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Great mexican weed - post your mexican "middies" experiences


I just read the first 2 pages of this thread, and I have to say that I just wasted 5 mins. of my life. You guys are such immature, ignorant, dense, obtuse, asinine, follish, idiotc, simple, unwise, stupid people. Gyspy you need to start checking ID's. I have never read so much rubbish in my life. You hebetudinous people have no f.u.c.k.i.n.g clue. Go to school and get an education and STOP acting like your gangsta. Get off of 50 cent's dick.
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I do belive this is a great site for information on cultivating cannabis, but it is a fact that you have to dig through juvenile rubbish.

You kids want to learn how to grow a plant when you should be leaning how to grow to be a man. Go back to school you wanna be Hollywood gangstas
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I think it's hard for people to accept that you can get better(not PRETTIER) weed sometimes for a whole lot cheaper...but you have to live in the right areas where lots of import moves to see some amazing stuff....FOR CHEAP.

No bullshit guys...i've smoked some BOMB Mexican....bought strait from pistol toting
Mexican cowboy gangsters....long spears of tasty herb that would send you to the moon. Purple and lime green and all the good colors....1000lb....comes in big bales...like everything...some batches were better than others.

The plants i've shown are not from that.....they are from what we call "Arizona Mids"
much more indica in appearance and effect.

i think it also is an excellent avenue for rare genetics. Why travel to remote parts of the world looking for that unique strain when they are coming to you everyday.

It is a horrible thing to be disgusted with people that buy "regs" and "mids".....most people aren't as lucky as us on IC. Most people don't have access to excellent herb all the time or just flat out can't afford it. I get the supporting gangsters but someone sells it over here and makes our share....and how do i know who i'm supporting when i buy local dank? Maybe gangsters too...

I smoked it up after surgery when i was beyond broke....does that make me inferior to you? Does it mean i haven't smoked dank strains and i can't grow?


Active member
I can see gettin into a decent bag of middies from Mexico that will give you a real decent Sativa buzz, but the trippin and cartton shit was just a bit too much. Mexico has hella Sativa's there and i could see runnin into a decent bag here and there. Its the trippin and whities and shit that made the story abit much.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
motaco said:
I had a small collection of deep chunk, several disels, several humboldts, cherry bomb, and a few other things and all anyone wanted was the deep chunk and the schwag. they were the two best smokes. and its not like there was anything wrong with the diesels or humboldt weed.

Chomas & TwoPaid,
Want some??



Old School Cottonmouth
oh lord. hippie you're in canada and makin opinions on mexi brick? come on now.

NDN. it exists. I don't know what to tell you. I can totally see that you've never had a good bag. You're out the arizona way I'm guessin? Not much good weed. Some decent smoke but as far as the type we're talking about not even close. Nobody I ever met really had the trippy weed from the west coast mexi collection. As far as I know 90% of the type of weed we're talkin about comes from the eastern gulf coast of mexico and their mountains. We're smoking entirely different weed from different geographical locations split by desert like terrain.

I've always noticed people west of texas don't get that weed. They see tons of brick and so they simply don't believe it. But you're smokin acapulco and north west. We're smoking oaxaca and northeast. The mountains and desert divide them. Look on google maps you can see only the coasts of mexico are green. They are very different coasts. And the grow parties on different coasts, rather famously don't like each other. We get more highland mountain pot, and its more trippy. Almost all highland pot is more heady weed. They same way heat makes anxious weed.


If you want to try a variety of mexi weed then i would say the mid west is the best place to start. There is so much variation of bricked weed that it is incredible. A really good friend of mine gets 10 lbs or so a week, or every other, and i would buy a qp twice a week. The differences between the weed i would buy one week to the othere were crazy, sometimes i would get really long skinny skunk haze or skunk buds it seemed that smelled bland (i think they smelled like they were stored inside of a tire slightly) and other times really hazy red airy buds that would be kick ass.

Also, sometimes there would be hardly any seeds then another time i would get a shitload of seeds like 20 plus in a small nug. Almost all the batches were untrimmed and leafy but a couple looked trimmed.

I have to say that mexi brick can range from anything schwagg like most people seem to think, to the best hazes/sativas you have ever tried. I love mexi brick and have saved seeds from almost all the batches i have got, and probably have like 1000 plus now lol.


Old School Cottonmouth
well hippie we smoke plenty of canadian pot here and I think that might be the problem. You guys just don't have any good pot. I've smoked plenty that came though, and I've met canadian growers. They even took their canadian plants and grew them down here in the heat and humidity so I know they suck. I've walked though their fields.

Do you see how dumb that sounds when the tables are turned? You're in canada bro. I don't care if you know two people with mexi pot. You don't know anywhere near enough about mexican pot to even have an opinion on it much less say how stony it is. Mexi pot probably doesn't turn out too good in canada I'm guessin and the weed sent up there past all the states is the bottom of the bag. It's no surprise. I mean you're really going to argue with the UST guy from new orleans about our local sativas and you're in canada?

