickies is how I;ve found all my reading so far

Yeah that little sane just stuck in my head since seeing that movie,but after learning about mycology its not all tru,some mushrooms you should just not eat and some you dont wanna even touch.

And i live near the rogue in gp


welcome to icmag...i would suggest reading anything by the rev you can me and a friend have both been messing around with TLO and wow what a difference...im at a point now if its not TLO i dont even want to smoke it i dont care how good the genetics are


plant pimp
welcome to icmag...i would suggest reading anything by the rev you can me and a friend have both been messing around with TLO and wow what a difference...im at a point now if its not TLO i dont even want to smoke it i dont care how good the genetics are

I FEEL YOU! I just switched my whole garden to TLO 3 months ago. The diff in product is like day and night! I am the exact same way,if it is not TLO I am not smoking it.