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Green Cure

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Does it just slow down the spreading of powder mildew if you have it already? Or can i use it early as a preventative for p.m.? Thanks


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Does it just slow down the spreading of powder mildew if you have it already? Or can i use it early as a preventative for p.m.? Thanks

it will stop it in its tracks but u will have to keep spraying if u already got PM. if u use it as prevention then u wont get it. it raise the leaf PH so the spores cant survive it. last year i used it on some plants that was done infected with bud rot and it stopped it from spreading and allowed me to finish flowering out my plants. i didnt learn of GC till around mid sept when i was already infected. this year i will be spraying from week 1 of flower till week 5 as prevention. there is a sticky in this section where silverback told everone here on icmag how good this stuff was. its how i learned about it. check the thread "a discussion on mould" in the sticky.


Well-known member
it will stop it in its tracks but u will have to keep spraying if u already got PM. if u use it as prevention then u wont get it. it raise the leaf PH so the spores cant survive it. last year i used it on some plants that was done infected with bud rot and it stopped it from spreading and allowed me to finish flowering out my plants. i didnt learn of GC till around mid sept when i was already infected. this year i will be spraying from week 1 of flower till week 5 as prevention. there is a sticky in this section where silverback told everone here on icmag how good this stuff was. its how i learned about it. check the thread "a discussion on mould" in the sticky.

Even with mold resistant strains, aloe, and insect frass you're STILL spraying with greencure?

Damn, you've got me worried. I might have to pick up a bottle of Greencure myself.


yeah i have it in my outdoor IPM arsenal, its potassium carbonate (or baking soda) it works great along with Serenade (baccilus ??) i use it as a preventive but will continue if an PM shows up...

From what ive heard those two are the best options for organic PM prevention... and bi-weekly neem sprays help build a oily coating on the leaf preventing spores from taking hold

Good luck with the PM in and out, i had little bit indoors in a closet i was using to veg in, bad air flow and foliar sprays equaled a bit of PM, sprayed once with seranade and greencure and the PM turned white and dusted right off, not a lick of PM since, i did throw out ll the infected plant material though


Genetic Resource Management
Baking soda is Sodium bicarbonate.

Greencure's active is Potassium bicarbonate, which is friendlier to plants thanks to not containing sodium. It's the bicarbonate ion that kills the spores.

Greencure is essentially Potassium bicarbonate with a spreader/sticker that helps is adhere to the leaves of the plant evenly. However, it's much cheaper to buy 50 lb bags of potassium bicarbonate - and it's pretty readily available even where Greencure isn't marketed. I spray my rooms and greenhouses environs with potassium bicarbonate between crops, and it seems to help keep things clean.

Hope that's useful for you...

Dog Star

Active member
Horstail tea is more effective and plants will get silica nute additional from applaying
horstail tea 3 days in row,

natural,100% effective and very beneficial whithouth spending any money on bottled

But be sure you have Equisetum arvense-Horstail plant,

there are some toxic strains in that genus so be awared you have right one.

All the best



Baking soda is Sodium bicarbonate.

Greencure's active is Potassium bicarbonate, which is friendlier to plants thanks to not containing sodium. It's the bicarbonate ion that kills the spores.

Greencure is essentially Potassium bicarbonate with a spreader/sticker that helps is adhere to the leaves of the plant evenly. However, it's much cheaper to buy 50 lb bags of potassium bicarbonate - and it's pretty readily available even where Greencure isn't marketed. I spray my rooms and greenhouses environs with potassium bicarbonate between crops, and it seems to help keep things clean.

Hope that's useful for you...

Just got schooled by the man, myth, the legend himself... thanks bud K+ (do people still do that? lol) :)

Had a feeling it was BIcarbonate when i wrote it but wasnt positive, thanks for reminding me, and YES i have seen pure food grade Potasium BIcarbonate online in bulk for SUPER CHEAP compared to greencure, I'll definately be doing that next time, any info on this "sticking" agent that helps spread the solution (yucca?)... thanks in advance Chimera, you are the man!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Even with mold resistant strains, aloe, and insect frass you're STILL spraying with greencure?

Damn, you've got me worried. I might have to pick up a bottle of Greencure myself.

lol im just gonna be prepaired this year. last year i got hit hard with the rot. i would rahter have it on hand and not need it then need it and not have it. i only plan to spot spray this year with greencure if it gets past my first few lines of defense


Active member
Baking soda is Sodium bicarbonate.

Greencure's active is Potassium bicarbonate, which is friendlier to plants thanks to not containing sodium. It's the bicarbonate ion that kills the spores.

Greencure is essentially Potassium bicarbonate with a spreader/sticker that helps is adhere to the leaves of the plant evenly. However, it's much cheaper to buy 50 lb bags of potassium bicarbonate - and it's pretty readily available even where Greencure isn't marketed. I spray my rooms and greenhouses environs with potassium bicarbonate between crops, and it seems to help keep things clean.

Hope that's useful for you...
This guy has it, mix in a 10-20 H2O2 and good to go

Meeks a good all around spray that works well

Noonin NorCal

Active member
What ratio would yall recommend for a light solution per gallon of water? It will just be applied as a preventive there is no p.m. Thanks


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
What ratio would yall recommend for a light solution per gallon of water? It will just be applied as a preventive there is no p.m. Thanks

i use 2 of the little small scoops that come in greencure which does well so far. i would start there and see whats up and adjust accordingly


Well-known member
What ratio would yall recommend for a light solution per gallon of water? It will just be applied as a preventive there is no p.m. Thanks

Maximum dose always. If there are invisible spores on there now and you spray and some survive, then they will have built up a resistance to the Greencure and will come back thriving. Don't give the fuckers a chance.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Does anyone use Nuke Em as a preventive or does that only work if you have pm and mites? I have some left over from last season that i didn't really use at all. Thanks