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Government WILL Ban Guns Soon....

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Tools of the weak become equivalent to the might........man has tried to dominate each other since the dawn of time.......firearms equalled the balance..........Dominance over another human being is a weak trait................fast forward thousands of years...didn't someone awhile back ban smoking.....then guns.....a few other things like try to eliminate a race of people......but hey thats history right.....never repeats itself.

Another side note.....total U.S. firearms numbers are 2.5 billion ....yes billion.....roughly 9 guns per citizen. :blowbubbles:...just saw different #'s, wanted to clarify.


...weapons sales to the world's countries. Warfare dude. The big picture these tools were invented for....as you tell me.

Yup...humans indeed feel the need to dominate. How's that working for us? Are we getting any closer to feeling free, peaceful, and at one with our world? History clearly repeats itself....so? If it was down the wrong path once...twice, thrice...or infinity it does not justify the path. By history repeating....it demonstrates the failure.

Those who need to dominate others...throughout history have written history. To the victors goes the spoils...the winners write the history. I might reconsider that history then. Because man can annihilate his fellow man...does not show any progress at all....I'd not put a drop of faith in that history...or the that man.

We keep promoting this mentality. It keeps failing and turning on us...but it is the way of the world...according to those that participate in perpetuating it.
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Old School Cottonmouth
No they are not and don't be ridiculous. Nobody is even posturing anything. They are too scared to use it as a talking point much less writing up legislation.

After the dems got their ass handed to them the last time they brought up gun control it has become an issue nobody wants to touch.

Just like marijuana law reform, nobody wants to talk about it unless they are about to retire, or are in a position with virtually no power and no elections coming up.

You think Obama would start having his people write up new gun regulations right before an election while the Republicans are frothing at the mouth for anything to rally the vote around? Or that he is stupid enough to think he could do it in the second term as a lame duck?

You are smoking too much pot man. Put the pipe down and let that haze clear until you start seeing reality clearly again.

Nobody important is going to talk about MJ legalization. And nobody important is going to talk about increasing firearm regulations. It just isn't going to happen.


Active member
i think this video will help others understand the philosophy of our country and why gun ownership is important (self-defence).if we can all just agree to disagree in this country,the constitution would be the laws that would be left and its a limitation on government not us.government is just a proxy,to apply force to groups of people or everyone,its seriously the cause of most of the discrimination and hate people have in this country as well as others.it has the monopoly of force so educating people about it would hopfully cause the political change needed.

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a trouble some servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” - George Washington

The (Expanded) Philosophy of Liberty

Adam Kokesh explains the Non-Aggression Principle to Occupy DC attendee


ICMag Donor
...weapons sales to the world's countries. Warfare dude. The big picture these tools were invented for....as you tell me.

Yup...humans indeed feel the need to dominate. How's that working for us? Are we getting any closer to feeling free, peaceful, and at one with our world? History clearly repeats itself....so? If it was down the wrong path once...twice, thrice...or infinity it does not justify the path. By history repeating....it demonstrates the failure.

Those who need to dominate others...throughout history have written history. To the victors goes the spoils...the winners write the history. I might reconsider that history then. Because man can annihilate his fellow man...does not show any progress at all....I'd not put a drop of faith in that history...or the that man.

We keep promoting this mentality. It keeps failing and turning on us...but it is the way of the world...according to those that participate in perpetuating it.

No, that is U.S. civilian ownership.....not for warfare but HOME defense.........humans who desire to dominate others are called politicians :biggrin:.........but yes they are tools(guns and politicians , different meanings).....a very large hammer without ammunition.........is it for offense or defense......that is up to the possessor's mentality.........



my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
^^ i agree with B187

so many don't understand the constitution, and think the govt is supposed to be a game of majority rule... while the mis interpretation of the constitution is where all our countries problems arise from and where the division is our peoples political views lye.

if more people understood the constitution they would see that there is no need for political parties and all they do is interfere by way of fanaticism.

live, let live... and hang those who commit, and are found guilty of crimes against Life, Liberty and Property... and those that choose to respect other's lives, free will and property can for the most part live together peacefully! so I believe :)


No, that is U.S. civilian ownership.....not for warfare but HOME defense.........humans who desire to dominate others are called politicians :biggrin:.........but yes they are tools(guns and politicians , different meanings).....a very large hammer without ammunition.........is it for offense or defense......that is up to the possessor's mentality.........


