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Great mexican weed - post your mexican "middies" experiences


Well-known member
i swear the really good 'zona mids i get from time to time when i'm out of my own meds resemble trainwreck very much in appearance
the only thing the zona doesn't have is great taste imo-everything else is top notch for the price-120-150 all day


Gene Mangler
Mexi brick seeds are fun :)

The only 2 plants I've ever had with pink hairs came from west coast mexi brick & have been the pick of the litter both times.
1 from some spicy NW below & the other from the SW, which was fullon neon pink & dried that way, below stayed a pinkish red.

Every time its been a smorgasboard, no 2 alike.


Here is some dank ass bud. Dont know where it came from but its good :joint: Im sure it came from mexico tho :nono:

nice thread :)

any of you guys get the mexi-indica or popcorn mids?... you know the mids that are not bricked at all. just round seedless popcorn-like indica dom nuggets? Is there a such thing as a

love this thread! keep the shots coming :D


nice thread :)

any of you guys get the mexi-indica or popcorn mids?... you know the mids that are not bricked at all. just round seedless popcorn-like indica dom nuggets? Is there a such thing as a

love this thread! keep the shots coming :D

Yea man most of the middies/mids I find are bricked but sometimes theres been indica dom super dense nugs nice and fat. I grew out some just like that reeked of pinesol just a few seeds here and there... it must have been fathered by a more sativa dominate thai father or something when i grew it out it had more sativa like buds but still had overbearing pine scent. made incredible hash from trim, extremely psychedlic but not disorienting- as good as the average headies I've had.
Another batch from mids turned out to be an ultra squat indica with lavender/purple and light green calyxs...berry bubblegum taste and rich body high with mental relaxation! you can find these same genes in mids sometimes- they are only mids because of early harvest/improper processing/bricking and some genetic dilution etc. then your typical lack of dry/cure

Theres a misunderstanding by some that you can't "hallucinate, or have" tripping" sensation etc. from cannabis. when people say that happened they don't mean like psilocybin or true hallucinogens ... people saying "oh its obviously laced" just havn't tried the potent thai landrace sativas - the high can be extremely psychoactive and smoking more than you can handle will really send your brain reeling with trippiness it doesn't mean anyones lying or that its laced with pcp. Assumption like that causes you to lose out on true treasure genetics in some of the brick weed. no doubt shit is altered sometimes but usually just for weight/appearance taste rarely foreign psychoactive compounds.

right now I have some seeds from brick mids that I'm going to try and get a diesel like cross out of- they are mexican sativa with more body high plus a little kush- the males from these I will cross with some landrace afghan. Females from the brick seed I will cross with a true diesel (the thing is RED screams panama) giant fucking leafs like a ceiling fan (the bud that the seed came from is another xample of one so potent a lighterweight can easily get such a strong headrush your seeing stars and some fatass is squishing your chest- true one hitter quitter. I've smoked an extremely potent purple (totally unaltered/well grown) that was basically black and coated with milky resin one hit; I really could'nt move my lungs for about 15 secs and could barely see for almost a minute, I got owned, no pcp.


smoked swag for bout 8 years its fucked up it took me that long to figure out i was wasting my time. i used to get all kinds of neat surprises bricked in with that shit hell ive even got gas-o-weed. not to mention you buy an ounce then pull the seeds and large stems and your left with a half oz. here in the midwest swag is cheap like 50 an oz but the supply is dwendling. and mids dont exzist i guess were to far from canada.so its kill or swags.i think alot of mexi is real good stuff but the way they brick it and tranport it almost completely kills the resin and thc in the buds.
teh problems in mexico have left teh place i live in on short supply of drugs in general.
ive also seen more and more locals setting up grows ..peace


Mexico is a big ass country full of stoners and growers, actually they were into it way before it was popular here. So yeh o fcourse some of the erb is good.
For sure^^...before the cowboys rode in on horsback n stole all they weed and blunt wraps at gun point, screaming yeeee-haaaw into the sunset!:wave:


I'm really interested in indicas from areas that you mostly just hear about sativas from like eastern asia, mexico/central america.. i just never see them available anywhere or know what strains have their genes.. any good examples? closest I've come is the heavily diluted genotypes I mentioned that only have a hint of those indicas from sativa countries/regions
in my town lbs. go for 300 if its some dank i mean some killa 400
no mre than 60 an ounce but it s not much diff than whts on here besides whtevr tht dirt tht guy was holding.thts texas


u can deff trip off certain strains of bud when having a low tolerance. i have had more intense highs than off low dose of mush. once when at nite walking around after smoking like over a dozen bowls when i was a kid i had geometric colored patterns over my field of vision like a net of psychadelia that would have the image of whatever i thought in my mind which i remember vividly saying "i see purple ducks" no b.s. i saw a net of purple to pink bubble bath ducks over my field of vision that lasted a few minutes and changed when i thought of something new, also to name a few experiences: buzzing energy in objects, auditory hallucinations, very vibrant colors, walking down the street and noticing cars and people are moving in choppy laggy movement(no flow of movement very fun, after taking four hits off a blunt of green crack, dont even dare say it was laced, i rolled it), closed eye visuals of very psychadelic mind eye stuff, alot can happen ina dark room :abduct: , feeling like the rooms ceiling is two feet above your face while laying in bed or purple or orange slightly glowing objects. on 420 two years ago i ate A hash muffin, i instantly regreted an hour later, as it was more uncomfortable than mush and i woke up the next morning baked which i didnt enjoy, i was high for almost 24 hours no lie.
it seems when i was 13 and just started smoking every experience would be like an adventure, me and my friend would venture into a stoner fantasy, everything very eerie, sometimes scenarios would play out in a perfect manner that would (i can only describe it as feeling as if i was in a movie, and everything was predetermind and very odd) i cant really explain, all im saying is in the short 6 years of my smoking cannabis experience, ive had some very strange experiences especially in the first year or two of smoking.
i do trip easier than others, i know from numerous mush experiences


Mids is something good, but never as crazy as you explained. "seeing cartoons" from normal images.

