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Got robbed, fuck my life

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i think we have to separate the situations, if you are threatened in your house or stopping some one breaking in, it's one thing. if on the other hand the rippers are in your garden chopping down plants, it's another situation all together. as long as they are in your garden fucking with your plants, you better not use lethal force, else you'll be going to prison for a long time. if they are trying to get in the house with you there, only then can you talk about self defense imo.

Exactly, thanks for summing things up. Would only use deadly defense if my life was in danger, not my plants life.


Back in the day, water melon farmers kept a shotgun loaded with rock salt for those night time intruders. You could hear it hitting all around and was a real hurry up and leave situation...grab one melon and flee! Of course the house was a good ways from the field. Tended to make kids not want to go back there again also. If they did get you close, it could likely be picked out at the emergency room and the cops would be by to question how you got it...


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Sorry to here ob shit got me sick right now I'm in a similar boat got ripped bad nov then again in march then last night I get to the spot to find shit missin.... Sometimes it seems like right when ya gettin ahead of things there's some scum pos comes and fucks u up all over again... Anyone who steals shou
D die I would have no prob puttin holes in Neone I see snooping around thieves are the lowest of the low along with snitches both need to be put under.....hope u recover and get a new safe spot ..... U got skills mang only thing keepin me goin is the fact that ifi stop I'm notgonna get nethang back... Keep ya head up bro ... Best wishess


Active member
Back in the day, water melon farmers kept a shotgun loaded with rock salt for those night time intruders

Non lethal & it hurts like hell . I shot a Pikey in the arse at 30yds with a 12g rock-salt cartridge once , never heard someone sqeal so loud . Cured the problem of them entering my grounds on the thieve & the bastards hitched the caravans & moved on soon after .

Nice pic of the Guinea fowl & yes they are exellant guards , in the UK they are often kept alongside Pheasants as an alarm against poachers , they also taste better than Peacock .


ICMag Donor
Pikey = Thug...........The rock salt trick is what you need.........back in the fifties the old man took it to the ass for stealing vegetables from a farmer over in Niles........cured him of ever thinking to do that again......................have to sit in water to make it dissolve..............which is more painful than taking the initial shot.

Good Luck & stay safe



Active member

Then There's Chavs...

Here in the US, you have the Crust Punks...


Active member
A Pikey is no different to a Romanian gypsy , they are born to steal & lie from birth in any way they can , pile tons of waste on their sites then bugger off when people start to get angry with them .
Zen Master was being extremely polite in his explanation .
Crust Punks ? gotta be a breed of their own .


Active member
Pikey = Thug...........The rock salt trick is what you need.........back in the fifties the old man took it to the ass for stealing vegetables from a farmer over in Niles........cured him of ever thinking to do that again......................have to sit in water to make it dissolve..............which is more painful than taking the initial shot.

Good Luck & stay safe


Hello all,
Yup, have to soak in a tub, and it hurts.

As a young teen I learned the lesson of rock salt in an up front and personal way. After that the watermelon did not seem so important.

But I think firing the rock salt out of a firearm is the same as if it were shot. And is assualt with a deadly weapon if matters came to that. Though I could be wrong on that so Google it.

I am inclined to use bear mace and if necessary a ball bat.



Or a wigger..those pictures dont come CLOSE to resembling a real U.S or South American thug..what a joke..


Hi OrganicBuds

I hope you are feeling better.

At least the Giants are kicking ass. Looks like you guys are gonna take the NL West, even without Cabrera.


weed fiend
I've got terrible timing, Organic Buds. I just complimented your grow pics in your den. Sorry to hear about the bad news.

I'd like to snare rippers in the act but I'd probably do something stupid with em.


Active member
this is why.

A) people grow indoors.

B) grow in multiple locations.

so some fuckheads stole your grow, lesson learnt, winter spent learning everything you can.

next year, awesome.


Active member
and you didnt get robbed . you got ripped off. big difference. superman has never been robbed or ripped altho a few have attempted.


Active member
this is why.

A) people grow indoors.

B) grow in multiple locations.

so some fuckheads stole your grow, lesson learnt, winter spent learning everything you can.

next year, awesome.
c) are really crazy and have a badass dog .local people figure a few plants aint worth serious bodily harm or worse. lol and i agree with a and b too. if you come over my walls or fences i will assume you are armed and so wont my dog.she does laps all day and its only seconds till she can get your ass.whats mine is mine and i am willing to defend it at any cost. its a matter of principal.
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