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High country cat herder
Yes, Yes I am,......

Thanks for F'n reminding me of that! :eek::

This grow is now down, I'd love to put a positive spin on it,... but I can't.

Many fatal flaws were made, and the finished product is,... well, LESS than expected.

I still need to take a pic of the grafted node, Just because.....

but here's a coupe shots from just before harvest. :blowbubbles:


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so....here is a loophole. say you live in a state that has mmj...and you have a 6 plant limit.... you could graft 12 plants in pairs and actually have 6 plants with 12 root balls....still legal?
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High country cat herder
Ummmm,..... WTF?

Not sure what your asking. The point of my ventures in grafting is to as many plants as possible with as few root masses as possible.

My mother plant is 5 strains on 1 stem, thusly in the eyes of the law the way its written, 1 plant.



Living life large...
Looks good too me.

Looks good too me.

Me thinks your too hard on yourself, if thats fatally flawed
I'd love to see what perfection would look like....that be badass !


Active member


High country cat herder
Thank you Methias!

I was almost starting to think I was the only one experimenting with this shit! :dance013: I hope you don't mind my interloping in your thread, Just trying to spread the love for off the wall shit! :D

For those that are following this thread, here's a shot of the grafted joint after drying.....


High country cat herder
I'm gonna spark this thread back up here in another month or so,... got some new strains down thru flower, and I think I've found a keeper or two, so time to get rid of some mother plants and get em all on one stem.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Great thread.
Thanks Canniwhatsis for sharing your experiences and to all chipping in with info.


ICMag Donor
This brutally simple method works well , bottom two nodes male rootstock , female top is a suitable stem diameter match from the same cross , does not have to be the same cross or sex.

Use pretty much anything the plant tissue will not react badly to or rot , plastic straws , sharpened matches , cocktail sticks , medical stents all work fine.

The hollow stem serves no water transport process , is eventually filled with pith and closed solid at every node , internal splint works fine.

Knitted together in a week usually , this one can go outside and F2 itself.




Its a variation on an old tomato technique when it was standard practice to graft onto desease resistant rootstock , this way requires no support and is much easier and repeatable , tape keeps light off and mould.



how you do?

lovely topic thank you to share Canniwhatsis

excellent analysis foomar thank you to share

am keen to ask you opinion with respect to graft within flowering
am keen to analysis with respect to rootstock trait illustrate within graft?

thank you to share
respect to all comment within topic

positive vibrations


High country cat herder
WOW!!!! I totally forgot that I even had this thread here! :eek::

Thanks for chiming in Huarmiquilla.

As for graft flowering? well,... it went well Enough I suppose in my experiment, it probably wold have been better if it had been done earlier and had more time to grow into a larger shoot off of the plant.

It's also worth noting that many strains do best with individually adjusted diets during flower,... in which case a shared root structure makes it pretty hard for both flowering plants to get exactly what they want most.

As for root stalk traits?...... I'm sorry, I've got a degree in Automotive Technology,... not Botany! I'm not sure that I can honestly be of much use in answering that.

But here's my Go at it, The Scion carries it's own genetics, and as such it has it's natural needs from it's root structure. As long as the Roots of the host plant can meet the demands of the scion, it will be fine.

Most of the plants we grow seem to like a similar feeding/PH/conditions in veg, so I think this middle of the road attitude works for a mother plant.


howdy Canniwhatsis,

how you do?

thank you to reply

similar respect to you technique with respect to analysis and to garden such green thumb
similar to grow self
indeed lovely

am keen to ask with respect to host and scion, at how to request and fufill long distance signaling such and such trait

you are to mention such specimen you pair with respect to similar attribute, indeed lovely thinks
similar you are to mention at how diet for each such scion and host branch for vary slight

am keen to think perhap analysis with respect to scion or host for pair with symbiotic efficiency to human goal

such example one perspective scion top to require within genetic form more such and such hormone or perhap FT gene and homologue
similar am keen to inverse with respect to such scion and host

similar root resistance within host for share to scion

indeed much respect to you!
such advance not separate to total plant within universe
indeed great analysis!

am research and analysis with respect to Recent Advances of Flowering Locus T Gene in Higher Plants author of Xu, Rong, Huang, and Cheng

thank you to share

positive vibrations


Well-known member
Wow I am glad that I found this thread.

Thank you Cannawhatsis for sharing your experience with this grafting experiment. And of course thank you Horsemanrocks for resurrecting this thread, it has saved me from making a thread covering this same topic!

Canna, I have another question for you! Did you notice any variation in regards to flowering timeline/development in the different scions? I know you mentioned the slight difference in nutrient uptakes between the different shoots, any other differences you noticed that can be attributed to different genetics?

I had a thought given to me by another thread along this similar line of thought. I was curious if it was possible to trigger flowering of late flowering lines earlier in the outdoor season by utilizing quicker flowering root plant. Hopefully the flowering hormones produced by the host plant will trigger flowering earlier, and perhaps even expedite the flowering process in the grafted late bloomer.

I plan to play a little this year along this line of thought, a few scion's from a heavy haze hybrid grafted onto an early finishing sativa hybrid. :dance013:

Haha, thanks for entertaining my question canna. Was fun to read through your experiment!


High country cat herder
Take a moment to read my Sig line guys! ;)

I'm NOT a botanist, but I play one on the internet :wave:

That pretty much sums it up!

I'm a schmuck that has a green thumb, what I post is simple observations based on multiple grows of various strains, and many presumptions based upon only a handful of experiments that either I my self or others that I've been following have done.

None of this is based, from my experience on any kind of actual science. All I've done is take some basics and run with them, and fuck me if they didn't work!!! :tiphat: (read as I'm hacking at this!)

That in mind please DO NOT take my observations as the end all WORD of grafting Cannabis,.......

Honestly, I don't think that one could induce earlier flowering in a long running strain by grafting it to a short runner,..... not sure why, just going with my gut on this one.

What little I understand about this plant, the flowering process is initiated by hormones that are developed in the leaves by the shortened light cycle,... so while the whole plant may share circulation, the hormone that triggers flowering in strain "A" might not trigger it in strain "B" or the levels may not be high enough,.... whatever? It's all speculation and food for thought.

On that same line of thought, I've heard urban legend that you can poke a branch of a veging plant thru the light barrier and flower JUST that branch?
Which would mean that the hormones that trigger flowering remain in the locality where they're triggered and don't circulate thru the entire system?
Again, this is urban legend as far as I'm concerned, and not based on any kind of truth that can be backed up, just a story I heard on some post at some point in time.

If this thread has done anything to further Cannabis cultivation, I only hope that it encourages other growers (and hopefully a few actual botanists) to experiment with grafting and experimenting with this wonderful plant.