I'm not in disagreement with you. I like my guns....as I like my chainsaws and my vehicles.

The 2nd amendment is confusing...and written in a much different time. The firearms we are allowed to own now are not the kind that will defend us against any government or any military invasion. The National Guard has replaced state militias....black powder muzzle loaders have been replaced by belt fed machine guns...and many more techno gadgets of death. It's not Red Dawn.

As a responsible gun owner and hunter....I see the differences between people like myself...and people who are only concerned that they are losing their rights to bear arms against tyranny. Those people need to realize that they have already said bye bye to that right...and need to stop acting like it hasn't already happened.

Special licenses to own military weapons is not the same as having access to them. How many people own fully automatic weapons...compared to the average Big 5 bought deer rifle...or even a semi automatic assault weapon? I'd venture to say....not many. Nope...the government has seen to that. I doubt anything we citizens or para military groups own...sparks fear in them...as per plan.

This attitude...all these wanna be patriots...are what gives gun owners a poor image. They froth at the mouth...saying their constitutional rights have been violated....using stupid voice boxes (Ted Nugent comes to mind)....and defending something that is already gone. There is no longer ground to stand on. It has been washed away...long time ago....about the time the Industrial Revolution started.

The government is not going to take away hunting firearms. Hunting firearms is not what most choose to use in mass murder shooting rampage or street violence. They may well go after handguns and assault weapons....to which...even as a gun owner...I could (reluctantly) see their point.

If you are telling me...that you need an AR15 to protect your home...I'll say bullshit. If you can't defend yourself with a shotgun...or dogs...I don't know what to tell you. Must be a crazy neighborhood.

I spent 4yrs..as a grunt 0311 in the Corps....I've heard all the "peace through superior firepower" nonsense. If you are into the military outlook on life...I'm going to chuckle. It's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard....a mentality not worth considering unless you are an 18yr old kid about to taste combat. You're not an 18yr old kid about to taste combat...and neither is the majority of people on this planet.
if anything is gonna be banned it will be done quietly after this next election...the NRA would ruin any election chance if a candidate mentions some bs like banning guns..


ICMag Donor
No special permits for machine guns, Class III etc........same regs as buying a handgun just an additional $200.....:biggrin:...as for militant, no....wouldn't know i owned a gun , let alone grow cannabis.....i dont shoot animals.......and sure as hell dont use my dog as a bulletproof vest.

Since you brought up Red Dawn....was not that long ago that a major player....remember U.S.S.R.............could not take Afghanistan....but hey the Russians were outgunned............No confusion with the 2nd Amendment, SCOTUS ruled June/July 2010.......Where the confusion lies is in the details that nobody bothers to read.......it is more than the right to bear arms...........you cant change history(even though some attempt to rewrite it).

Being a grunt in the military...U.S........you are and forever will be Government Property..........bought and paid for........to be called at any time.



No special permits for machine guns, Class III etc........same regs as buying a handgun just an additional $200.....:biggrin:...as for militant, no....wouldn't know i owned a gun , let alone grow cannabis.....i dont shoot animals.......and sure as hell dont use my dog as a bulletproof vest.

Since you brought up Red Dawn....was not that long ago that a major player....remember U.S.S.R.............could not take Afghanistan....but hey the Russians were outgunned............No confusion with the 2nd Amendment, SCOTUS ruled June/July 2010.......Where the confusion lies is in the details that nobody bothers to read.......it is more than the right to bear arms...........you cant change history(even though some attempt to rewrite it).