How many mexi strains have you smoked? two? five? Probably not a few hundred like us guys on the GC I'm guessin.


New member
just one of many ...

just one of many ...

:joint: Hey now! :rasta:

Heres a few shots of the current Sativa of Hispanic origin ....kk Mexican bagseed apparently sativa dominent from a friend ... (from "Way South" ... hey says) :laughing:

Ay way it is getting alot of attention in a soilless mix ... and organic teas and flower nutes.

It smells of very sweet and fruity it is also really loving the high temps!!... We'll see how it turns out ... :joint:

Just one for your list .. thanx for lookin' :jump:

Keep On Growin' :canabis:



I just read this whole thread in one shot. I have to say that it was a lot more fun than talking to some chick on the phone.

I have tripped on Mexican and some Colombian too. Not an acid trip, but that was plenty of paranoia. I actually do not care for paranoia in weed. I have had some Hawaiian one time that sent me on a soaring high that built up and lasted for hours and that was from one bong hit. Hawaiian weed is nothing like that now, and has not been for some time. I go all of the time and I never see anything to write home about.
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Active member
I was traveling around in SE Asia for a year, mostly Thailand. The herb you would get there looked like shit, basically like odd looking mexi schwag.Really big loosely connected calyxes, with a strange texture, that were a yellowish brown color. Anyway I hadnt smoked in a couple of weeks and rolled up a spliff of this stuff for my girl and I. We puffed it down, and proceeded to laugh our asses off for like an hour straight. Just a great sativa high, that was better than most name brand indoor srains that you get in the states. In fact it looked just like this http://www.seedbay.com/index.php?a=1002&b=40738


Active member
Also back in the mid 90s(Im sure long before that), before the Beaster revolution, we would always commercial from S.A., mexico, or jamaica that was just special herb. I remember this one particular batch from jamaica, where the buds were literally black with resin, and covered in these gnarly tufts of red hair. The bag it was in looked like it had crisco smeared on the sides of it, just milked over with oil stuck to it. I remember riding in the car after a bong session of that stuff and feeling like I was in a video game.
Its a shame you just dont get herb like that anymore, allot of it was far and away better than the hydro shit that comes down from BC. I havent seen either in many years though, so its all good.


enough said, isave my sexi mexi seeds too,if ya love weed go buy a q of mexi every friday for a few months and grow the seeds from the best buzz ya like and you will shit because there is every flavor available in mexi seeds.ive found fuel, pine , lemon, candy, cedar, skunk, hay, grape, haze, sandlewood, and earthy, and every other smell in weed,and some will be more indica and most will be sat dominate. some buzzes are way better than others but ive never grown a plant that didnt get me high.and to make a point !!!some of the less potent weed had a better buzz and better flavor so puffing a half a doobie to get high isnt that bad cause the weed was free .

I have to say that mexi brick can range from anything schwagg like most people seem to think, to the best hazes/sativas you have ever tried. I love mexi brick and have saved seeds from almost all the batches i have got, and probably have like 1000 plus now lol.[/QUOTE]



Just harvested these mexicans this morning. Plants have a very spicy scent almost garlicy and very resinous


Well-known member
Horus said:
. I smoked a joint with the dealer and I was hallucinating intensely. If I stared at things they turned into goofy cartoons and I was freaking out, heart racing like crazy.

it was not straight herb...hallucinating... i don't think so..


the Revenant
zachrockbadenof said:
it was not straight herb...hallucinating... i don't think so..

Watch out the guys around here will lynch you for saying there isnt "trippy" pot, i know. But i havent smoked anything in my life like some of these "hallucinating" strains that people claim exist. It just doesnt seem like the kinda effect marijuana could ever give, but i havent tried everything so just IMO.

Those effects are probably from the swag being soaked in fermaldahyde or opium water or something. I know black guys like to lace there joints with that stuff they call it a woobanger around here.

THC ISNT a hallucinagenic, end of story.
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Active member
well,it is a mild hallucingenic...

"hallucinegenic" is a very loose term,will bud make you trip like shrooms or cid? no,but nether will a low dose of thoese drugs... at a higher dose,i'm sure thc could be VERY "trippy"

no one soaks shwagg in more expensive drugs and still sell them at shwagg price's,meaning,you'ed know it was laced....fermaldhyed well not get you high there's been some confuseson with that,it was just a slang term for pcp,and i seriously doubt anyone has access to "opium water" in the usa.....

i don't why it so hard to belive,think of ALL the strains,now think of ALL thoese strains diffrent pheno's,your telling me its IMPOSSIBLE,that one of thoese has more of a hallcuengenic effect????????


Has anyone ever made hash from Mexican Brick? Is it too messed up from compression to make hash?