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Gotta Love a Freak, SourBubble That is :-)



Here ya go Blaner , This one grew outta the seed just like yours and I'm gonna make some seeds and hope to find a few in them like this one . I'm not much of a seed breeder and I do get lucky most of the time but doubt it will carry over but it would be cool .Sorry they look a bit droopy they were in the dark period .

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Well-known member
I gotta SB BX1 from steele 'bout a couple inches tall that has two shoots almost even in length as if it was topped this youngin' is only a couple weeks old never encountered anything of this nature before how 'bout any of yall ? This was the only taker outa four i sprouted so im hopin for something special i can keep as a mama an run the 'ish outa her .......


Ali did you scuff them because if not they have a rough time coming outta the shell

Guest 16149

Yeah I did not scuff mine and 1 did not pop and two came up just a stem, no beginner leaves at all just a stem, got about an inch tall and then died, I think it was because they had to fight so hard to get outta the shell, I gotta start scuffing :)


Yeah Blaner I used a finger nail file and did both edges and I think all popped maybe 1 didn't LOL I can't keep track sometimes

Guest 16149

Yeah I did not read Steele's post about scuffing them till just a couple of days ago :)
Cannot believe I missed that :)
Ah well, Live and Learn, as long as you Live thru it and Learn :)


outa the four i popped I have one of which its second set of true leaves only came out with single fingers and then it just stopped growing up. it is basically splitting into two tops now. Ill post pics.


Lookin mighty healthy there Blaner . Not sure if I have covered this but tha SB is a huge light hog , so tha more provided , tha better yer return will be . How long you gonna veg 'em , B ? Just be mindful of tha "tall" pheno , tha thing just don't stop growin' but puts out nice Bubba nugs .....


Guest 16149

As soon as I get some clones off of them I will put them in flower, maybe another week or two. Will probably start half(4) of them and wait a week or two and put the second half into flower.
Thanks for looking in and your kind comments :)

Guest 16149

I have taken clones from 3 of them and now put them into flower, so SB 5, 7, and 8 are the first ones into the flower room :) I chose these ones first as I thought they had the most male like structures and growth.




Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Gotta love those babies, SB was great smoke, was a tester for many of BOG's creations...

Those are from´04, bx1... that was one helluva mother but a pita to clone, thats what killed her...

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Too bad I didnt keep any seeds, gave all my LSD, Bogglegum, SB bx1/2/3 etc. away when BOG started egotrippin lol...should have saved them...

Guest 16149

Ok here's where I am at, I ruthlessly executed 6 of the plants, they grew balls like SB6, looked bushy as hell

But then the Nuts appeared

But am happy to report I still have 2 females, SB2 and SB3 :)




Active member
Hey Doobie, looking good bro. It's a bummer that you got 6 males but I just know those 2 ladies are gonna produce some killer smoke. Take care. :wave:

Guest 16149

Thanks Piff,
just glad I got 2, that's all I need :) Hope all is well for you buddy :)


Blaner , good shit , judging from tha pics , yer #2 girl looks like a DMT . Still a bit early to fully confirm , but tha twisting , sharp leaves are characteristic . Please , make sure that tha SB gets plenty of light , as they are extremely hungry for it . Look forward to seein' what they bring yas , Blaner .

Be well ,

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