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Recently in my area there were a couple large busts,scuttle butt says that LEO is planting gps locator chips like they do in dogs and just waiting for harvest to bust???Anyone hear of this yet?Im sure they have the tech but just recently started hearing of them planting chips in plants,thoughts?:wave:


Active member
Good call BB,I knew about vehicle tracking,the word around here is they are planting devices IN the plants on outdoor grows and then comin rite to your door!
Good call BB,I knew about vehicle tracking,the word around here is they are planting devices IN the plants on outdoor grows and then comin rite to your door!

That would seriously seriously suck ass for outdoor growers! Have to get a good metal detector just to harvest from now on! Or one of those micro chip readers maybe? But if LEO IS in fact doing this, then all outdoor growers need to find a solution...fast!


Good call BB,I knew about vehicle tracking,the word around here is they are planting devices IN the plants on outdoor grows and then comin rite to your door!
I have trouble believing that they have access to devices small enough to embed in plants yet powerful enough to transmit it's location over several miles. Very small transmitters have very limited ranges. Sounds more like a movie plot than reality.

If such a device *does* exist, I'd surely like to see some info on it, and links would add credibility to the story.
WWW.digitalangel DOT com
Their micro chip is used in livestock,fish, etc etc for location tracking by the army,navy etc etc. Now if LEO would actually use such a device I dont know, but they DO exist and are being used.

Their chip is small enough to be planted under the skin and they claim powerful enough to contain the individuals bank account,heart rate,body temperature,EXACT location, and plenty more. ALL via satellite and the implanted persons exact location and all vital signs can be tracked by simply logging into the system and searching for the individual signal.


WWW.digitalangel DOT com
Their micro chip is used in livestock,fish, etc etc for location tracking by the army,navy etc etc. Now if LEO would actually use such a device I dont know, but they DO exist and are being used.

Their chip is small enough to be planted under the skin and they claim powerful enough to contain the individuals bank account,heart rate,body temperature,EXACT location, and plenty more. ALL via satellite and the implanted persons exact location and all vital signs can be tracked by simply logging into the system and searching for the individual signal.
The only model I see for animals has a 100 foot range according to this PDF, and is still too large to be hidden within anything less than an absolute monster plant. The satellite model appears to be an aircraft transceiver, and is considerably larger and could not be hidden in a plant.

If the device has a transmitting range of less than several miles, then cops would either have to have reasonable suspicion about the destination of the tagged plants and confirm it by entering transmission range when nearing said location, or conduct a grid search in hopes of eventually coming within range.


Im just wonderin,like I said its scuttlebutt........BUT,google microchip plants,Already being used in Cali cuz towns are sick of cactus being stole,There is already a chip that can txt you to tell ya plants dry,Lotsa stuff on it,like I said no doubt the tech exists.:tiphat:

Of those two links, the only one which is interesting is the one which sends text messages when the plant requires water (which might be useful to some people here, I suppose), and it's designed to clip on to leaves rather than be hidden. The other one is simply an embedded rfid chip which responds to a hand-held scanner.

The ability to send an SMS message is very interesting, as it only requires enough range to reach the nearest cell tower. That could certainly be paired with a GPS rather than moisture sensor in order to transmit location, but I haven't yet seen a device actually designed to do so.


True.....so you would agree the technology is there.:tiphat:
I would agree that the individual component technologies are there, certainly. There definitely seems to be potential to do this. It remains to be proven that anyone has already combined them into a single unit small enough to be hidden within a plant, and that law enforcement agencies are actively using it to bust cannabis growers.

It's an interesting subject to be sure, and maybe a little paranoia is called for from our brave peers with guerrilla ops outdoors, but there's a very large divide between saying "it could be done" and saying "this is how people are being busted today". The first is speculation (however fascinating it may be), while the second carries a burden of proof, imo.

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