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GREAT IDEA for a Paranormal SidebySide


I personally believe in some non scientifically explained phenomenon so I thought that some people on here might be interested in what I have found. Everyone more or less knows that the pyramids hold many secrets and from what I have been reading they could enhance a persons energy field so I found a test where someone puts plants in a pyramid shaped structure and writes down the results. On the website there are also lots of other tests and results from other experiments. If I were still able to grow I would personally try this since I find it amazing and I would like to find out if it really increases crop size by 2 1/2 times.

"Growth of Plants

A series of tests were run on the effects of pyramid treatments on the growth rate of plants. The test plants were alfalfa sprouts. I had some familiarity with sprouts as I had grown over 2500 pounds of them in the confines of my office!

The sprouts were treated three different ways: 1. treatment of feed water; 2. direct treatment of the plant in the pyramid; 3. treatment of the seed in the pyramid. In all cases, identical tests were made in an identical volume cubic box as a control structure.

In all cases, the pyramid treated plants grew 2 to 3 times as fast as the controls, were more healthy and lasted longer after harvest.

One California grape farmer used my system on his irrigation system and his grape yield was 2-1/2 times the average yield of his neighbors and the California average.

Water Treatment
The water may be treated in several ways.

It may be placed in the pyramid in a container for a period of time depending on the size of the pyramid and the amount of water treated. I used a 2 foot base pyramid and treated a quart bottle for 1/2 hour.

Another technique is to run water into a spiral coil placed in the pyramid and fashioned into a form of fountain.

Direct Treatment of Sprouts
The pyramid used was a one foot base unit made of clear plexiglass. Four inch holes were cut in the sides for full ventilation. The sprouts were grown entirely in the pyramid.

The controls were grown entirely in a well ventilated equal volume cube.

Treatment of Seeds
The seeds were placed in pyramid for 8 hours.

The water and plant treatments were best, the seed treatment was last. The pyramid grown sprouts lasted over a week without spoilage after harvesting.

The controls on the other hand lasted 24 to 36 hours before spoilage.

Because of the dehydration or mummification of foods in the pyramid, I tried a number of experiments to see if the dehydration rate is accelerated in the pyramid. It is not.

Normal dehydration occurs, the difference being that items placed in the pyramid do not decay while dehydrating. Sprouts grown in the pyramid and left without water 24 hours do not die and decay as the controls do. The controls developed odor and died.

The sprouts in the pyramid dehydrated slightly but did not decay and resumed normal growth when watering was resumed."

This is the site: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/piramides/esp_piramide_18.htm

The site has lots of other interesting conspiracy stories and etc. Most of the stories are actually referenced so they seem more believable that the normal bs.

I would really appreciate it if someone builds a pyramid type structure to house the grow in, if you don't want to do it for me (why would you) do it for the sake of science, because if this is a real thing this would be truly awsome.

Curious to everyones opinion on this.