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Great White Mycorrhizal - Frequency?


If you use this product, how often do you use it?

I feed daily from a 30 gallon res into 3 gal pots with coco.

How often do you use in Veg and in Flower? Also, do you mix in with the coco, or feed with your reservoir?


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I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
When clones come out of cloner i inoculate them by sprinkling a bit of the white dust on the roots of each plant

they say you dont NEED to but i mix it into the soil as well.

and with my aerotables i put in right into the rez


Active member
Great White works well. The sales reps say to inoculate every couple of weeks. Just be sure to use water that has been de-chlorinated by agitation or letting it sit out.

A few types of the micro herd in that product have to be in direct contact with the roots, so I use it any time the ladies are transplanted for maximum efficiency.