I think your shit was laced. Why? few reasons, and you contradict that you would have noticed on the weed. Not true. One COMMON way that people fuck with mids in the hood which probably leaves the hood is they spray to pack with roch spray, it gives the weed a funky ass 'dank' smell, and makes the person have stronger effects. But it's shitty as fuck for you... kinda like huffing paint. Maybe your shit wasn't laced, but when you think of the term 'laced' everyone here always mentions PCP and H, but they don't think about more practical things that people lace their shit with. Drops from the headshops smelling like grape, roach spray, metal shavings, sticks, all sorts of random shit. But hey who says I wouldn't smoke it... No but seriously if i thought it was sprayed with something I -probably- wouldnt. Did the herb have a 'dank' smell? but something u don't usually smell in weed?
well, mexi-schwag fans summer is here. lets see some new growshots! bring on the mexican middies grows! lets show all the exotic strain growers that todays mexi isn't your daddy's mexican:joint: I'm talkin' that gooey lemon-lime, popcorn nuggets that reek of fresh floral pine..... yummmy!!


i have saved 10-40 seeds off every decent bag of mids i ever bought..i been smoking middies for a good 15yrs and get super high from the mexi,cali,zona type nuggs.
just sprouted 6 differant middies strains..3 beans per strain. im sure theres a few keepers in there :joint:

mids here or the mexi brick goes for 40 an oz all day long..i was paying 100/110/130 an OZ for mexi back east ..now i pay 40.. cant beat it.
I ran some mexican Sativa schwag bagseed for my first grow.

Turned out to be Amazing lime green, Peppery, skunky, fruity, weed.

Looked like mids with some resin on it. But smelled sooo fruity, gasoliney, peppery. So nice.

It was a shame it took 14 weeks to flower (WAY TOO LONG FOR A FIRST GROW) Was a complicated growing flower.

But, It was a great learning experience, very rewarding, and It taught me alot about the plants, I'm on my 2nd time around with some Indicas, and these are WAY easier to handle :).


New member
Watch out the guys around here will lynch you for saying there isnt "trippy" pot, i know. But i havent smoked anything in my life like some of these "hallucinating" strains that people claim exist. It just doesnt seem like the kinda effect marijuana could ever give, but i havent tried everything so just IMO.

Those effects are probably from the swag being soaked in fermaldahyde or opium water or something. I know black guys like to lace there joints with that stuff they call it a woobanger around here.

THC ISNT a hallucinagenic, end of story.
You guys also seem to forget that getting high is different for everyone. Some people (like me) have a really low tolerance. And also what is trippy to you may not be to someone else.(and vice versa)

Oh BTW. people dont really go the extra length to "soak" their shit to sell. It would not only create more overhead, and be less profitable but also would take longer to make ready.
just my thoughts though.

Oh and whats with the whole "end of story." It's not like you or anyone else for that matter knows all there is to know about the psychoactive compounds in cannabis.
(not trying to be a deuche)
ive smoked hydro for months striaght and by the hour and after getting some decent mexi at end of said two months i got higher from the commericail cheap mexi erb......good qaulity mexi buds, youll come across theese the closer u are to mexico are quite nice, a girl i used to see would get an ounce for like 50 bucks and id take it over alot of dro that goes for 400 hundred anyday of the week. deeper high, heavier stone.. u just cant beat mother nature and the sun and the air .....uv light etc etc... alot of people are amazed when a grower doesnt cut back on their nitrogen late in bloom and end up with green buds, to alot of newbies this is a sign of dank in itself- i luv mexi, but also hate it, so much crude but some jems are to be found. definately dont smoke compressed shwag or hay..

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Mexican "workingman's smoke":

Grew out dozens of these, smelled horrible, like spicy peppery rotting acrid vegetation, I would literally gag sometimes when opening the jars to air it out. Was surprisingly smokable, not incredibly strong but could smoke it all day long and still get high. After a 3 year cure some of it had changed to a much more palatable lemony-peppery aroma (though still with a nasty aspect to it), the remainder got smoked quickly after that discovery. One plant out of all of those had a very different aroma- incredibly powerful rosemary and crystally apperance too. I named her Rosa Maria and pollenated her with a bubblegum/NL cross. The pine-rosemary aroma of the resulting male, only 2 feet high and in a tiny container overpowered an entire garden of smelly strains in full bloom. Dusting of pollen in progress...

h^2 O

was the smoke WORSE than the weed you got the seeds from? Or was the weed even then disgusting? I'm confused. Like if it sucked, I wouldn't bother growing it out. So it must have been decent when you smoked it originally I have to assume...
It must be something with the curing/bricking? The commercial I get here is surprisingly potent and indica leaning, or at the least hybrid....I'm currently running some in the great outdoors. Will try to remember to follow up.