Being a grunt in the military...U.S........you are and forever will be Government Property..........bought and paid for........to be called at any time.


Yup gov property. Call me up....no problem...I'll fuck shit up. You've missed (deliberately overlooked) the point. good luck


I'm not in disagreement with you. I like my guns....as I like my chainsaws and my vehicles.

The 2nd amendment is confusing...and written in a much different time. The firearms we are allowed to own now are not the kind that will defend us against any government or any military invasion. The National Guard has replaced state militias....black powder muzzle loaders have been replaced by belt fed machine guns...and many more techno gadgets of death. It's not Red Dawn.

As a responsible gun owner and hunter....I see the differences between people like myself...and people who are only concerned that they are losing their rights to bear arms against tyranny. Those people need to realize that they have already said bye bye to that right...and need to stop acting like it hasn't already happened.

Special licenses to own military weapons is not the same as having access to them. How many people own fully automatic weapons...compared to the average Big 5 bought deer rifle...or even a semi automatic assault weapon? I'd venture to say....not many. Nope...the government has seen to that. I doubt anything we citizens or para military groups own...sparks fear in them...as per plan.

This attitude...all these wanna be patriots...are what gives gun owners a poor image. They froth at the mouth...saying their constitutional rights have been violated....using stupid voice boxes (Ted Nugent comes to mind)....and defending something that is already gone. There is no longer ground to stand on. It has been washed away...long time ago....about the time the Industrial Revolution started.

The government is not going to take away hunting firearms. Hunting firearms is not what most choose to use in mass murder shooting rampage or street violence. They may well go after handguns and assault weapons....to which...even as a gun owner...I could (reluctantly) see their point.

If you are telling me...that you need an AR15 to protect your home...I'll say bullshit. If you can't defend yourself with a shotgun...or dogs...I don't know what to tell you. Must be a crazy neighborhood.

I spent 4yrs..as a grunt 0311 in the Corps....I've heard all the "peace through superior firepower" nonsense. If you are into the military outlook on life...I'm going to chuckle. It's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard....a mentality not worth considering unless you are an 18yr old kid about to taste combat. You're not an 18yr old kid about to taste combat...and neither is the majority of people on this planet.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Sanity it's like water after a long road walk in the sun. The Pablos I'm loading one up for you now.


stoned agin ...
what gets me is when people say, well if everybody was strapped, none of this carnage would have occurred, somebody would have tapped him right away. my picture of the situation would be a bunch of untrained people torching off rounds all over, and a casualty count to make you shake your head.


Well allow me

Well allow me

I agree with you V.G this is one of the longest conversations I've had here without it descending into farce.



Active member
On another note, yet I believe not to get into the consiracy of it, or what it actually is, I reserve my belief to only saying it is not aliens, but more natural than we all can imagine. The arguement is no more if or its not real, the planet X or Nirubu is very real, and is being linked to our earths phenoms of weather earthquakes, and visual sky lights, its even messing with the sun. Whats also a conspiracy is Chemtrails, but I will give everyone this opinion to think on, if it is not weather the govt is effecting by this, then why are they creating clouds in the first place? Well whens the last time you looked up at the sky? So for those that do makes it hard to do when clouds are present.

Why is this important? Well think back to El nino, and ever since then all the govts moves since. D.U.M.B.s, Fema coffin pile ups, large shipment of armored vehicals including tanks being shipped into major citys as of the beginning of this month, check out the video proof on youtube, and even more recently, I have three ppl in three different states saying the military is doing very off the wall never before seen shit, even doing mock drills across the U.S this past week, just so happens some scientist are leaking information of a current cataclismic event coming between aug 17 which alread passed thru sept 26.

Why? Well this plant x, is and has been approaching our solar system for a while now, and its direct path with our orbit has been getting closer, and closer, well they calculated that between this time period this planet is surpose to get so close to earth, and our sun this time round that it will pass within a ten plant earth size distance! Meaning some shit is going to get fucked up, not just here, but globaly! And if you recall since El nino every year has been worse and worse weather seasons, now we are into quakes, and animals in this same period just dieing, and acting like never before.

