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Grape Skunk - Journal - Germination through Curing


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1. Grape Skunk(3) - Super Skunk, Grapefruit and Blueberry
2. God Bud DVP (1)
2. Sweet Tooth (1)
3. Sour Diesel (2)


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Sweet Tooth - Sweet Pink Grapefruit x Resinous Blueberry x Grapefruit

That will be fun to cross with Grape Skunk!


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I have no idea what really happened to them. They just never came out of the soil. They all had small white tails coming out, not like 1/2 inch thats normally recommended. ...they just didn't continue to grow. Odd.. i have no clue... I blame the peat moss things i used...
Anyway... Ill post pics soon...

Current status... 4 of my grape skunks are starting off alright. I do need a fan to blow on them to keep the stalks strong.

Currently using my 2x fluorescents on them. End of this week the 400HPS is going to go on. Still haven't fertilized, going to wait until the third set of leaves is basically full.

Current Genetics:
-NYCD (3 seeds)
-Sweet Tooth (2 seeds)
-Grape Skunk (4x already going)


New member
Grape Skunk&Day 6

Grape Skunk&Day 6

It took 6 days to germinate the seeds. They were rather dark with multiple black spots on them. Usually when your seeds are lightly colored you have a minute chance of them thriving.

Well... :joint:

Stargates log grapeskunk day 6....
The smell of soil wafts across the room. When looking at the little guys im very excited to see the potential. All is going pretty swell. I definitely need a fan to blow on these little guys to make them grow thicker so they can support the buds later on. I started the other strands a few days ago and planted them directly into soil yesterday with their tails being approx 1/4inch. They will be surfacing shortly.
By this weekend (day 8) i will be turning on my 400watt HPS w/ blue fixture to ensure rapid growth. In the seedling stage its best to use a light that wont burn or overwhelm the little guys. The fixture will be set at 30inches above the top of the lowest plant. I need to figure out the temperature the light will add in the destined space so i can really figure out what kind of cooling system i shall need for those summer days. After the weekend is over i will start my first fertilization using big bloom. 1x TBSP per gallon of distilled water. I was told by a friend that distilled water will be chlorine free and salt free so later on nutrient lock wont occur.

I installed a small air filter in the corner of the space to help keep the air fresh. Also, i am looking in to finding some lady bugs to let live in my space cause they are wonderful for eating small microbes to avoid disease. (even though the space is entirely clean top to bottom you never know.

These are closups of current status of the 4 Grape Skunks:
DAY 6:


Until I post again...:abduct:


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Latest Update - Grape Skunk

Latest Update - Grape Skunk

Week 2 of Vegitation Stage
(7 Pots Total)
Center 4x are the Grapes.

400W messes with my camera! haha!

Early Week 3 of Vegetation Stage:

The end (left 2 and right 1) flower pots are the sweet tooth, sour d and 2 unknowns.
Middle 4 are the Grape Skunks. Amazing the progress

Grape Skunks
kinda panoramic

Note of what I've been doing with them:
-Currently on a 18 hour on, 6 hour off Time Schedule.
-I am continually following the Fox Farms Soil Feed Instructions Calendar: Every Other watering w/ fertilizer
-I've been watering with only distilled water to avoid any PH changes or Nutrient Lockout
-Ive probably been watering them 2 days, then giving it a day to kinda dry. -When watering nothing has leaked out of the bottom until tonight. I was advised by a Widow Maker to let 30% of the water you put in drip out. Literally soaking the plants. It does make sense.
-All Grapes are on the beginning of the 5th set of leaves.:joint: So, what i did was pinch the tops off. So, it begins to branch into 2 stalks hoping to produce more buds and make them short and bushy like.
Thus saving ceiling space over time. Note: the first set of little leaves don't count. Those fall off later anyway.

So i will continue to post updates on a weekly or biweekly basis...



Widow Maker

Active member
looking good man, so its day 21ish in the last ones? you're officially 2 weeks ahead of me. im on day 8. looking good.

Widow Maker

Active member
red X's eh? I believe you are seeing blocked pics.... but for some reason i see them fine? iunno. sup with that sharingan!!!!!!? haha peace brother


New member
Week 4 of Vegetation Stage
Very Beginning of the 4th week.

Under the 400W HPS

After I Watered Them (Lights Out!)

From a distance

I rearanged the plants based on how much light each one needs. If only i had a second light... haha! Well... The Far left 3 are all Grape Skunks. 3rd row over from left in back is the 4th. One of the four grapes leaf structure is entirely different. Indica? Hmmm...
I just got a ph tester today. My Soil is at a 6ph level. I may need to raise it a little bit. We will see. Theyre starting to smell a little bit.

Next week Flowering Begins...



New member
Week 5

Week 5

For some reason i cant upload photos at the moment. Apparently i used up my disc quota????


Well, At the end of week four The Unknown bud plant showed its balls and he was removed.
So, All Four Grape Skunks are Female. I say four because one of them looks entirely different. I believe it must be a God Bud DVP that got mixed up back in the beginning.

OK, all the remainders are females. :muahaha:

So, honestly i wont have enough room for the remainders I have 6 total pots, most likely ill be moving the largest one (one grape skunk) into the outdoors.

All females to be shown budding:
4x Grape Skunks
1x God Bud DVP
1x Sweet Tooth
2x Sour Diesel



(Pics will come as soon as i can figure out why i cant upload any more)

Widow Maker

Active member
if by chance one of those wont fit i could fit it just fine here :joint: lol. seriously though, you should come by and grab the rest of the foxfarm ferts you dont have. They're all yours buddy.




interesting cross, definitely want to pull a seat up for this show, show looks clean as well, always a plus, subscribed, +rep


New member
Latest Update!!!

Latest Update!!!

Tools: Bulb, fan, ventalation, etc

Week 6:

I ended up giving slight chem burn to my plants when i practically flushed them with fert. It was a random test to see what would happen with 30 percent runoff every watering w/ fert. Bad idea. Use Fertilizer every other watering. Oops!.. All healed now, cant even tell 1 week later...

Early Week 7: (week 1 beginning of flowering)

Growers Log:
I Started with 7 pots. with 8 plants total. I finally saw all the sexes as of early week 7.
now im down to 4 Laddies...
FEMALES: 3x Grape Skunks, 1 Sweet Tooth
MALES: 2x, (Killed KIA (or KO))
BOTH?!?: 1x herm (Grape Skunk)

I continue to use the Fox Farm guide for soil grows. I added Super thrive into my mix. For every Fertalizing and watering ive been adding approx 3 drops per gallon.

I will post more and nicer quality pictures as soon as i can...


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