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Gotta make up $300 this Mon and Tues... Any ideas?


Active member

Due to incompetence at the place I work, I'll not be working Monday and Tuesday of this week.

I need to make up the $300 I'm going to lose in salary and tips.

I live at 10,000 feet in the mountains in a small town... it took a while to get "this" job and it's only for the summer.

Birth defect prevents overhead work and heavy physical labor but I can work hard for a few days and 'lump' it for the next few weeks of pain if need be. (done it before, don't see it not happening in the future. lol)

I have a huge variety of job skills and knowlege and learn quickly. Just kinda caught flat-footed at the moment.

Any ideas? :) :thank you:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Damn too many took my 1st idea, ok 2nd idea; male 900 operator, just talk nasty to closet homosexuals, prolly make that in one night...have fun bro!


Andinismo Hierbatero
cleaning private houses. you can do four in two days, 4-5 hours in each house. prolly will get more than 300$ total too.


Hold a party. If you know enough people(if there is enough people in your village to start with) then basically invite everyone to your house. Promise free booze and food but ask like 5 $ per face to get in. Then buy the cheapest food and liqour. Easy to make 300$ with one night like this. Or another way is hold a poker game. Get one or two of your friends to play along with you. Serve some beer and basically scam money from the other poker players that way :D Best is to combine the two ideas.
If you had any money you could find something to buy cheap and sell high, but I'm guessing thats not the case.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
You don't have any stash ya could sell ? a Z of good stuff would make that 300 here in about 5 seconds .

just sayin .... some aren't into the sale part of this hobby but it can get ya out of the hole quick if needed :)


Active member
Sorry, no stash to sell. Never was that kinda grower.

Anyway... if I ever sold my own crops, I'd have to go big. Nobody else grows as clean as I do... that I know of around here anyway. Wouldn't be able to keep it or replace it, it'd go so fast.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Registered User
Try hustling at the local golf course... if that fails, hock the clubs for the role ul need at casino... poker if ya have patience, blackjack if need it quick... if that fails, then scratch it's... but I'm broke as shit so...


ICMag Donor
Sell anything not essential to eating and having a roof via craigslist.

Be surprised what you don't "need". I sold my bed last year to keep electricity on. Still alive - no rotting food in the fridge...back gets sore from time to time, but carpet isn't really hard - compared to concrete under a bridge.

Do what you must - remain thankful.



Active member
Sell anything not essential to eating and having a roof via craigslist.
I live minimally... don't have anything to sell. LOL

Be surprised what you don't "need". I sold my bed last year to keep electricity on. Still alive - no rotting food in the fridge...back gets sore from time to time, but carpet isn't really hard - compared to concrete under a bridge.

Do what you must - remain thankful.


My wife and I have lost "everything" several times now. No bed, we've been sleeping on the floor for 2 years now. LOL Carpet is not bad at all. I can hear/feel anything on the subfloor though (and that includes stomping around in the next unit. LOL)

I hear ya ;)

Good News!

The wife got another job that will most likely fill the gap and allow me to quit. The thought of being able to take care of my daughter and have the time to make Miso and Tempeh on a regular basis again? Oh yeah! :woohoo: Amazing, considering how few jobs there are up here. Wow.

Thanks again for all the responses.... it's been great! :cathug:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Bro why in the fuck arent you out there blowing up a warehouse somewhere to put food on the table for your family?? Fuck a job, and fuck a boss. You got the resources at your fingertips right here to make your own job! The kind of job where $300 is chump change! Get after it playa... :bashhead:


Active member
Got my reasons.

Would, if I didn't have them, but thanks just the same. :)

Perhaps one day soon, eh?

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles: