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greek landrace strains


Does any one know of any strains that have greek landrace genetics?, as im a medicinal grower for my wife who has MS, she is greek ,and im of the belief some of the strains she was used to in greece, would be a good starter for my eventual plans, to breed a strain specifically for her symptoms.
been trying for a while to track down some seeds from the legendary kalamata strain but to no avail,
it seems since she left greece her home town is flooded with albanian weed which doesnt come near the kalamata and cretan strains she was used too, of course we have friends over there tryin to locate some, but if any one knows where i might find some please let me know.


I have some greek friends and they say that all greek weed is either dutch genes, or seeds from imported hash. They say that anything "greek" is more than likely hash seed that was inbred. They partied on Mykonos not too long ago, and said that almost everything they saw was dutch strains.
yeah i'm keen to track down a traditional Cretan strain given the history of growing on the island in the past and still in the present but on a much smaller scale now. Crete is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Rugged mountains, gorges, rivers, villages and beautiful beaches. I really want to know what they used to grow on crete. I'm guessing they were somewhat similar to turkish plants.


Well, i had some last year growing in the garden.What is told me that the genes were red Lebanese & Highland Thai.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:
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Grower for Life
Well, i had some last year growing in the garden.What is told me that the genes were red Lebanese & Highland Thai.

you grew a lot of nice landraces man, respect.

I smoked pot from crete when i was there for a short holiday in 2001. Stuff wasnt very good, very green and not very resinous, but offcourse i was just a tourist there.


I been searching for Kalamata myself. A friend of mine who went home to Greece for vacation smuggled a small amount of "Kalamata"(couple joints worth) back with him and I gotta say it was some of the best sativa I have ever smoked. The taste and smell were tainted by the fabric softener sheets he used to wrap it, but the high was very very strong. True one or two hit quitter stuff. I wish he didnt wrap it in those fabric sheets because if I ever do find it again, I wont be able to ID it probably. But Im glad he took the risk so I could try that weed. He was very proud of it coming from Greece.


New member
the quality of greek weed based mostly on climate and ground conditions.also in some really organic tricks that the growers were using,and not only this.in the past years,very important for a special quality weed was the personal contact between the grower and the plants
the best region is in south greece.Personaly, i smoked a lot of different qualities from all over greece in the past years.no matter if it was indica or sativa,the best was always from the mountains of pelloponisos.amazing taste ,extremely tripy ,with a duration more than 3.30hours.
unfortunately these qualities they exist only for a few growers that cultivating for personal use small amount of plants.the only way to smoke this weed is, if you have for a friend one of these growers.in the market is impossible and even if they try to sell it like greek weed from peloponisos, don't believe them.last time that i smoked original high quality greek weed was in 2003....
the last years i am living in amsterdam and i am smoking only hashish.the reason is that because of my standards the weed here is so artificial that i can't accept it


the quality of greek weed based mostly on climate and ground conditions.also in some really organic tricks that the growers were using,and not only this.in the past years,very important for a special quality weed was the personal contact between the grower and the plants
the best region is in south greece.Personaly, i smoked a lot of different qualities from all over greece in the past years.no matter if it was indica or sativa,the best was always from the mountains of pelloponisos.amazing taste ,extremely tripy ,with a duration more than 3.30hours.
unfortunately these qualities they exist only for a few growers that cultivating for personal use small amount of plants.the only way to smoke this weed is, if you have for a friend one of these growers.in the market is impossible and even if they try to sell it like greek weed from peloponisos, don't believe them.last time that i smoked original high quality greek weed was in 2003....
the last years i am living in amsterdam and i am smoking only hashish.the reason is that because of my standards the weed here is so artificial that i can't accept it

Good post k+
I was in greece a few months ago and found some pretty clean skunk, nice stuff, no legendary landrace though.
Ive heard storys about kalamata red I realy wana try that stuff!!


The Greeks has a flourishing hash production industry until 1927 so I doubt the Kalamata is Colombian, much more likely to be a leftover from the hash producing days.


New member
I heard that the hash production in greece until 1927 was made with lebanese strains.
there is also a high possibility of finding something close to turkish there, as greeks and turks lived together for centuries...


the man that you need is Gert Lush. He has a massive theory on Greek/Cretan Landraces-he told me it once a few years ago when i was v stonned-it's got Herodotus in it-Sythians-old Cretan anarchists up in the hills. It's a great theory -but i can't remember what it was:comfort:apart from the size. It's a 2hour theory-

hopefully he'll come in and duff us up with it



that's going be it-lots of classical references-Mozarabic trade routes etc

there is a bit on ICMag about this-don't know where tho



The Scythians were a semi-nomadic people who ranged over a large area that is now Turkey, The Caucasus, and western Central Asia, Herodotus described how they were bang into their cannabis, they would erect a tent over a fire of hot coal then throw dried flower tops on the coals and close all the flaps on the tent. So I reckon it's fair to say cannabis has existed in Greece for a couple of millenia at least, whether it was every fully feral and wild or just cultivated by man I don't know. I tried growing some Dagestani beans recently, Dagestan is in the southern Caucasus and is at a similar latitude to Greece, a similarly hot and dry climate I think. They were thin leaves and looked more sativa than indica. Never got to flower them as they really suffered with calcium deficiency and I ended up binning them. I tried giving them Calicium nitrate and it made a little difference but not enough. I read about the soils in Dagestan and they are supposed to be very high in calcium. A friend did managed to flower a couple and they looked more like Moroccan and Lebanese types than an Afghan indica, quite spindly things, quite resinous but poor bud formation, no nice colas. How these types may or may not relate to Greece I don't know.


New member
It is interesting to hear a sativa from Dagistan. I thought there were only indicas in caucasia... It might also be related with Greece because the land has been ruled by Turks for almost 500 years and these turks had immigrated from Caucasia and central asia.
also, the northwestern and western Turkey's geographical properties are almost the same with Greece, especially Kalamata. so, it is definitely a possibility to come across to similar strains in Turkey and greece which are related to Caucasia and Central Asia.

one thing I know is that in northwest Turkey there was high Greek population until 1923. and in a town called İznik(Latin name Nycea) there was a strain of which the hash form was a greenish blond colour and very dusty, one would think it was crap but when you smoked it you would understand that it is a one hitter quiter. It was one of the most popular hash strain and it was very popular among Greek people as well because it was exported to Greece until the 80's. some old greek stoners must know something about it and maybe even the 1923 immigrants had taken some seeds with them.
unfortunately, because of uncle sam's war on "us", this kind of strains are almost impossible to find now...


New member
hello my friends......nice to be here:bump:

its my first post....I live in greece i am 23 and growing its my passion..
i am new to this(4 grows indoor-lot of grows outdoor)

Kalamata, pyrgos, Milopotamos, Anoja and many places in greece are legendary for the cannabis that produce.....it is not like that...

there are a few growers that grow good and pure strains...(not greek strais)
most people think that greece produce sativa...the sativas don't have the time to develop under this condition(greece climate) so year after year the strains changes.

it is very very rare to find a grower tha growes and breeds the same seed for many years......most of them take/buy they seeds from other countries like U.S.A or Netherland...

i know a grower that grows the same seed for many years....
it is mostly sativa.....one of my favorits....taste like lemon..
a friend of him give him the seeds many years ago.....he said that the seeds were local .......i don't think so......

Greece should be known about the growers not about the strains...

(sorry for my english still learnig) peace......:wave:


Active member
my guess is whatever was grown in Greece would have been similar to the general type of hashish plant grown around the Eastern Med in the late 19th/early 20th century --- i.e. in Egypt, Turkey and Lebanon

so not, I expect,a plant that fits neatly with the modern grow scene's sativa/indica fixation

it would probably have been what you might call "a compact sativa with some indica characteristics" --- similar to the hashish plants grown in Lebanon these days

Greek growers were producing hashish from unseeded plants, so they were clearly pretty sophisticated ---

it seems fair to infer from this that they had farmers dedicated to producing good seed, and good plants

so I am doubtful of the claims that the old Greek strains were never up to much --- I expect some of them were excellent Eastern Med type hash plants