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Grapefruit x Hash Plant


cannabis enthusiast
Looks like it has no hashplant characteristics, the hashplant is heavily coated with trichomes to the point where it "sparkles".



^^^ Yeah but sir you gotta remember not everybody grows there strains out to pure perfection like some of us, Looks like a Commercial grower did it , Just by the size of the buds and the manicure job....
very nice buy there rob,my names rob too. that stuff looks so good i just picked up but im not gonna post it here and get lauphed at... this shit looks so horrible the dude pulled out a bag and was peeling the buds off the side of this compressed ball of marijuana and....he had to use his fingernails ew.

but it gets me high, even though it wasnt dried very long if all all before packaging because it was hard to break up and very wet. and not like trichome wet either.


it may smoke very well, but i think by crossing GF with HP you loose its flavour and its buzz, which is the best ever, very sativa and up high

how's te buzz ??

see ya


the high is pretty up and energetic, yet not much anxiety. flavor is strong, only a very mild hint of fruit flavor however. pretty tasty in joints. i've been smoking it in my friends roor and its really retards you after only 2 or 3 rips. very little odor but once you start breaking it up a sour, fruity aroma is detected. its wonderful. :yummy:

I'd rate it a 7.5/8.0 out of 10


the hashplant i have smoked was very dark green with a heavy coating of thick shiny trichomes. very dense too


EEk! $330 AN OUNCE?! Wowsa.. this shits getting out of hand! SOMEONE is making high-way-robbery. Wow dealers are greedy. If ya don't mind me askin, what state do you reside in Rob? Just wanting to get a feel of what costs what where.. something like that would never exceed $250 an O in oregon. I hope this post isn't too 'dealerish' for ICmag, I know how against it you are. I don't deal and have never dealt myself, but the outrageous price of this plant amazes me..



i am near NYC...

$330 an ounce for headies like this is a DEAL for me...how sad is that?

ounces of headies range from $320-$500 around here...


Oh my gad.. what is this world coming to when weed costs almost twice as much as gold? I'm sorry to hear the shit prices, that has to be rough. Wish I could help your situation, buuuut NY is kinda far away.. haha. Atleast you got some good smoke it looks like none the less.



yea its insane. gold is around $300 an ounce right? its insane that a plant that grows naturally can cost so much more than a limited resource. thats what prohibition does. gives profit incentive for dealers...etc...


Well put man. Glad you see the outrageousness. Hopefully in due time the market will bounce back to the humane state it was 10-15 years ago when you could pick up an ounce for 100 or less.. Of course thats just a dream, but than again, it's all up to us growers. I'll do my own part to help the market.. I wish there was no herb economy, if shit was legal everyone could just grow their own and be happy.. but untill than..



yea but thats our government for ya. i can't wait til my ladies are ready to be harvested. i am tired of paying this much for pot...

oreganic- your from oregon right? how is the bud out there, from what i've heard its amazing. what kind of strains do you get and how are the prices? you have any pictures?


Yuuup, 0regon native here.. yeah, we get some of the finest herb in the world around oregon. Easily. I've seen so much quality herb I don't even know where to begin. Quality that could match up to the finest pics on this site. I wish I owned a camera myself, but I don't, so no - I haven't got anything to show. Always wished I could.

I great prices around my neck of the woods. $300 is the most anyone I know charges for an ounce, and thats basically GANNA be something special. AK47, Sour Diesel, Afgooey, things of this nature can run that high. Now for a regular ounce of some bomb? Usually will go for $230-$260 an ounce, all depends on who ya know. I mean, I've seen ounces of supreme go for $220 - but thats a rarity.. yeah I love it here up here, there are few other places I'd live.



Active member
yeah rob trees ive noticed you got pics of a new bag in large amounts so often. how much chronic do you buy a week?