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Gr8fulbud's Second Stab at a Micro Cab!



This one was begun in early October and was based on several designs in these forums that employ mother/clone, bud drying, and flower rooms all contained in one cab. I'm attempting a Dr. Bud style grow although a single plant scrog may be easier than maintaining a greater # of plants.

The Cab

Dimensions are 28" wide X 32" high X 13" deep.​
Made with 1/2" MDF, glued and screwed.​

Right side is the flower chamber, left side is the mother/clone chamber, the two center partitions are light labyrinth/drying chamber.​

Air flow through the cab.​

Reflectix applied to grow chambers.​

Light traps were painted with flat black paint.​

All parts were glued, clamped, and screwed to make the MDF stronger.​

Two passive intakes on the bottom and an active exhaust on top. PVC toilet flanges bolted on. Dryer vent will be connected to the intakes and routed into a boxed light trap.​

Lights wired together and hung in the cab. I used (5)-23 watt mixed spectrum CFLs for the first week and then switched to 2700K for flowering. The mother/clone chamber has (2)-23 watt daylight bulbs. The fan is a 120mm computer fan rated 95cfm. It is pushing through a DIY carbon filter and pulled out of the back of the utility room by another 120mm fan.​

Weatherstripping was applied with Gorilla Glue for maximum hold.​

Doors were weighed down with water jugs to slightly compress the weatherstrip prior to installing the hinges.​

Sheetrock screws were installed to provide for an adjustable wire shelf in each of the three chambers.​

This guy supervised the project!​

Finished cab sitting next to a refrigerator; something to blame fan noise on!​

All stealthed up!​

More to come!


yeah buddy , this is a great cabinet you built . Much props to you ,and cant wait to see some green in there .


The Girls!

The Girls!

The seeds were random bagseeds for the most part...except for three seeds that I found on a park bench. The park bench seeds produced two females and grew taller and faster that the others. I now have five girls that have been flowering since mid-November since being switched to 12/12 on November 1st.
I also tried my hand at cloning for the first time and have produced a nice female that I will train into a bonsai mother. The idea is to fill the flower cab with about 12 chiquitas and keep a perpetual harvest going. I am trying to wean my wife off of some heavy-duty pharmaceuticals that she takes for pain and see how she fares with a little herb when the going gets tough. I just want to generally enhance my life without supporting drug cartels and the general lowlife subculture. (Although I've known some mighty fine dealers!)

The plants

About two weeks old in Mid-October. Veged for another two weeks.​

Showing flowers in Mid-November.​

First clones.​


Clones at home.​

Girls at home.​

Girls today...a little skimpy but I'll learn!​

Drying rack waiting for harvest!​

A way of life!​

Mogley straight.
Mogley baked!​

That’s all for now!


Very nice. Growing MJ is so easy that sometimes people make it difficult. Top job on the cab. Enjoy smoking your own! Peace


Great cab and girls Gr8fulbud. Good idea using fridge as patsy ;)
I wonder, how much PITA is to remove all that stuff if you want to work, or just take a peek at the girls in the cab?
I know i look in there at least 3 times a day just to say high.

PS: I bet Mogley was a big help during cab construction. :p
My cat couldn't stop playing with power tools and duct tape roll :D


Actually it only takes me about a minute to move four tubs and a couple of boxes. I look at them at 6:00am every day while my kids are asleep. I have a solid hour to play with them until lights go out in the flower cab at 7:00 which is coincidentally when my kids get up for school. I'll be watering them at 5:00 Wednesday morning and leaving about an inch of water in the plastic boxes that hold the plants since I will be leaving town for a week for the holidays. Hopefully the water will wick up and keep them from wilting while we are gone.


If you leave water in those plastic boxes, make sure u cover them with something or it will evaporate b4 plants get to "drink" it. I sometimes leave about half inch water and it evaporates after 24h.


Thanks for the tip, Idon'tsmoke. I'll cut holes in the lid to fit over the gatorade bottles. I'll let you all know how it turned out when I return.


Back from vacation!

Back from vacation!

Well...the watering scheme worked for my seven days away from the girls! I placed the Gatorade bottles, fully watered, into Sterilite boxes with one inch of water. I cut holes in the lids that just fit over the Gatorade bottles. I then placed the lids on the Sterilite boxes and left for a week. The lids slowed down the evaporation a bit and the plants looked great when I returned this evening. The five little budsicles really packed on weight and got a lot more stinky! I have two clones ready to go in the flower chamber tomorrow and will also cut a few more from mom. Take care.
Happy new year!!!


Those are gorgeous! Looking damn fine sir, I am glad you are keeping us updated on your lovely ladies :)