All these things I say are 100% truth, and can be verified, the only thing here is how one takes this info. I care enough to at least bring it up even if it brings ignorance, name calling, and all the bullshit! I think each one of us needs to look at the situation we are in, our govt is not going to say shit they have failed to do so, but what they are doing just go outside to your nearest base, hell even ride the freeway, bet you will see a convoy will this new color of baige paint not the dessert storm camo, just off baige color. Makes real sense of why we all had clues of their envolvement to a degree of things, now when you look, you see they lead a campain of drama and distracting events to take our attention off this plant and the sky that can be seen on many occations during its orbit, continuously getting closer.

I dont know bout you, it is not something to be affraid of, but to understand really, and start looking up, hell even Jesus said to be on your roof tops, and be sober, notice his signs? Faminine, pestilences, the sun will turn black, and the stars will fall, and the moon will become blood. The Myians known of this period of our time, now we have so much proof the earth is changing on mass record levels, so much so since January this year everyday on the planet has met a great force that flooded, shaken, sink holed, or volcano erruptions! !!!!!!! Please look it up!!!!! tho this one video I post is not alone proof, just a taste of events this year you may have not taken a true notice to the link of the hidden truth from the whole world.


This video should get you on a situation where shit just got real, and it will seem logically the only weapons shot will soon be us against us in a mode for survival, if indeed this thing knocks our world into a downhill unthinkable event. The sounds in this video are made from solar flare radiation entering our atmosphere, radiation is way overlooked right now on our planet, makes ppl, and animals crazy, now take the zombie thing in account, maybe some ppl are already showing signs of radiation poison, or cooking of the brain so to speak from these massive microwaves coming from the sun!

Please more info is much appreciated, and sorry for coming in the thread saying all this, I have many ppl in this thread alone I feel are very logical, and lets say smart, and think opinons of these facts would bring a group together on a major situation, way bigger than MJ, and please NO I am not talking about ALEINS or spaceships, I am talking about looking up at the next clear sky and finding this planet, there is even a video of a sunset on the west like normal, but at the same time the east coast had a sun set from light from this planet, just crazy! God bless, and look forward to input!


Active member
Ever try to point a cop? I have... around here they're f'ng retarded and programmed.

If all guns are banned, only the guy breaking into your house or jacking your car is going to have one... except law enforcement. That won't help you at all.

Guns are for hunting, sport and SELF-DEFENSE! Get one, learn to use it and you'll never have to worry about 'police response time'... if they even show up.

Around here they've had a few folks that disagreed with local law enforcement... when these folks had issues and needed emergency care, the police insisted the scene wasn't 'safe' for medical personnel until after they died. Real nice thought to have if you're depending on local leo to 'protect' you. Hell, they don't even have to 'serve' warrants anymore... just kick in your door and haul you to jail.

Stay SAFE! :blowbubbles:


Ever try to point a cop? I have... around here they're f'ng retarded and programmed.

If all guns are banned, only the guy breaking into your house or jacking your car is going to have one... except law enforcement. That won't help you at all.

Guns are for hunting, sport and SELF-DEFENSE! Get one, learn to use it and you'll never have to worry about 'police response time'... if they even show up.

Around here they've had a few folks that disagreed with local law enforcement... when these folks had issues and needed emergency care, the police insisted the scene wasn't 'safe' for medical personnel until after they died. Real nice thought to have if you're depending on local leo to 'protect' you. Hell, they don't even have to 'serve' warrants anymore... just kick in your door and haul you to jail.

Stay SAFE! :blowbubbles:

No doubt...you must protect yourself. I don't know how to dial 911. It's automatic these days...if there is a problem...people are conditioned to dial for help. Nope...that's not where my mentality is. Self reliance is a dying trait in the States. 12 gauge shotguns..with a proper shell...will blow someone in 1/2....point and squeeze...bye bye
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